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Scientist searches Twitter for time travellers ... they're on to us!
by cron Saturday, Jan 4 2014, 12:04am
international / prose / post

We go raucous every time we read these reports, it’s like a blind man in space attempting to find his reflection.

We are easily able to confess without hesitation that we are time travellers, par excellence! How so?


We must first understand a few basic principles regarding time. The most important of which is that it doesn't exist; we/everything i.e. all things, exist in a continuum and what is a continuum? Infinity, stupid, a kinetic process without beginning or end, in other words it evades measurement or arbitrary forms of measurement, time!

And what is measurement dependent on? Time/space of course, congratulations Jethro, you finally got one right! Time is therefore illusory as it is an arbitrary form of measure superimposed on the continuous 'screen' of infinity.

Try and think for a minute, morons -- I know it’s difficult, especially for Americans, but try, you may accidentally free yourselves from imposed cultural constraints, media propaganda and mind pollution in the process.

If something evades measurement -- no beginning, no end, it is beyond time and space, n'est-ce pas? Measurement always starts/begins somewhere and ends somewhere else.

Please do not attempt to cite 'ancient' monuments or 'yesterday' to validate your dreamworld, as neither exist outside the present -- all so-called ancient monuments exist with everything else that exists -- IN THE FUCKIN' PRESENT! Nothing exists in the past as the past does not exist -- just ask any moron scientist to 'produce' the 'past' if you do not believe me.

There are no yesterdays OR tomorrows in REALITY but most people, especially scientists, do not live in reality they live in a hyper-conservative/anal superimposition, either by choice or training. Try with all your ignorance and futile might to escape the present and all your efforts will be in vain -- granted, you may indeed delude yourselves, as occurs almost universally with this species on this plane BUT delusion does not affect anything but those that are deluded.

HOWEVER, when reality is engaged, anything/everything, including delusory time, is able to be apprehended or ‘traversed.’

Now we arrive at wave theory -- there are no fuckin’ particles as such, everything is frequencies of energy and that energy, as we have just learned is continuous.

It is process, kinesis ‘becoming’ (moving) ‘impressions’ of energy in the ‘fabric’ of existence; as such it is able to be read, decoded and navigated in the present, no paradox -- in that sense the ‘past, as continuous ‘moving impressions,’ which forms a type of ‘record,’ is in the present and is able to be engaged -- that is the REALITY of waves/frequencies of energy or continuous energy ‘impressions.’ Have we got it now, Jethro, for fuck’s sake let go of your dick, put down that banjo and free yourself!

This information is not new, are you aware that the Sanskrit term “ma-ya,” often rendered into English as ‘illusion,’ also means ‘to measure.’ Indeed, none of what has been espoused above is secret or new, furthermore, tribal original Australians were able to travel time and sojourn our solar system (or anywhere else) at will and here’s how both the ancient Rishis of India and ‘primitive’ indigenous Australians were able to master ‘time travel’ -- now that we understand what it actually is.

Has it occurred to you that we are part (participants) of existence and therefore have by consequence a direct link to infinity or REALITY? Probably not, you have been trained NOT to use your consciousness, in fact, you have been trained NOT to use your potential in any regard, especially your innate intelligence! Did you notice I intentionally let it slip, the medium that connects us to infinity is our CONSCIOUSNESS not our minds, which are simply containers of cultural effluent but that upon which mind is created, CONSCIOUSNESS, how very sweet it is!

But to explain; mind cannot be separated from its content and its content is comprised of a constant CHAIN of finite thoughts, concepts, images sounds etc. Each thought begins and ends but is followed by a stream of other thoughts or THOUGHT CHAINS. These thought chains literally and figuratively bind enslave you to culture, which has just been demonstrated to be illusory, a dream(nightmare)world -- remember, everything cultural is measurable or finite.

The Rishis of ancient India and the indigenous Australians used exactly the same medium or tool to traverse time or move through space. But none of you know what consciousness is, do you, morons? I’ll give you a hint by way of contrast; consciousness is simply mind devoid of content (cultural pollution).

Now I’ll reveal an open secret; I know none of you have the capacity, character, temerity or COURAGE to pursue this or persevere to the end, so for the very few (potential elite) I continue.

To engage infinity/truth/REALITY we use consciousness; the process is simply removing the finite obstructions to infinity -- and what are those finite obstructions? THOUGHTS! The train, literal ‘chain’ of thoughts, must cease in order to engage REAL freedom or reality.

We accomplish this by focused attention to the exclusion of all other mental processes/ thoughts. Native Australians could do this standing on one leg the opposite foot placed against the knee and balanced/lightly supported by a held spear -- they would adopt this posture and gaze for hours into the rich void to locate prey or just to appreciate Being. Of course they could accomplish transference sitting and even dancing but we are far removed from this noble and elegant group.

So we do what the ancient Rishis did and that is meditate, turn the mind inward and focus it to the exclusion of all mental ‘disturbances’ -- one-pointed concentration is maintained until dissolution and liberation occurs.

SIMPLE, isn’t it, morons, just sit and don’t think for an hour and YOU TOO would enter the flow/CONTINUITY. Try it and FAIL, you chicken-shits. Mental strength is required and that is akin to muscular strength, if it is not exercised it becomes weak to the point of jelly -- the common American state of mind.

Now once quiescence has been achieved we enter the continuous state in which we are able, among other ‘astounding’ abilities, to read the impressions or ‘wave records’ of everything that exists, or figuratively speaking, that has ever existed or will ever exist -- there is no past or future, only the present -- NOW -- but lasting impressions and tendencies are able to be coherently decoded, read and interpreted!

I would also explain something I learned from tribals, which is how to exit continuity in another place/space or time like the moon or other side of the universe ('distance' is irrelevant) INSTANTLY -- when you enter the infinite stream you are able to re-appear anywhere you wish instantaneously. This is referred to as 'dimensional' time travel in sci-fi and quantum physics but is actually a very simple reality

You see, once continuity is achieved via an unfettered consciousness any ‘location,’ which is actually residual impressions in the continuum, can be navigated instantly. And that dear reader is the reality of time/space travel -- an ability available to everyone but rarely developed in anyone today.

[We are the REAL elite, we are the courageous, disciplined and skilled -- we will prevail while we watch you destroy yourselves.]

‘We’ are ONE.

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