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Putin, the mouse that squeaked, confirms Al-Qaeda as CIA creation/asset
by rhoda Friday, Sep 7 2012, 12:55am
international / prose / post

Al-Qaeda was used with great success in Libya and the entire alternative media drew the link between America's proxy assassination of Gaddafi, the invasion/war/takeover of Libya and the CIA backed, armed and supported throughout the entire campaign, Al-Qaeda ASSET.


It is not news that the USA utilises the services of criminal organisations. The KLA, known HEROIN dealers, white slavers, arms smugglers and human organ harvesters are a good example of the USA's SORDID reltionship with crime syndicates. America even installed KLA crime boss, Hashim Thaci, as PM of the stolen Serbian province of Kosovo. America's relationship with organised criminals, is not surprising, the well known adage applies, 'birds of the feather ...!

Russian criminal cohort Putin is feigning indignation again, he has finally acknowledged what political commentators and independent analysts have published for decades; that Al-Qaeda (not to be confused with the Taliban) is a CIA creation. So bully for your ridiculous and supremely INEFFECTIVE performance, Vladimir. It is also well known that the ruling criminal elites of both Russia and America work co-operatively to achieve their sordid ends.

But watch out, your petticoats are showing and the people are aware of the ruse. Putin (and China) had the supreme opportunity to stand NATO down when it flagrantly abused UN sanctions in Libya; NATO/America boldly embarked on an assassination campaign and regional takeover establishing a Reserve Bank in Benghazi only a week into the conflict, give the thinking world a break!

But what did we see instead of DIRECT ACTION from mouse Putin, just little squeals of verbal protest that NATO was abusing the UN mandate when it carried out a staggering 26,000 bombing missions and the proxy assassination of Gaddafi -- WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KID, PUTIN?

In a lame effort to pretend opposition once again, Putin now refers to CIA asset Al-Qaeda -- a group incapable of action without CIA support -- as becoming a problem; for whom Mr Putin, certainly not America, a nation that uses Muslim extremists/Al-Qaeda like hunters use hunting DOGS?

We will take this opportunity to remind Mr Putin that ACTION speaks loudest and that if he wishes to be taken seriously by the Russian people and the International community, he'd better back his feeble squeals with actions worthy of previous Russian and Soviet leaders.

You could start by riding the Balkans of Western occupiers, Vladimir -- after all, every International LAW and CONVENTION supports Serbia's right to its SOVEREIGN territory. Known crime boss, Hashim Thaci, could also be handed over to INTERPOL where he is listed and wanted for numerous offences including MURDER! Go ahead Putin, you tragic little rodent -- DO SOMETHING!

Russian media report follows:

Putin Warns West’s Syria Policy could Backfire

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Western powers that their “dangerous” stance on the Syria crisis could come back to haunt them.

“Today some want to use militants from Al Qaeda or some other organizations with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in Syria,” Putin said in a wide-ranging interview with the RT international news channel. “This policy is very short-sighted and is fraught with dire consequences.”

Putin compared alleged Western funding of radical Islamic militants to help topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with U.S. support for Afghan rebels after the Soviet Union’s 1979 invasion of its Central Asia neighbor.

“When someone aspires to attain an end they see as optimal, any means will do,” Putin said “As a rule, they will try and do that by hook or by crook – and hardly ever think of the consequences.”

“That was the case during the war in Afghanistan,” he added. “At that time, our present partners supported a rebel movement there and basically gave rise to Al Qaeda, which later backfired on the United States itself.”

Putin also hit out at Western criticism of the Kremlin’s refusal to back proposed UN sanctions against the Assad regime Syria over the ongoing bloodshed in the Middle East country and dismissed suggestions that Moscow could alter its position.

“How come Russia is the only one who’s expected to revise its stance? Don’t you think our counterparts in negotiations ought to revise theirs as well?” Putin said “Because if we look back at the events in the past few years, we’ll see that quite a few of our counterparts’ initiatives have not played out the way they were intended to.”

“Look at what’s going on in Arab countries. There have been notable developments in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, etc. Would you say that order and prosperity have been totally ensured for these nations? And what’s going on in Iraq?”

"In Libya, there are armed clashes still raging among the country’s various tribes,” he said.

And Putin suggested the key to ending the conflict in Syria was to halt weapons deliveries to Damascus.

"I believe that the first thing to do is to stop shipping arms into the warzone, which is still going on," he said. "We should stop trying to impose unacceptable solutions on either side, because it is a dead-end. That’s what we should do. It is that simple."

The Kremlin has said its arms shipments to Syria do not violate international law and do not include equipment that could be used against "peaceful protesters."

