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text The Downward Spiral Paul Edwards via darcy, Thursday, Mar 1 2018, 12:07am
When empires begin to die, their public acts--in sharp contrast to the ponderous, stately sobriety of their behavior while ascendant--tend to be marked by odd and pathetic eruptions of idiocy, bathos and mania.
international / prose / post

china_us_flags.jpg image Why China Is Running Circles Around America Ellen Brown via gail, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:52pm
“One Belt, One Road,” China’s $1 trillion infrastructure initiative, is a massive undertaking involving highways, pipelines, transmission lines, ports, power stations, fiber optics and railroads connecting China to Central Asia, Europe and Africa. According to Dan Slane, a former adviser in President Trump’s transition team, “It is the largest infrastructure project initiated by one nation in the history of the world and is designed to enable China to become the dominant economic power in the world.” In a Jan. 29 article titled “Trump’s Plan a Recipe for Failure, Former Infrastructure Advisor Says,” he added, “If we don’t get our act together very soon, we should all be brushing up on our Mandarin.” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Why One War When We Can Have Two? Eric Margolis via cyd, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:24pm
`We will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists, but great-power competition – not terrorism – is now the primary focus of US national security.’ Henceforth Russia and China will be America’s main enemies, with Iran and North Korea thrown in for good measure.
international / prose / post

text Korean Peace Terrifies War Mongering Washington Tony Cartalucci via gus, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:17pm
North Korea has been depicted by the Western media as a dangerous rogue state, plotting the nuclear holocaust of America and holding global peace and stability hostage with its irrational aggression. It is the supposed threat North Korea poses to the world that the United States uses to justify its enduring decades-long military presence on the Korean Peninsula.
international / prose / post

text The Corporate Tax Cuts Produce More Jobs, MYTH darcy, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 12:01am
One of Australia’s big four banks, NAB, released its latest profit report -- the big banks own the game so they always win. The new published profit increase was immediately followed by the shedding of four to six thousand jobs, so much for increased monies producing jobs, and this behaviour applies to all large corporations, as is evident with a modicum of research.
international / prose / post

text An-other Day stylus, Monday, Feb 26 2018, 11:12pm
international / poetry / post

text Silk Ears quill, Monday, Feb 26 2018, 11:09pm
international / poetry / post

text Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria Marjorie Cohn via jaxie, Sunday, Feb 25 2018, 10:00pm
Pressure is mounting as the Trump administration continues to refuse to reveal its legal justification for bombing Syria in April 2017, despite increased scrutiny from Democratic senators and a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
international / prose / post

text Living in his own private 'New England,' Barnaby Joyce Finally Resigns baz, Friday, Feb 23 2018, 3:51am
Joyce's forced decision was very late, too late to minimise damage to the Nationals and the Liberals. Had Joyce done the obvious and honourable thing and resigned early the conservatives would have fared much better indeed, but Joyce, forever the selfish child, as his absurd philandering behaviour indicates, unnecessarily damaged the brand of the conservatives, which damage would stick in the back of voters' minds for a considerable period.
international / prose / post

text Fight to Save Net Neutrality Jake Johnson via jane, Friday, Feb 23 2018, 3:26am
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai's net neutrality repeal plan was finally published in the Federal Register on Thursday, but that doesn't mean net neutrality is officially dead—in fact, as open internet defenders quickly observed in response to the news, the fight to save the web from the Republican-controlled FCC is just beginning.
international / prose / post

text American Electoral Meddling for Empire: The CIA Comes Clean Binoy Kampmark via shirl, Thursday, Feb 22 2018, 10:34pm
Electoral meddling has become the gruel of US politics for months, and more servings are being promised in the wake of the indictments against 16 Russians and Russian entities dished out Robert Mueller last week. Such actions can, when taken in isolation, seem sensible. Righteous indignation can be channeled appropriately, and given the suitable icing of exceptionalism.
international / prose / post

text The Coming Wars to End All Wars Edward Curtin via sal, Thursday, Feb 22 2018, 10:26pm
The Trump and Netanyahu governments have a problem: How to start a greatly expanded Middle-Eastern war without having a justifiable reason for one. No doubt they are working hard to solve this urgent problem. If they can’t find a “justification” (which they can’t), they will have to create one (which they will). Or perhaps they will find what they have already created. Whatever the solution, we should feel confident that they are not sitting on their hands. History teaches those who care to learn that when aggressors place a gun on the wall in the first act of their play, it must go off in the final act.
international / prose / post

text A Day rayn, Thursday, Feb 22 2018, 3:10am
international / poetry / post

text Turn Around dee, Wednesday, Feb 21 2018, 1:08am
international / poetry / post

text Sensing rae, Tuesday, Feb 20 2018, 9:02pm
international / poetry / post

text Books and Words lex, Monday, Feb 19 2018, 9:26am
international / poetry / post

Stan Grant image Stan Grant, Aboriginal TV host (ABC) and attempted Journalist Tries to Write on Joyce james, Monday, Feb 19 2018, 4:22am
Stan Grant begins his ‘journalistic’ piece with “what to do about Barnaby Joyce, ... a wicked problem,” for the government -- implied. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Forget it! claire, Sunday, Feb 18 2018, 9:57pm
There is no “We the People ...,” perhaps there never was, but what is starkly evident today is that the USA is ruled by non-representative forces that use presidents as puppets and governments as toys.
international / prose / post

text A New and Effective Model for Workers Rights darcy, Sunday, Feb 18 2018, 3:53pm
One need not split hairs over the causes of chaos, instability and destruction in the world today. The cause is as obvious as dog’s balls. Avaricious pigs rule the world, plain to see.
international / prose / post

John Winthrop, self-righteous, intolerant bigot and religious fanatic image American History for Truthdiggers: Roots in Religious Zealotry Maj. Danny Sjursen via jill, Sunday, Feb 18 2018, 2:27am
Truthdig editor’s note: The past is prologue. The stories we tell about ourselves and our forebears inform the sort of country we think we are and help determine public policy. As our current president promises to “Make America great again,” this moment is an appropriate time to reconsider our past, look back at various eras of United States history and re-evaluate America’s origins. When, exactly, were we “great”? (story and 1 image)
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