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Anti-Russia Think Tanks -- Who Funds the US Propaganda Machine?
Bryan MacDonald via gus, Thursday, Feb 8 2018, 8:22pm
It should be noted that the Atlantic Council, listed in the following article, has been exposed as a major player behind the 'Propornot' web site which resulted in massive censorship of alternative news web sites, particularly by CIA supported Google and Facebook.
There is always a background story behind presented stories in the mass media. In this case revealing a sinister plot to background, if not entirely eliminate, dissenting voices on the Internet, which was the last democratic medium for the FREE flow of information before net neutrality was quashed.
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As Endless Wars Rage, 'Aspiring Dictator' Trump Orders Massive Military Parade
Jake Johnson via jaxie, Wednesday, Feb 7 2018, 10:36pm
"He wants thousands of soldiers to publicly salute him, as he recklessly sends them off to escalate wars from Afghanistan to Syria and start new conflicts with North Korea and Iran." Indeed, the most outstanding symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is the pathological need for Adulation, and so goesTrump, the dangerous, sicko president. (story and 2 images)
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Who in their Right Mind Voted for Nuclear War?
jack, Wednesday, Feb 7 2018, 9:29pm
America’s new nuclear weapons policy has rightly alarmed the WORLD. Instead of decreasing the chances of a nuclear holocaust America and its neocon lunatics in Washington have increased it to critical mass level -- the doomsday clock, recently moved to 2 minutes to midnight, now reflects that INSANITY for ALL to SEE.
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Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Responses to Non-Nuclear Attacks
Marjorie Cohn via dee, Tuesday, Feb 6 2018, 10:50pm
Amid the media frenzy surrounding the Nunes-Trump memo, the Pentagon officially released its 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) last week. The NPR calls for the development of leaner, meaner nuclear weapons and lowers the threshold for the use of nukes. Donald Trump must be thrilled. During the presidential campaign, he questioned a senior foreign policy adviser about nuclear weapons three times during a briefing, asking, "If we have them why can't we use them?" (story and 2 images)
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The Wisdom of Idiots: A Brief Sufi Morality Tale
Cesar Chelala via cyd, Tuesday, Feb 6 2018, 9:29pm
Idries Shah was a teacher in the Sufi tradition whose seminal work was The Sufis. He presented Sufism as a universal form of wisdom that predated Islam. In his writings, he frequently used teaching stories and humor to transmit this philosophy. His stories contained multiple layers of meaning and were written with the idea that they could trigger insight and self-reflection in the reader.
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Why Allow a Mindless Appendage to Rule One’s Life?
lex, Tuesday, Feb 6 2018, 6:51pm
The title suggests a male perspective though this piece indirectly refers to Michel Foucault’s latest publication, his final book on sexuality, completed by the highly esteemed homosexual academic, now deceased, 34 years past! (story and 1 image)
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Former Google, Facebook employees step up battle against tech addiction
Levi Sumagaysay via jill, Monday, Feb 5 2018, 6:51pm
Former Google and Facebook employees — and early investors — are launching a campaign to warn people about the dangers of the technology they helped create.
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Nose Dive Politics in Australia
darcy, Sunday, Feb 4 2018, 11:30pm
People have contacted this Australian site asking why we do not cover Australian politics to the extent we cover international politics; well the answer is simple, both major Australian political parties serve Washington, in fact after Gillard’s treasonous move to allow US military forces the use of all SOVEREIGN Australia’s ports, airfields and anything else, ‘big daddy’ cares to utilise, Australia has become in essence a vassal state of the USA, and primary nuclear target in the event of a US provoked war. Australia is currently occupied by a PERMANENT US military presence, for Christ’s sake -- unheard of in peace time!
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OECD Economist Warns -- Global Financial System is the ‘Most Stretched Since 2008’
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard via claire, Sunday, Feb 4 2018, 9:46pm
The world financial system is as dangerously stretched today as it was at the peak of the last bubble but this time the authorities are caught in a ‘policy trap’ with few defences left, a veteran central banker has warned.
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Washington's Ominous Credibility Implosion
Finian Cunningham via jaxie, Sunday, Feb 4 2018, 9:16pm
All statecraft and politics is notoriously deceptive and duplicitous to a degree. It’s part of the Machiavellian game and even at times, arguably, can be paradoxically key to success for good outcomes.
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Syria Madhouse -- US Illegal Policy to remain makes it Crazier
Eric Margolis via jane, Sunday, Feb 4 2018, 8:54pm
Last summer, I was positioned just across the border from the Syrian town of Afrin around which Turkish and Kurdish and, possibly, American forces, are now poised for a head-on clash. It seems crazy to me that anyone would want to fight over this one-donkey farm town. We were there on a mission to rescue wild animals trapped in a zoo in war-torn Aleppo, Syria.
