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Sovereign Currency and Self-Determination
by judd Tuesday, Jan 28 2014, 12:37pm
international / prose / post

I distinctly remember when a supremely traitorous Oz PM, Paul ‘fingers’ Keating, surrendered Australia’s sovereign currency to Wall St rogues and thereby enslaved the nation to the mega-wealthy criminals on Wall Street. Oz became a slave nation that day and the stinking Labor (rat) PM responsible should have been shot for his treasonous action -- but it’s never too late -- are you reading this John Howard, Bob Hawke and the rest?

Immediately after Keating ‘floated’ the Oz dollar Wall St rogues depreciated it to 47 cents to the US dollar, then large investors had a field day buying Oz land and resources at garage sale prices, particularly the Japanese; it was reputed they bought most of coastal Queensland at the time. Another 'investor’ purchased hundreds of MILES of pristine beach front property in the ‘top end’ knowing full well that it would be a bonanza as a long term investment. But what did Keating’s treasonous action spell for Oz? In a word, disaster; stateless, tax-evading Transnational Corporations have been raping Australia’s resource wealth at frightening speed ever since.

Trillions of dollars per annum go offshore while puppet politicians ruminate over Oz’s national debt, which is now in the hundreds of billions of dollars for a nation of only 23 million people, work out those sums if you dare and then join me in demanding that treasonous politicians hang for their crimes against the people. You do not have to be Einstein to work out the nation is being royally screwed over by treasonous, Washington/Wall Street-serving, spineless, traitorous politicians -- errand boy Tony Abbott has been ordered by the plutocrats to surrender what’s left of our public sector to private industry. He is flagging that in very quaint terms, “we’re open for business,” his Davos script reads, though analysts see through him like wet toilet paper.

On a broader scale there has been much controversy about the ‘failed’ global economy which was in fact a well planned strategy hatched by the moneyed elites to recover from China’s refusal to float the Yuan and surrender its sovereignty to Wall St rogues; notwithstanding that the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other huge financial interests have China by the balls (monumental debt) for providing infrastructure investments which rocketed China to world superpower/manufacturer status in only three decades! An historically unprecedented rise to global power -- it would have taken far longer if China’s rise had been organic, without the steroidal boost that trillions of FOREIGN investment dollars provided -- consider that China was a ‘push-bike’ economy in the 60‘s!

But how does all this seemingly disparate information form one picture? Available wealth is now more concentrated than ever, China has lost hundreds of billions in US bond and cash dollar investments as a direct result of ‘Quantitative Easing,’ (one, two and three) which the ‘failed’ global economy ‘necessitated!’ Give me a break!

By engineering a global economic collapse, with untraceable (dissected) toxic, sub-prime mortgages, and then flooding the world with trillions in worthless paper dollars, the plutocrats were able to solve a number of problems; China was taught a lesson and is now more compliant to Wall St., available wealth has been concentrated to record levels in very few hands, while debt-slavery for nations and individuals has been ‘normalised’ -- whereas the REALITY is that the wold’s greatest criminal fraud has been perpetrated by mega-wealthy elites.

SOLUTION: shoot the cunts after public trials in people’s courts.

Now, regarding ‘peaceful’ solutions, which are ineffective and the result of superimposed propaganda dreams targeting dissidents, activists and social reformers alike -- get this fuckin’ straight, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PEACEFUL REFORMATION, especially now! Shooting a few thousand people globally to save the world from ‘perpetual war,’ destabilisation, debt-SLAVERY and climate catastrophe is a very small price to pay and a highly effective solution -- yes, the global elite only number a few thousand!

Consider how many millions of innocent men, women and CHILDREN sociopathic ruling elites have slaughtered in the past decade alone and realise that human life means absolutely nothing to these vile aberrations of human life.

A final note; face REALITY, morons, SLAVES and duped ‘intellectuals,' then pull your thumbs out of your arses and LEGALLY hang the cunts!

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