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The CIA created Frankenstein -- al-Qaeda -- breaks loose
by stan - The Gulf Today Saturday, Dec 14 2013, 11:16pm
international / prose / post

The following story from Beirut should not be taken at face value though some of it is accurate reporting. Try and understand Arab cultural ‘inferred communications’ and you would do well. The major story unfolds behind the scenes (between the lines) particularly Saudi and various Gulf States support of extremists. It is known that these Arab, pro-Israeli nations, are truly pissed off at America’s softening attitude to Shia Iran. However, regardless of how these peripheral issues pan out -- America forced to toe the Arab line no doubt -- it all adds up to one glorious REALITY; the DUMBARSE USA HAS LOST CONTROL!


Some would legitimately argue America never really had control especially after extremist groups realised America was dependent on them for fighting U.S. proxy ground wars in Africa, Libya and Syria.

Bin Laden’s germinal al-Qaeda -- a totally CIA created entity -- was utilised as a post-communist bogey man, to allow extended executive powers and most importantly to allow the U.S. to wage ‘perpetual war’ on the noun, “terror,” i.e. to allow the USA to accuse anyone of humanitarian violations and/or 'terrorism’ and invade their nations, implement (illegal) regime change, install puppet governments and STEAL highly prized resource and other natural wealth of the targeted nations. However, to be able to succeed on the ground -- the Achilles heel of foreign occupying forces -- America was forced to collaborate with Islamic extremists and other fanatical groups. The basic deal was, do ‘your’ dirty work on the ground and we’ll give you government (to implement Sharia etc) while we take the greater percentage of the resource wealth. It worked for a very brief period but was destined to fail from the outset as more extremist groups wanted a piece of the action, notwithstanding the political machinations of Arab State (Saudi, Qatar, etc) players!

One of the truly amusing aspects of America’s gross INCOMPETENCE was the means utilised to stage ‘perpetual war’ -- creating a terrorist bogey man! Well, the situation today certainly appears to have all the criteria necessary for a perpetual conflict but with many re-shuffles of former allies and former enemies -- the weapons and related industries couldn’t be happier regardless of the fact that it will eventuate in the complete destruction of the USA. REMEMBER WELL readers, that today’s ruling mega-corporations have NO NATIONAL boundaries or national allegiances -- they are purely GLOBALIST concerns and shift locations like the seasonal migration of some animals and birds. But what does it all mean, Jethro? Simply that ruling elitist minorities have no concern whatsoever for the welfare of the American population! The elites will simply migrate to China or somewhere suitable for the nuclear winter and leave the American population to deal with mass chaos and the flesh falling from their bones! WHY and WHO ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR NOW, AMERICA, you profoundly inept DUNCES? The entire WORLD is applauding your self-destructive STUPIDITY. A truly well deserved outcome for America and its cowardly, slavish population.

Story from The Gulf Today follows:

al-Qaeda rebels to meet US [CIA] officials: Sources

BEIRUT/ISTANBUL: Syrian rebel commanders from the Islamic Front which seized control of bases belonging to Western-backed rebels last week are due to hold talks with US officials in Turkey in coming days, rebel and opposition sources said on Saturday.

The expected contacts between Washington and the radical fighters reflect the extent to which the Islamic Front alliance has eclipsed the more moderate Free Syrian Army brigades — which Western and Arab powers tried in vain to build into a force able to topple President Bashar Al Assad. The talks could also decide the future direction of the Islamic Front, which is engaged in a standoff with yet more radical Sunni Muslim fighters from the Al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

A rebel fighter with the Islamic Front said he expected the talks in Turkey to discuss whether the United States would help arm the front and assign to it responsibility for maintaining order in the rebel-held areas of northern Syria.

He declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the talks, and gave no further details. Diplomatic sources in Turkey said that US Syria envoy Robert Ford was expected in Istanbul soon but his schedule was not yet confirmed.

The Islamic Front rebel told reporters that rivalry with the ISIL had already led to a spate of hostage-taking between the two sides, and that the Front’s decision to talk to the Americans had further escalated tension. Although he described the two Islamist forces as ideologically close, he said ISIL appeared set on confrontation, perhaps encouraged by some of their backers in Saudi Arabia.

“The front has to talk to ISIL via messengers because of the tense situation,” he said.

“ISIL sees things in black and white. They are very stubborn.”

“So far the Islamic Front has been restraining itself, having some sort of dialogue with ISIL,” the rebel said.

But he said that unless the hostages were released soon “there will be more discussions and a different decision will be taken.”

Contacts with the United States will not be undertaken lightly by the Islamic Front, which includes Salafi groups such as Ahrar Al Sham brigades which are mainly hostile to the West and have rejected US-Russian backed UN peace talks for Syria, due to be held in Switzerland next month.

The Islamic Front, formed by the unification of six major Islamist groups last month, seized control a week ago of weapons stores nominally under the control of the Free Syrian Army’s Supreme Military Command (SMC).

© 2013 Thomson Reuters

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