"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting" -- George Orwell
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As clearly outlined and recorded -- Unprovoked Strike Against Syria Illegal
International Lawyers, Sunday, Apr 15 2018, 1:01am
In this statement released Wednesday, a group of international law experts warn that a U.S. military strike on Syria would be illegal if not in self-defense or with U.N. Security Council authorization. But what do murdering rogue nations care for the law?
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The US, UK and France Attack Syria
james, Saturday, Apr 14 2018, 2:37am
It has been confirmed worldwide that the USA, France and UK have launched an ILLEGAL attack on Syria. This particular coalition of willing criminals are banking on the fact that Putin is a KNOWN coward and caves when confronted with violence, notwithstanding he HABITUALLY also abandons his allies when they are attacked. (story and 3 images)
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jill, Saturday, Apr 14 2018, 1:34am
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The Semiotics of Wrestling Minotaurs
rayn, Thursday, Apr 12 2018, 12:49am
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Wars Put Simply
jude, Wednesday, Apr 11 2018, 2:42am
It is known that the masses abhor wars as it is they that pay the price for ill-considered aggressive policies of corrupt, incompetent and completely owned by powerful interests, governments, which plunge millions of people into DEADLY conflict.
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How China and the U.S. Are Spawning a Global Rivalry On the Seas
Prof. Alfred W. McCoy via claire, Tuesday, Apr 10 2018, 3:09am
Amid the intense coverage of Russian cyber-maneuvering and North Korean missile threats, another kind of great-power rivalry has been playing out quietly in the Indian and Pacific oceans. The U.S. and Chinese navies have been repositioning warships and establishing naval bases as if they were so many pawns on a geopolitical chessboard. To some it might seem curious, even quaint, that gunboats and naval bastions, once emblematic of the Victorian age, remain even remotely relevant in our own era of cyber-threats and space warfare.
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People Stop Wars NOT Governments
james, Tuesday, Apr 10 2018, 2:24am
The modern era is noted for wars based on lies, (Iraq, Afghanistan) false flag incidents (Vietnam, Syria) and pretexts (Libya) all of which wars were/are based on criminal DECEPTION.
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The Last War
Tyler Durden via jane, Monday, Apr 9 2018, 1:58am
The fallout from the Salisbury nerve agent attack reminds us of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the most immediate catalyst - of many parallel narrative and sequences of events - that ultimately resulted in World War I. We are not alone in this reasoning, as one high-level retired Russian general warns the Salisbury poisoning could lead to the “last war in the history of mankind.”
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lex, Monday, Apr 9 2018, 1:27am
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As Expected -- False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria
justin, Sunday, Apr 8 2018, 3:30am
We can thank buffoon Boris Johnson for blowing it regarding the 'poisoning' and subsequent clearly orchestrated (by Washington) propaganda exercise blaming Russia for the alleged attack on a Russian double agent and his daughter. So what do we see today?
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It Seems Russia DIDN'T do it!
Finian Cunningham via gus, Sunday, Apr 8 2018, 2:39am
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
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The Work
sadh, Saturday, Apr 7 2018, 3:42am
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jake, Friday, Apr 6 2018, 1:21am
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Cubic Room
harley, Wednesday, Apr 4 2018, 4:45am
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Mass Deception and the Prelude to World War
Colin Todhunter via claire, Tuesday, Apr 3 2018, 3:05am
In Libya, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and that country’s social fabric and infrastructure now lies in ruins. Gaddafi was murdered and his plans to assert African independence and undermine Western (not least French) hegemony on that continent have been rendered obsolete.
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New Campaign Demands Tech Giants Pledge to Build 'Surveillance-Resistant Web'
Jake Johnson via ben, Tuesday, Apr 3 2018, 2:47am
After Facebook allowed its data to be weaponized "it's time that big IT companies take steps to ensure that using their products doesn't mean that users have to sacrifice their rights."
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Night Fishing
quill, Tuesday, Apr 3 2018, 2:22am
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zed, Monday, Apr 2 2018, 2:54am
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julie, Monday, Apr 2 2018, 2:49am
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Sea and Rain
lucy, Sunday, Apr 1 2018, 2:47am
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