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cyd, Sunday, Dec 17 2017, 6:48pm
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zed, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 10:39pm
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Nearly 20 State AGs to Sue FCC for Putting Corporate Profits Over Consumers
Jake Johnson via claire, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 10:04pm
Adding to the growing backlash among the public and members of Congress against the FCC's party-line vote on Thursday to repeal net neutrality protections, nearly 20 state attorneys general have lined up to sue the FCC, calling the Republican-controlled agency's move a violation of the law and a serious "threat to the free exchange of ideas."
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The Single Dynamic of all US Politics
jake, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 9:10pm
The image below says it all, money and more money not only determines political outcomes in the USA, it determines policies, ensuring of course that giant corporations/banks/media continue to reap the highest percentage of available wealth while average people are sent to needless wars for the profit of the FEW and are forced to eat shit at home while unrepresentative others live high on the hog. (story and 1 image)
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“Knowledge is Power,” and that is Precisely Why the FCC is Attempting to Choke/Censor the Internet
justin, Friday, Dec 15 2017, 7:06pm
Any attempt by a government self-styled ‘authority’ to interfere with the free flow of information on any medium is an enemy of the people, a self-evident Truth. It is the duty of every freedom loving, responsible citizen to oppose all such attempts to stifle free speech and opposing views no matter how bizarre, people are intelligent enough to filter codswallop and crap for themselves, and yes, even whackos like Alex Jones and 'lizards rule the world,' David Ike, should be allowed to have their demented say. Real knowledge is power indeed, not the crap/propaganda that is disseminated by the lying, CFR directed, mass media, owned by vested interests.
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The FCC officially votes to kill net neutrality
Devin Coldewey via gail, Friday, Dec 15 2017, 4:56am
Despite overwhelming opposition from Congress, technical experts, advocacy organizations and, of course, the American people, the FCC has voted to eliminate 2015’s Open Internet Order and the net neutrality protections it established.
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Merry Privacy Devoid Xmas -- The Surveillance State on Steroids
John W. Whitehead via jane, Thursday, Dec 14 2017, 10:28pm
"Section 702 gives the government access to the very content of your conversations (phone calls, text messages, video chats), your photographs, your emails. As Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., warned, “This is not just who you send it to, but what’s in it.”
This reach on citizens without the need of warrants is clearly over the top; however, as has been known from generation to generation, freedom is never bestowed, it is won from bitter and hard fought struggle, history is my witness. So is a slave fit for his/her chains or is America really free? A rhetorical question, as America is clearly a nation of spineless SLAVES, today's Big Brother REALITY is my witness!
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The Media, Friend or Foe?
lex, Wednesday, Dec 13 2017, 8:52pm
The mass media today, which includes large IT players such as Google and Facebook, has veered dramatically from its ideal, IMPARTIALITY. In fact bias is the order of the day to the point of overt censorship of the free flow of information -- attempts to eliminate internet neutrality for instance. Vested interests -- primarily the CFR -- have harnessed the mass media in order to steer and shape public opinion/consciousness. The corporate private interests that own it outright of course utilise it to further their own private interests, which is to be expected if no mitigating factors exist.
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Falling like Snow ...
nadine, Tuesday, Dec 12 2017, 9:04am
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What is Truth? fait accompli, Pilate the Post Modernist
jude, Monday, Dec 11 2017, 11:08pm
One of the most amusing or profound, depending on your pov, incidents in the New Testament is Pilate’s questioning of Jesus at his trial. Pilate plainly wins out on the matter of Truth, as his now famous question is also the answer; that is why he didn’t wait for Jesus to respond, he declared him innocent. It (what is truth?) was a fait accompli in Pilate’s mind. However, the Jews would have their way, the rest is fiction or history for believers, notwithstanding that everything is a constructed fiction according to Post Modernists -- Pilate’s point -- that believe that the decoder/interpreter creates reality, though an entirely subjective ‘reality,’ which of course reduces objectivity to subjective self-deception.
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Legendary Internet Creators Demand FCC Cancel Attack on Net Neutrality
Jake Johnson via tim, Monday, Dec 11 2017, 8:35pm
More than 20 internet founders and industry leaders wrote an open letter warning FCC plan to kill net neutrality poses "imminent threat" to the web.
