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It’s called Integrity, something the U.S. Lacks
by suze Friday, Aug 23 2013, 12:38pm
international / prose / post

After more than a decade of lying through its teeth to the rest of the world, America has finally done its dash. Today, America has ZERO credibility; in fact it is regarded by intelligent people throughout the world as a rogue, criminal terrorist nation. It continues to slaughter innocent civilians almost on a daily basis and remains the world’s leading civilian killing nation, which by definition earns it the status of the world’s leading terrorist nation -- research it and verify the facts for yourselves.

Also, feel free to attribute police state status on this totalitarian nation -- universal spying, indefinite detention without charge or trial, rendition and legalised torture. What does that spell? Yes, Nazi Germany, not home of the brave and free rather home of the cringing, whipped coward -- if the shoe fits ...!

America, the world’s leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist nation by any definition, routinely breaks more international and local laws and conventions than the rest of the civilised world combined, fact!

America is run by an elite unrepresentative plutocratic minority that owns Washington and by subsequence most State apparatuses, the military, judiciary etc. America is NOT a democracy, it is CLEARLY a PLUTOCRACY, fact!

With few exceptions the nation is populated by the most COWARDLY people on the face of the earth -- yet it falsely imagines the world is in awe of its power and wealth, neither of which are secure in today’s rapidly changing world -- members of previous regimes are unable to travel the world for fear of arrest; war and other crimes against humanity leave an indelible mark on the perpetrators! Indeed, the American reality is in stark contrast to the myths that constantly spew from its corporate media!

America is a heinous criminal nation, by any measure, run by unrepresentative criminal filth. But that is not where we’ll focus today; it’s national COWARDICE that demands our attention today.

Ask yourselves who but the lowliest cowards would accept genital groping from THEIR elected 'representatives,' notwithstanding innumerable illegalities and injustices committed by unrepresentative governments, state and federal, while private interests steal, lie and cheat with impunity, good question, ain't it, Jethro?

But it wasn’t always like that, only a few decades past the masses marched on the Capitol and demanded social justice; they regularly took to the streets to battle with fascist police and to protest unjust illegal wars and other crimes committed by elected leaders.

The nation would have been lost long ago but for a few exceptions to the rule; I refer in this instance to a young gay trans-gender fighter by the name of Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning and make no mistake there was nothing accidental or not deliberately planned by this victimised individual who sought natural justice and revenge from an organisation that persistently brutalised him, physically and psychologically -- Manning’s actions were not the result of some mental aberration or psychological confusion/dilemma, they were carefully considered, planned and executed with the precision of an exceptional strategist and tactician; indeed, Manning’s actions were intended to shake the nation to its core, from the White House to the shit-house -- and she SUCCEEDED! Suck on that REALITY while you consider your own cringing COWARDICE, sheeple!

Manning demonstrated that any driven person with sufficient skills and determination is able to compromise a ‘superpower’ run by brutes, buffoons, morons and criminals. But do not forget people, YOUR job is to be afraid on command and jump when the man says jump and offer your genitals for groping, you pathetic no-accounts!

What the ruling criminal plutocracy failed to appreciate however, was that it was dealing with a highly motivated, and highly competitive fighter in Manning; a person of high moral character and integrity that was willing to sacrifice his/herself so that Truth and JUSTICE would prevail in the end!

Today, largely as a result of Manning's efforts, including the absurd trial Manning FORCED in order to highlight American corruption and injustice, the world is in no doubt whatsoever regarding the criminal and thoroughly corrupt USA. Manning exposed a criminal Pentagon, which now absurdly sits in judgement of Manning not the SICK military murderers Manning exposed to the WORLD!

The deluded, sociopathic military attempts, to its very great cost, to present a legal trial on the person that exposed it to the world as a criminal organisation -- elementary school children mock these proceedings! The criminally accused sitting in judgement of the moral accuser makes sense only to a lost valley of inbred American hillbillies somewhere in Virginia!

The 'case' is fraught with immense difficulties for the criminals running it; the circumstances Manning created has forced the corrupt criminal military to openly display BIAS or PARTIALITY during proceedings! Any evidence that is favourable to Manning or would alter Washington's pre-determined outcome is banned, fact! The case is a legal travesty and borders on the insane, it is at best a circus of the absurd worthy of a Lewis Carroll novella. This case has done more to undermine America's reputation internationally than any other event to date; illegal wars are easier to deal with than overtly corrupted trials.

Manning was well aware of this and exploited the situation to the hilt, as a result an entire nation was compromised -- HOWEVER, it should not be forgotten that SHE endured horrific hardship and continuous psychological torture to REALISE her objective! In other words, you cowardly, yankee DOGS, none of you has the character or fortitude that Manning possesses in his little finger -- he is able to fight, endure to the end and WIN; YOU are able to offer your genitals for groping, be arrested on suspicion and indefinitely detained without recourse to a trial to challenge your accusers.

In the most deft reversal of situations I have ever witnessed, Manning has been able to utilise the position of victim to his advantage and has used it as his most effective weapon to date. The longer the corrupt criminal military victimises Manning the more they condemn themselves -- a truly remarkable and intentional tactical strategy, you dumb Pentagon, Washington CLOWNS; and to think, puppet Obama is supposedly a trained lawyer!

The criminal US can't kill Manning or do HER harm (LOL), too high a profile -- they're fucked if they do and especially fucked if they don't -- that is called tactical and strategic GENIUS and we are experts in the field!

The longer the criminal Pentagon sits in judgement of the MORAL accuser the stronger Manning becomes!

Today, America and its cowardly (failing to support and fight for its rights) population is an international laughing stock and its MANY enemies are co-ordinating their next overt and covert attacks -- suck on that reality, you doodle dreamboats. You can't hide a major hemorrhaging wound! It's clearly all downhill from hear, Uncle Sam; and to think you got screwed by a tiny, trans-gender poof! No mind Chelsea, we know the Truth!

As for Manning, ‘onya! We know the real fight has only just begun!

audio Pretty Girl - The Easybeats

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