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rayn, Saturday, Feb 3 2018, 10:46pm
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Aussies Voted For These Sociopaths
Jim Dowling via baz, Saturday, Feb 3 2018, 11:19am
I walked into the kitchen the other day only to hear our illustrious defence industries minister Christopher Pyne on the radio answering a question relating to the recent horrific suicide bombing in Kabul which left 100 dead and 250 wounded. (story and 2 images)
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Full "Nunes Memo" Formally Released
Rep. Devin Nunes via jack, Friday, Feb 2 2018, 11:37pm
Many analysts describe the hysteria surrounding this memo as a massive distraction -- there is nothing new about FBI, CIA and NSA criminality; see this recent post. We should never lose sight of the broader picture that these agencies serve deep state and criminal elite interests NOT the nation or people -- that is the REAL STORY behind the specifics of the memo, which memo, like a (media) cobra, has almost everyone fascinated at the expense of seeing the larger conspiracy. (story and 1 attached file)
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Fake News -- the Life Blood of the Mass Media
jay, Friday, Feb 2 2018, 2:36am
America does not have a mass media anymore, what was left of it died in the 70's and 80's; today it has a propaganda apparatus which includes, radio, television, Hollywood movies etc. All of which outlets serve the State by spewing propaganda and fantasy 24/7, which messages the vast majority of Americans continue to believe and live by. Regardless of how many of these fabricated stories are exposed as false, Americans continue to consume this sewage daily, which is also saturated with sexual titillation, myths of America's "greatness" and other feel good fiction stories to make the duped herd feel good about their lot as slaves and nose-ringed, expendable, resource animals.
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American Regulatory and Intel Agencies Rotten to the Core
Ted Snider via cyd, Thursday, Feb 1 2018, 8:26pm
Indeed, as the following story and history verifies, FBI, CIA and NSA crimes against the NATION/people are plentiful, particularly destroying evidence that could compromise their fellow criminals in high places, if not the entire cancerous deep state itself.
Meanwhile, these nefarious agencies think nothing of invading the privacy and monitoring innocent CITIZENS, all of which information remains on record; now note the lame NSA excuse -- deleted to “free-up space.” Pathetic and laughable as the days of 10mg hard drives and floppy discs are long gone, notwithstanding that 'space' has never been an issue for these agencies at the time of the intentional deletions -- who are these CRIMINAL clowns trying to kid?
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China's Long Profitable Digital March
Pepe Escobar via gus, Thursday, Feb 1 2018, 1:32am
China's strongest weapon is business, pure and simple. It's a winner as any half-brain could determine. But for American quarter-brains it needs to be explained. Business is mutually beneficial the way China plays it with foreign nations everyone wins/benefits though of course China ensures it comes out on top, which is not begrudged by the nations it does business with. Why? Simply due to the fact that other nations profit in many ways, infrastructure programs and economic development. Now compare to America's foreign policies/relations which reduces to lies, war, exploitation and self-interest and you have a losing formula, plain to see.
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US Now Surpasses Cayman Islands to Become Second Largest Tax Haven on Earth
Julia Conley via julie, Wednesday, Jan 31 2018, 12:52am
"This is not a ranking in which the U.S. wants to be number one or even number two. We have one of the strongest economies and one of the most secret. It's a perfect recipe for attracting the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion." (story and 1 image)
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AFP lost hundreds of National Security files
Ashlynne McGhee and Michael McKinnon via james, Tuesday, Jan 30 2018, 9:11pm
Australia is part of the "five eyes" network of spying nations which were formed primarily by the NSA so host nations could spy on local populations without the need of warrants and to circumvent local laws; it is/was illegal for US agencies, for instance, to spy on Americans, so in order for agencies to circumvent local laws they spied from other compliant nations, a despicable dirty trick to say the least. (story and 1 image)
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Evangelical Christian and U.S. VP Mike Pence Spits in the Eye of Judaism
Amit Gvaryahu via jude, Monday, Jan 29 2018, 6:11pm
The author has done an excellent job of analysing Pence's recent speech in Jerusalem. The author analysed the secondary layer discourse, which most often transmits the real message, usually subliminally, as the focus of the conscious mind is on the primary layer discourse. The REAL: message is an eye-opener and should be a shock to all Jews as it denigrates their faith, or at best places it in a subservient relationship with Christianity. (story and 1 image)
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