Russia and China vetoed a Western-backed UN resolution on Syria on July 19 over fears that it would lead to foreign military intervention in the Middle East country, a move that United States envoy to the United Nations Susan Rice called "paranoid if not disingenuous.”

The resolution was tied to Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which would have provided for the use of force to put an end to the rapidly escalating conflict.

Russia says it has no special interest in seeing Assad remain in power, but that the “Syrian people” should decide his fate.

And Putin vowed earlier this year not to allow a repeat of the “Libya scenario" which saw the ouster and murder of long-time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi after a NATO military campaign last year.

© 2012 RIA Novosti

West Obstructs Trial over Human Organs Business in Kosovo
by Pyotr Iskenerov

Evidence in the case being absolutely convincing, chances are still slim that the trial held in Pristina and supervised by the EU would help Serbia or Kosovo Serbs some day see justice prevail. The likelier outcome is that, as when the International Court of Justice rolled out an advisory opinion on the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo’s independence, the verdict resulting from the trial underway in Kosovo will exemplify the deep crisis into which the architects of the new world order have thrown the system of international law as a whole.

Dick Marty who, as the PACE [Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] special rapporteur, submitted in late 2010 an explosive report on the grisly crimes committed by Kosovo separatists, spoke for the fist time in Pristina at the trial unfolding over illicit human organ business in the province. The scope of the inquiry, which opened in the summer of 2011, so far remains confined to the Medicus clinic which was shut down in 2008 after the EU and a number of international organizations became aware of kidney extractions secretly performed at the facility. Crucially in the context, Dick Marty says there are serious reasons to believe that the illicit human organ business in Kosovo was at full swing already in the late 1990s, much earlier than the information surfaced and the scandal erupted.

Evidence in the case being absolutely convincing, chances are still slim that the trial held in Pristina and supervised by the EU would help Serbia or Kosovo Serbs some day see justice prevail. The likelier outcome is that, as when the International Court of Justice rolled out an advisory opinion on the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo’s independence, the verdict resulting from the trial underway in Kosovo will exemplify the deep crisis into which the architects of the new world order have thrown the system of international law as a whole. In today’s world, national interests can only be protected with the backing from powerful international blocs, and, in this regard, Serbia’s only reasonable option is strategic partnership with Russia.

Marty’s report was the first internationally accepted document to shed light on the atrocities perpetrated by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the breakaway province. The document contained revelations about forced extractions from people held by the KLA – mostly ethnic Serbs – for illicit sale in Europe. According to Marty, in a makeshift clinic in the town of Fushe-Kruje, near the Albanian capital, some are said to have been killed and their organs removed to be sold on the international market. “As and when transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the ‘safe house’ individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic”.

Carla del Ponte’s accounts identify the locale used for the human organs extractions as a “yellow house” near Burrel, in the northern part of Albania. Neither Marty nor del Ponte managed to tease out of the Albanian administration consent for the necessary on-site investigations. Albanian premier Sali Berisha expressed the curious view that Marty’s investigation was “completely racist and defamatory” and Albanian parliamentarian and delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Shpetim Idrisi somehow traced the Swiss lawyer’s findings to Serbia and Russia. Eulex [European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo] representatives who oversee the probe tend to cast their skepticism in a more cautious form. “There is no evidence whatsoever in this case…No bodies. No witnesses”, said head of the war crimes unit of the mission Matti Raatikainen.

The problem is that the lack of evidence is due to the Western countries’ and international groups’ reluctance to seriously unearth the facts. Under the conditions, the Albanian and Kosovo administrations have no difficulty declining to cooperate in the investigation, and the EU mission to Kosovo chose to simply ignore the storyline involving the Serbs’ plight and to focus narrowly on the Medicus clinic, asserting that the case was limited to donors being deceived and surgeries performed without licenses, as if hundreds of Serbs were not held in captivity and mowed down.

The crimes that did come into the probe’s spotlight are still gross and punishable offenses, but it is also clear that the extremely diluted version of the drama serves to insulate from criticism the wider Kosovo independence project and to shield Hashim Thaci and other key figures involved from due inquiries.

Carla del Ponte’s statements like “NATO and UNMIK did not allow us to access important documents on Kosovo, while Albania did not let us enter its territory” cannot be taken at face value. As the Hague Tribunal persecutor she – and the powers behind her – surely had the leverage it would have taken to expand the investigation and to piece together the entire picture with all the finishing touches.

Big politics factored into the situation at all phases, and now justice only hangs over a crew of minor players like an Israeli go-between, a Turkish surgeon, a Kosovo urologist, and another fellow – a ministerial clerk – from the province. The individuals actually implicated in the framework generated by Marty’s report continue to be at the top of the political hierarchy, and Belgrade should steer its own course cleverly, mindful of what has happened to Serbs in Kosovo.

© 2012 Global Research

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