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"Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force" -- George Bernard Shaw

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Giant Lies of Capitalism
by sam Tuesday, Jan 7 2014, 11:12am
international / prose / post

Some of us would remember the big sell of modern appliances and gadgets especially computers a few decades past. They were all sold to society as labor saving and time saving devices, which promised the populations of developed nations more recreational leisure time - what a tragic joke/LIE that turned out to be!

India 1947 - Gandhi's FAILED 'peaceful' revolution -- a feast for vultures
India 1947 - Gandhi's FAILED 'peaceful' revolution -- a feast for vultures

Now I would stress that these were the days when one pay packet enabled an average family to survive, service a mortgage and send one child to university; I reiterate, a modern modest home complete with the latest necessary appliances, probably two cars and baseball on Saturdays -- was all provided by a working husband on a SINGLE WAGE.

Now look at today, every adult member of an average family is required to work just to stay above water, let alone pay off a house, two cars and mod cons -- constant debt not inheritance is the reality today!

"More leisure time," my ass! Today's workers are faced with nineteenth century slave hours and job insecurity -- gone are the days when loyalty to your employer was rewarded with handsome retirement funds and bonuses. Workers have allowed themselves to be taken for granted and therefore deserve everything they get. Could your employers have survived without you? So as a token of their appreciation and gratitude bosses now throw you onto the streets and replace you with third world labour forces!

If nothing else these historically verifiable facts prove conclusively that modern capitalism is a fraud, and GIANT LIE; capitalism clearly does not benefit society as a whole it creates huge wealth disparities, a criminal elite which then corrupts with its ill-gotten gains everything it touches in order to further its nefarious, avaricious and toxic designs. Today's society with all its 'labor saving' sophisticated technologies is a slave creating society based on frauds, deceptions and outrageous exploitation, which is geared to constantly increase work loads while lowering real wages for average workers while at the same time enriching bosses and creating the largest social wealth disparity seen since the times of the pyramid builders and the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

I would refer disbelievers to popular TV family shows of the times like 'Leave it to Beaver' or "Father knows best" and the associated commercials/advertisements of the period, lies and more lies; today's society is irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

I have exaggerated nothing in my comparison.

The hard reality of today is that either capitalism has failed or we have all been duped; sold a fraud in order for the cunning few to accumulate the overwhelmingly larger share of available wealth. Take your pick though many would argue that both situations apply.

But let's not quibble over details, I would ask you all, why tolerate such huge injustices, inequities and slave labor conditions which have not been seen for a century?

It wouldn't be because you are in fact alienated, divided and have lost your ability to challenge the status quo and minority plutocratic elites, nah! Strong unions and united cohesive communities are a thing of the past -- a past which is heaven compared to the hell of today! Alienation, division and the lack of real social cohesion are indeed responsible for your slavery and the creation of more rogues that act as parasitic influences on the entire western world.

Allow me to stress a point which should be clear -- CAPITALISM IS A PROVEN FAILED IDEOLOGY AS IS COMMUNISM, no surprise really as one was the photo-negative of the other. It now becomes clear that local systems work and large centralised systems do not.

It should be obvious now why GLOBALISM is a con or rather the last desperate exploitation measure of dying capitalism. Without globalism we would not have had a GLOBAL economic collapse (2008) or the HUGE wage disparities that now exist on an international level. Globalism is one-sided corporate exploitation in its most ugly and brazen form. Rather than establish a universal wage system and the equitable distribution of wealth, which is real globalism, the corporations had a field day and were allowed to roam without borders, corrupt governments and exploit undeveloped nations that paid their citizens a pittance while throwing loyal local workers out onto the streets. Another added benefit for the corporations is the off-shore nature of corporate globalism and how it facilitates MASSIVE TAX EVASION and AVOIDANCE of responsibility, environmental degradation etc.

But it's all easily remedied in exactly the same way as it was previously; equitable wage and working conditions were won by DIRECT DEMANDS and DIRECT CONFRONTATION with greedy bosses, ask your fathers and mothers and wonder what happened to the cowardly generations of today.

Perhaps I should explain some extreme but successful solutions so uniting to form strong unions/groups and MOVEMENTS able to make demands and REFORM an unfair system does not seem daunting.

Currently in East Asia the traditionally oppressed masses have SUCCESSFULLY taken to armed struggle as the most viable solution, which indeed it is; no negotiations just assassinations of puppet politicians and the plutocrats that own them. The ruling elites in these regions have no answer for the millions that demand their FAIR share and if that share is not forthcoming then it's bye, bye piggy! Beat that for a simple and effective solution!

But perhaps you should return to your 'labor-saving' technologies and excess leisure time - LOL - you dumb, POWERLESS, cowards. Understand that all change involves VIOLENCE of some sort, even Gandhi's reformation involved extreme violence from all parties, millions were slaughtered as a result of Gandhi's 'peaceful' revolution; however, the preferable option is of course to minimize that violence -- failing that then go for the jugular without reservation or hesitation! Pacifists today are either deluded, uninformed or work for the Man, make no mistake, research the above for yourselves and discover that the most successful movements today involve violent resistance.

How much longer can the global population afford (climate devastation) to live a lie and allow a few hundred mass murdering criminal plutocrats to dictate slave policy, lord over them and create fear/havoc/war/division in order to manage/weaken the masses and amass evermore material wealth?

After the abysmal failure of all the modern pacifist movements -- pacifism has NEVER succeeded in recorded history -- it will soon become apparent that the simple solutions are the most effective. Soon you will have no choice but to FIGHT injustice and corruption like your forefathers did before you.

Failed peaceful reformers - MLK and Gandhi were assassinated -- better you than me!
Failed peaceful reformers - MLK and Gandhi were assassinated -- better you than me!

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