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The Moral Paralysis of a Nation
by shaz Wednesday, Aug 21 2013, 12:35pm
international / prose / post

The highest profile miscarriage of Justice in the WORLD occurred yesterday with the sentencing of brave young Bradley Manning by a military ‘court;’ Manning received 35 years jail for informing the WORLD that the Pentagon is a criminal organisation and by implication serves the interests of elite Corporate and Banking criminals rather than what it was constitutionally commissioned to do by the people, that is, protect the nation from its enemies, DOMESTIC and foreign -- killing 500,000 Iraqi children and over one million innocent civilians in a corporate OIL GRAB certainly does not fall within the bounds of legal military action.

It should never be forgotten that the American people allowed the slow rot to set in by submitting to the slow creep of injustice and criminality -- it is the people that have ALLOWED criminals to hijack their nation. Should we be surprised or outraged that morality, legality and justice have been tossed to the wind and young heroes like Manning receive jail sentences while the murderers he exposed go free? Short answer, no! A perfect Orwellian inversion of law and order has occurred, so what can we do about it? PLENTY!

But first we must identify how this rot set in and why the masses are paralysed in the face of GROSS criminality and injustices from government. Forget the useless, defeatist (powerless) lament of alternative journalists that spend most of their time decrying events rather than waking the public from their imposed torpor to the fact that they are easily able to change the situation overnight.

I am not going to labour the point but the digital, cyber revolution, which everyone imagined would free society has in fact enslaved it.

The cause and effect is obvious; numerous smart devices and software packages have done more to divide and alienate the masses than any other force prior to the digital age. The X and Y generations are the most alienated, self-centred generations that have ever existed and they have a common denominator, they are children of the digital age.

I recently entered a room full of 20-25 year old students and their ‘friends’ and was stunned to see them all with their faces buried in their computers and smart phones when they were in each other’s immediate vicinity, hardly a word was exchanged! It became immediately apparent that these young adults lacked REAL social skills which are essential for organising EFFECTIVE mass social movements; notwithstanding these generations are incapable of effectively participating in mass movements. A stark contrast to my generation which would hit the streets and demand justice whenever any high official was discovered to have committed an impropriety -- the Nixon impeachment process is a good example of that generations INTOLERANCE TO CRIME.

The moral majority simply refused to accept outrageous criminal activity from their elected leaders. However, Nixon’s crimes pale into insignificance compared to the overt criminality that occurs in government and high office today.

The reason everything has gone to the dogs is the lack of positive remedial response (and outrage) to rampant criminal activity. Commentators are doing little to spell out effective alternative remedial solutions when they are desperately required. What is the good of lamenting Manning’s fate when it was a forgone conclusion that he would be crucified? DIRECT ACTION was required years before the final judgement of a partial court, serving the interests of the accused Pentagon and criminal elite that control it?

What is the good of whinging, whining and lamenting an anticipated outcome?

I am talking about restoring democracy by force if necessary, the noose and the gun supported by LAWS that have been established over hundreds of years. In that regard it should be mentioned that killing civilians remains a crime in any circumstances; ‘regime change’ is illegal, pre-emptive war is illegal, renditions are illegal, resource theft is illegal, kill lists and TORTURE are illegal. So it is clear that the law is on the side of JUSTICE and the moral majority NOT the criminals in power at the present time!

Effective remedial solutions are varied, they range from individual actions such as shooting offenders on sight to marching on political capitals en masse, demanding justice and holding known offenders to account for their heinous crimes against humanity and then hanging them.

But one thing is certain, you will never get the digital generations to act en masse, they simply do not have the wherewithal, I am sorry to say.

Again, solutions are clear, specialised groups and gifted individuals are left with the task of restoring order and law to society. Indeed, solo efforts and small specialised groups are supremely suited for the task as they have little to no digital ‘footprint.’ You can't track or pre-empt, what you cannot see/detect. It's clear to all CIA, FBI, NSA, and other draconian regulatory criminal agencies that the real threat to their criminal empire remains invisible and a constant threat/danger!

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