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text Islamic Paradise bilal, Thursday, Mar 15 2018, 1:17am
international / prose / post

text The War China Cannot and Never will Win zed, Tuesday, Mar 13 2018, 3:07am
The Chinese communist party’s idiotic war on religion persists under the now autocratic rule of new ‘emperor’ Xi Jinping, who is reputedly a clever politician, though clearly his dealings with religious groups prove otherwise.
international / prose / post

text Media Lobotomised Populations jude, Monday, Mar 12 2018, 2:03am
Years past I often mused over the fact that the western public expressed cynicism and rightful doubt over content in the mass media. Doubts as to the veracity and accuracy of stories in the mass media were common among citizens; ‘surely you don’t believe what you read in the ‘papers,’ which were the major delivery medium at the time, was a common cynical remark. Yet people continued to consume the ‘news’ and other flagrant propaganda articles, though with a degree of uncertainty, as there was unanimity in major media content.
international / prose / post

text Future Backlash Against the Pentagon’s Hybrid War in Syria M.K. Bhadrakumar via claire, Sunday, Mar 11 2018, 3:25am
Turkey is throwing in with Russia and Iran, all three of which want to see the US gone.
international / prose / post

text The New Surveillance State Trap Peter Van Buren via gail, Sunday, Mar 11 2018, 3:16am
We now know that a significant number of people affiliated with Donald Trump were surveilled during and after the 2016 campaign, some under warrants, some via “inadvertent” or accidental surveillance. That surveillance is now being used against these individuals in perjury cases, particularly to press them to testify against others, and will likely form the basis of Robert Mueller’s eventual action against the president himself.
international / prose / post

text Doom jess, Saturday, Mar 10 2018, 12:33am
international / poetry / post

text Alt paul, Friday, Mar 9 2018, 12:34am
international / poetry / post

text The Zionist Tango: Step Left, Step Right Gideon Levy via simon, Thursday, Mar 8 2018, 1:21am
Grant Smith: I’m very pleased to welcome back Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy. His column in Haaretz, he’s called for greater Israeli empathy towards the suffering of Palestinians. He’s an extremely well-known commentator because of his willingness to take on tough issues. Consequently, he’s no stranger to very intense opposition. His columns about politics, money, how Israel’s military occupation is changing Israeli’s society, and U.S.-Israel relationships are very widely read, reposted and discussed around the world. Who doesn’t get in their inbox a Levy column once in a while? His vocal opposition to Israel’s last major invasion and bombing of Gaza took place against an enormous backdrop of widespread support for the military operation within the Israeli public, and so he gave voice to those who were secretly against the war but cautious about voicing such opinions openly.
international / prose / post

text Stranger lex, Thursday, Mar 8 2018, 1:01am
international / poetry / post

text Boycott, Divest, Sanction: Stop Zionist Genocide Against Palestinians Francis Boyle via sally``, Tuesday, Mar 6 2018, 11:29pm
University of Illinois College of Law professor Francis Boyle speaks to the grave injustice that is the treatment of the Palestinian people both within the West Bank and Gaza, as well as within Israel proper.

Dr Boyle areas of expertise include Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Jurisprudence, and U.S. Foreign Affairs. You wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity to hear from a man whose served as counsel to the Palestinian Authority and various other countries in the International Criminal Court.
international / prose / post

herdofcattle.jpg imageaudio There is No Real News mod, Tuesday, Mar 6 2018, 12:18am
Ecclesiastes immediately comes to mind, all human endeavour is folly resulting in ruin and death. However, as accurate as that message is, we continue to arrogantly delude ourselves; of course we are 'better,' more advanced than peoples of the past, though the human disposition and condition has never changed -- what utter foolishness, arrogance and vanities we willingly believe about ourselves. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Glide sadh, Sunday, Mar 4 2018, 2:31am
international / poetry / post

text So What’s New with the Human Race? Nothing! jane, Saturday, Mar 3 2018, 12:37am
Interesting expression, “human race,” as indeed humanity is racing toward oblivion as I write.

The Russian leader V. Putin today announced a new supersonic (nuclear) ICBM, which claim if true, dramatically alters existing military power structures in the world; however, watching the videos of Putin’s new weapon immediately casts doubts as to the veracity of his claims. The videos are of very poor quality considering the high definition of today’s technologies and to add more doubt to his claims, the former Soviet Union, where Putin cut his KGB teeth, was known to exaggerate claims of Soviet power, which the USA and other nations fell for at the time.
international / prose / post

Supreme Leader Xi Jinping image Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Sets Himself Up for Possible Assassination kwang, Friday, Mar 2 2018, 1:53am
The new emperor of China, Xi Jinping, has established himself as an absolute ruler/autocrat, notwithstanding that after the Mao Zedong fiasco of the cultural revolution and all the associated destruction, destabilisation, regression and horror, later leaders Deng Xiaoping implemented a safeguard in the Chinese communist party, and that WAS that no president could rule for more than ten years, after which the party would elect another leader. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Internet Defenders Erupt to Kill FCC's Plan to Destroy Net Neutrality Jon Queally via gary, Friday, Mar 2 2018, 1:25am
Defenders of the Internet have promised one "hell of a fight"—and now that day is here.
international / prose / post

text The Downward Spiral Paul Edwards via darcy, Thursday, Mar 1 2018, 12:07am
When empires begin to die, their public acts--in sharp contrast to the ponderous, stately sobriety of their behavior while ascendant--tend to be marked by odd and pathetic eruptions of idiocy, bathos and mania.
international / prose / post

china_us_flags.jpg image Why China Is Running Circles Around America Ellen Brown via gail, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:52pm
“One Belt, One Road,” China’s $1 trillion infrastructure initiative, is a massive undertaking involving highways, pipelines, transmission lines, ports, power stations, fiber optics and railroads connecting China to Central Asia, Europe and Africa. According to Dan Slane, a former adviser in President Trump’s transition team, “It is the largest infrastructure project initiated by one nation in the history of the world and is designed to enable China to become the dominant economic power in the world.” In a Jan. 29 article titled “Trump’s Plan a Recipe for Failure, Former Infrastructure Advisor Says,” he added, “If we don’t get our act together very soon, we should all be brushing up on our Mandarin.” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Why One War When We Can Have Two? Eric Margolis via cyd, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:24pm
`We will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists, but great-power competition – not terrorism – is now the primary focus of US national security.’ Henceforth Russia and China will be America’s main enemies, with Iran and North Korea thrown in for good measure.
international / prose / post

text Korean Peace Terrifies War Mongering Washington Tony Cartalucci via gus, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 11:17pm
North Korea has been depicted by the Western media as a dangerous rogue state, plotting the nuclear holocaust of America and holding global peace and stability hostage with its irrational aggression. It is the supposed threat North Korea poses to the world that the United States uses to justify its enduring decades-long military presence on the Korean Peninsula.
international / prose / post

text The Corporate Tax Cuts Produce More Jobs, MYTH darcy, Wednesday, Feb 28 2018, 12:01am
One of Australia’s big four banks, NAB, released its latest profit report -- the big banks own the game so they always win. The new published profit increase was immediately followed by the shedding of four to six thousand jobs, so much for increased monies producing jobs, and this behaviour applies to all large corporations, as is evident with a modicum of research.
international / prose / post

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