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Sacred Geometry Complete
by stylus Saturday, Dec 21 2013, 10:35am
international / prose / post

From the raw manifestation of the inconceivable, indivisible point we have evolved to the poise and harmony of the hexad in the third dimension (cube) and everything that it contains (hexagram) and represents. The unfolding of these numeric principles so far should be viewed or appreciated as a push/progression into expression of the God force in a particular dimension with particular characteristics peculiar to that dimension.


Imagine if you would a flower unfurling its petals to the sun and then add to that imagery the quantum leap of dimensional progression; each ‘petal’ (numeric force) unfolding into a higher dimension. We are beginning to learn, decode an archetypal language of symbols and what each symbol represents.

The language of number and form is indeed the ‘secret’ language of the initiates, it reveals and delivers coherent meaning in an otherwise incoherent world and hopefully we have gained some understanding of the ‘divine’ principles of manifestation and how they interact to form corporeal existence or reality as we know it in this dimension. However, we should never forget that infinity is not limited to any dimension.

And so we arrive at the final three numeric principles, the heptad, octad and ennead , the 7,8 and 9 respectively.

I mentioned previously that the last three numeric principles are higher octaves of what preceded them; we have seen how progression to the hexad, 6, has given us perfect harmony in the third dimension and yet three more principles exist!

Progression to the hexad has all been ‘outward’ and so the next principle, the heptad, 7, turns us inward, back to the source of creation, to re-connect in order to re-collect and bring that germinal quality into expression lest we would live in a frozen dead beauty devoid of soul.

The seven is the mystical dynamic, an exterior representation of an inward turning force that gathers the external and turns it back to the source of all things; the mystical, incomprehensible centre of the milky way is a good analogy of the principle/quality represented by the heptad or seven. Consider its geometric form, a seven pointed star comprised of the qualities of the three and four. It is tricky creating a form from these two otherwise opposite principles but the seven integrates all and you would notice from the diagram (fix your gaze on it do not stare) that it is a kinetic, active principle as are all the odd sequenced numbers.

The next principle, the octad, 8, is expansive, abundant and overt not contractive, mysterious or secretive as the principle that preceded it. Remember how each successive numeric principle has contrasting qualities to the principle that preceded it? Its form is comprised of the material four principle doubled, symbolised by two interlocking squares; the abundance of eight issues from the double matter/earth quality that four represents.

Before continuing I would pause here to reveal that my meagre knowledge of these esoteric numeric principles is based on what I learned under the tutelage of my first guru, Swami Anandakapila, so many decades past. I wonder if I could appeal to him to elaborate on my efforts at some stage and offer some tantalising additional information; in the meantime I will give it my best shot in a short paper such as this.

We now arrive, or ‘end,’ at the ennead or 9, the principle of completion, universality, love and infinity. The nine is indeed the number of completion as it takes all the qualities that preceded it and launches them/itself into infinity but not before it asserts the finality of the push from nothing through the indivisible point to the full circle of the ennead. You would note from the diagram that its geometric form is comprised of three equilateral triangles. Please note, as some astute readers may have already gleaned, that the progression of divine force into existence occurs in sets of three, the unfolding is of a triune nature, most often two kinetic odd numbers balanced by an even number in the middle, the initial three of primal self-awareness, ‘I am that I am’ is tripled in the nine to form a totally embracing, ‘I am THAT I am’ finality or the fully expansive, all-embracing consciousness of harmonious continuity. When all is acquired and integrated the only noble, evolutionary, humanitarian action/option to take is to give it all back, as it (the opportunity) was given to us without conditions or reservations.

The nine principle is easily appreciated as the ‘humanitarian’ principle.

In conclusion, no I have not forgotten that the numeric progression I have briefly covered in these three papers is not a clinical, sterile, scientific or purely mathematical phenomenon, it is in reality VOLUPTUOUS, saturated with meaning, ineffable beauty and every emotion/sensation known to humanity.

The universe did not come into existence accidentally or haphazardly, as some moron empiricists (conservatives) would have us believe. The universe came into existence for ONE reason ONLY, of that be entirely sure -- that ONE reason is also qualitatively characteristic of the ennead or nine; the universe came into existence for LOVE’S sake, in order to offer an opportunity to experience itself as the purest motive known to humanity, selfless, unconditional, LOVE, which is its own reward and is the motivating force behind universal existence or REALITY.

Do you imagine existence withholds any aspect of itself? NO, it gives it ALL to anyone that would also give it all away unconditionally. The number sequence I have described is really a ‘ladder of light’ which transports those willing and brave enough to climb it to evolutionary 'completion' or to the state of continuous BEING/knowledge and the ineffable bliss that state offers.

Together we have come full ‘circle,’ from primal naive love we emerged, unlearned and raw but via higher octaves/knowledges of selfless, mature LOVE, we return to continuity forever, excuse the tautology but my cup is overflowing.

We are One.

Om Tat Sat

Previous papers:


heptagram, 7
heptagram, 7

octagram, 8
octagram, 8

nonagram, 9
nonagram, 9

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