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New World Disorder – The Next 20 Years: Hope or Despair?
Graham Vanbergen via james, Monday, Dec 11 2017, 7:18am
There is no doubt that the world is facing a wave of unprecedented uncertainties from political and civil unrest, conflict and terrorism to seemingly never-ending financial turmoil, climate change, the struggle for resources and disruptive technologies. Like it or not, no matter where we are, we are living in a new world disorder. (story and 1 image)
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The SHOCK of the STUPID and Divorced from Reality
pat, Sunday, Dec 10 2017, 9:28pm
Prior to Trump the only leaders that made absurd outlandish divorced from reality remarks were the leaders of North Korea, though as we know, most of those claims and remarks were ignored due to their implausibility and ‘out-there’ nature. However, when a US president engages in ridiculous claims, lies, morbid sensitivity and ‘out-there’ language, the effect is shock as people expect those ‘keepers' surrounding the president to explain things and moderate any pathological, volatile irrational outbursts -- but as the world is aware, no such moderation exists in relation to Trump. Trump, though completely enslaved by the deep state, is allowed to take the prize for the world’s leading imbecile leader, the deep state knows he has no effect whatsoever on their agenda and plans. But what of the rest of the world? (story and 1 image)
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claire, Sunday, Dec 10 2017, 6:07am
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Yankee GO HOME: Saudi/US Proxy forces -- IS, Nusra, al-Qaeda and the rest -- Roundly Defeated ..
cyd, Saturday, Dec 9 2017, 10:12pm
The USA has never had ANY legal basis (uninvited by the sovereign Syrian government) to occupy Syria and conduct combat operations, the feeble UN excuse notwithstanding. However, with the total defeat of ALL US/Saudi proxy fighters, America is now legally considered a HOSTILE occupation force and as such would pay the price, that is, DIE if you remain illegally in Syria and Iraq. As Bob Dylan once sang, ‘It’s all over now baby [red, white and] blue.’
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zed, Saturday, Dec 9 2017, 10:01am
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Pointing the Finger or Taking Responsibility
jaxie, Friday, Dec 8 2017, 10:36pm
Indeed, laying blame is always easier than taking responsibility which involves remedial ACTION. I am always struck by how the American media leads the population in the blame game. It’s Trump’s fault, or the Russians or North Korea's, whoever/whatever but never our fault! The point is Americans have one of the safest Constitutions in the world yet the PEOPLE ignore or avoid THEIR responsibility to remove any president/government that has proven destructive to the nation, and surely, among other past administrations, errant and shallow thinking buffoon Trump is a prime example of a destructive incompetent dumb president that is ruining the nation as I write this piece.
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Corporate Power and Big Banks Have Killed Democracy
Richard Moser via gail, Friday, Dec 8 2017, 8:29pm
The rise of Corporate Power was the fall of democracy. Over the long haul, US politics has revolved around a deep tension between democracy and an unrelenting drive for plunder, power and empire. Granted that our democracy has been seriously flawed and only rarely revolutionary, yet the democratic movements are the source of every good thing America has ever stood for.
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The US Deep State 'Hiding' in Plain Sight
jill, Thursday, Dec 7 2017, 7:35pm
Yet another expose' of the REAL ruling authority in the US. It should become obvious to all that presidents are merely salad dressing, regardless of Party, once installed they ALL serve the deep state, plain to SEE!
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Provocative to the Extreme -- Trump Accedes to Netanyahu’s Demand on Jerusalem
dan, Wednesday, Dec 6 2017, 11:20pm
Declaring Jerusalem capital of Israel is probably the most provocative action imbecile, puppet Trump has taken to date, the rest has been mostly hot lunatic air. Jerusalem is the home/centre of three religions, two major, Islam and Christianity, and one minor, Judaism, based on numbers. So what does Trump do? Allow the minor player to own outright, a city that really belongs to the world -- are you reading this, useless, lackey, UN clowns? The UN would clearly be responsible for the certain conflicts that arise from this illegal and explosive declaration. (story and 1 image)
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