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Corrupt Puppet Putin Promotes Globalist Surveillance Agenda
by Lukas I. Alpert via uri - WSJ Thursday, Dec 19 2013, 10:32pm
international / prose / post

Washington is in deep trouble as a result of Snowden’s revelations about an impending GLOBAL mass surveillance State. Puppet politician, ‘hope and change’ Obama, clearly cannot deal with lying his way out of this crisis alone. So who do the oligarchs and plutocrats send on an errand to support Obama but Vladimir ‘deposit #’ Putin!

Corrupt treasonous lackey, Vladimir 'detested' Putin
Corrupt treasonous lackey, Vladimir 'detested' Putin

If nothing else this gesture indicates an element of panic in globalist circles. Their tenuous hold on the masses is all but gone. It is with the highest degree of mirth that we simply state a simple fact about pan or global surveillance -- it is NOT required or “a necessity" to INDISCRIMINATELY SPY ON EVERYONE. Targeted policing is the norm and REMAINS the most efficient means of apprehending criminals -- recording my grandma’s phone conversations with me about the impending revolution is an absurd abuse of privilege and power.

By serving the interests of the global plutocracy and supporting Obama it is hoped that Putin’s true stripe is made abundantly clear to all. Any astute Russian politician would have pounced on the opportunity to trash America’s claims of spreading ‘freedom, liberty and (haha) democracy’ in the world -- the opportunity goes begging! Putin could have gained valuable political mileage and credibility by stating that Russia got rid of Stalinist totalitarian policies which America is NOW adopting.

By making the ridiculous claim (LIE) that global surveillance is “a necessity" Putin simply reveals his true allegiances and adds to his monumental failings as an INDEPENDENT Russian leader (FAILURES with Kosovo, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran). The sooner the Russian population eliminates traitorous politicians the sooner Russia will restore its place in the world as a VIABLE superpower not a western pawn for Zionist bankers and Wall St rogues -- you just couldn’t resist the money, could you, Vladimir?

This latest exposure of Putin’s true stripe simply adds to his RAPIDLY deteriorating status and reputation.

Putin makes it clear he prefers to work for the western criminal elite rather than serve his nation and the Russian people. Russians may choose to place him on trial for corruption and TREASON, he certainly presents as a valuable political target.

Story from Murdoch’s WSJ follows:

Putin Says Surveillance Programs Are 'a Necessity'
by Lukas I. Alpert

MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin defended the kind of secret surveillance programs that Edward Snowden exposed in the U.S. as a "necessity," but called the former National Security Agency contractor's efforts to reveal them a "noble cause."

Mr. Putin, a former KGB officer in the Soviet Union, said he believed the U.S. had good reasons for collecting and analyzing an array of communication data, but worried about the potential for abuse.

"No matter how our American friends are criticized, I believe that all this work is being done to combat terrorism first and foremost," he said Thursday during his annual year-end news conference. "On the whole, this is a necessity." He added that "it does have its downsides, however, and you need to introduce limitations to avoid it becoming too politically tinged."

Mr. Putin also reiterated his support for Mr. Snowden, who was granted political asylum in Russia in August to avoid prosecution in the U.S. on charges under the Espionage Act for leaking classified information.

"He has made this choice. It is a noble cause, of course, but a very challenging life he has chosen. He is quite a curious personality," Mr. Putin said.

He insisted that Russia's security service agents have never questioned Mr. Snowden about the information he has admitted divulging, or "what his agency has done toward Russia."

He also said that he had never met Mr. Snowden personally, but found him interesting.

"He has his own views on life. He has his own vision on what needs to be done. Truth be told, he is quite an interesting personality to me and I think that thanks to Mr. Snowden, the mentality and the mind-set of the world has changed, including among many political leaders," Mr. Putin said.

Mr. Snowden has been in hiding in Russia under heavy security since being granted refuge. His lawyer said his client had taken a job at an undisclosed Russian website in early November and that he has been studying Russian.But with his political asylum in Russia due for renewal in August 2014, Mr. Snowden has sought to find refuge elsewhere.

Earlier this week, a Brazilian newspaper published an open letter from Mr. Snowden offering to help Brazil uncover potential U.S. espionage against its government in exchange for asylum. Brazil says it hasn't yet received a formal request for asylum.

In a wide-ranging press conference, Mr. Putin also dismissed a report that Moscow had stationed state-of-the art Iskander missiles in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, which borders NATO and European Union members Poland and Lithuania. But he said that he continues to consider such a move as a way of countering U.S.-led missile defense systems in Europe.

He also said that Russia offered Ukraine a bailout package worth as much as $20 billion this week because it is a "fraternal state" and the two countries need to build a long-term relationship.

The agreement has been denounced by the Ukrainian opposition and tens of thousands of protesters who have been camped in Kiev's central square—known as Maidan—since President Viktor Yanukovych's decision last month to walk away from a long-planned trade deal with the EU and turn to Russia for help instead.

"This has nothing to do with Maidan, nor Ukraine's talks with the European Union. We just see that Ukraine is facing strong challenges and it has to be supported. We have such a capability and we are using it," Mr. Putin said.

Russia will channel $15 billion from its National Welfare Fund into Ukrainian Eurobonds with a 5% coupon that will be issued in the near future. Mr. Putin said Ukraine proposed to issue Eurobonds on the Irish stock exchange and has asked VTB Capital to manage the placement.

© 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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