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Global Financial Meltdown Inevitable
by Sid Thursday, Aug 1 2013, 2:21am
international / prose / post

Oz PM subservient to Plutocrats

In a recent interview on Fox News, flamboyant American billionaire Donald Trump, predicted an American financial meltdown due to “ballooning national debt,” which interestingly goes against the arrogant public statement of former Fed chief Alan Greenspan, who almost laughed when confronted with the proposition that American debt may undermine the nation; to paraphrase, ‘it is impossible for a nation that prints the world’s default currency to be debt constrained, we would simply print our way out of debt if the need arose!’ [Search youtube for his comments.]

Do not be deceived, there are many misleading and contradictory reports about this "levy" in the local press; however, the fact remains, the idea was initially recommended to government by Genn Stevens, governor of the (RBA) Reserve Bank Australia -- have we got it, now? This unjustified, external lien on personal savings is an Australian precedent and represents the thin end of the wedge; recent history verifies the fact, take another look at new Bank legislation in Cyprus, Europe and the USA

Rudd dutifully implements Reserve Bank levy on savings
Rudd dutifully implements Reserve Bank levy on savings

Aside from the underlying truth of his statement, it is perhaps the most irresponsible statement that any Federal Reserve Banker could make. And so it goes today, the global economy -- run by the world’s Reserve Banking System -- is being supported by worthless toilet paper currency, a completely UNSUSTAINABLE situation!

Remember the laughable financial euphemisms, “stimulus” and “quantitative easing?” Well, we are now at QE3, which simply means that over-printing of worthless paper money has been continuous since it was announced that QE1 would only be a 'temporary' measure to get the failed (pillaged by Bankers) GLOBAL economy of 2008, back on its feet. That means the global economy is on continuous life-support, a constant transfusion of cash is required to maintain the ILLUSION that the economy is NOT DEAD!

You do not have to be an economic genius to conclude that the global economy in its present form is unsustainable and is living on borrowed time; the printing of worthless paper money, which is not backed by real production, is a recipe for RUIN, and it is on that rational basis that Trump arrived at his logical conclusions.

But of course (proven criminal) international Bankers have implemented ‘strategies,’ via their owned puppet politicians designed to PILFER the savings, superannuation and other invested/saved monies of their depositors -- Cyprus was the first test scenario which has now set the precedent!

The fact that the masses did NOT storm thieving Cyprus banks and demand the return of their STOLEN assets gave the go-ahead to Bankers. They have since ensured that pilfering depositor’s funds assets is 'legal;' 'provisions/laws' are in place today in the US and most European nations, though they have not yet been utilised/exploited.

The on-again, off-again Oz PM, Kevin ‘yez Rupert’ Rudd, in characteristic SERVILE dog mode is about to implement similar ‘provisions’ in Australia, which would allow very profitable Oz banks to ‘legally’ STEAL funds from their depositors. Of course a CREATED future scenario of financial crises would probably precede the theft -- please note, regardless of whatever economic circumstances eventuate or prevail, nothing justifies overt THEFT!

Unlike worthless toilet paper currency printed by the Fed, the assets of depositors have REAL value, as their money/assets were created through work/production. The REAL VALUE of those assets reflects/represents the accumulated value of WORK output! Make no mistake, Kevin Rudd has always been a servant to the Plutocrats, as are most other leaders of MAJOR political parties. [Remedy that situation by voting for INDEPENDENTS that support regulating the Banks or suffer the consequences of not acting to prevent unregulated Banks stealing your money.]

Australia is truly a lucky country and has abundant natural wealth; however, the nation is currently being raped and pillaged for trillions of dollars per annum by Transnational mega-corporations and the bankers that support them, it should also be noted that the vast majority of profits go off shore, brilliant!

An American gold mining company is extracting tonnes of our precious gold near Kalgoorlie in return for worthless, over-printed, toilet paper greenbacks, yet another tragic political failure, almost as good as the fixed price natural gas deal John ‘lackey’ Howard infamously made with China, we are now selling gas to the Chinese well below market value, in other words we are giving it away!

Where do they find these no-talent political dunces that couldn't manage a raffle; I'm sure we would all like to know? It may now be time to set an example -- any housewife could do a better job running this country.

The above statement is no exaggeration -- if in any doubt research the subject and verify the alarming reality for yourself.

Indeed, it is time to dispense good ol’ Oz bush JUSTICE to our living, treasonous politicians, what do YOU think?

After proper legal trials, we should line-up the convicted and shoot them -- Paul Keating for surrendering our currency/sovereignty to Wall Street criminals; John Howard, for lying us into America’s illegal wars and consequently involving Australia in the mass murder of millions of innocent Iraqi citizens; Kevin Rudd for implementing a Goldman Sacks designed ETS and taking orders from Bankers to heist citizen‘s funds; and worst of all Juliar Gillard for signing over FIVE nuclear capable U.S. military bases making Oz a primary nuclear target in the event of an American provoked conflict with China.

The political solution for Australia is CLEAR, install competent (there are many) REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office at every election, State and Federal -- the MAJOR political parties are CLEARLY owned by the mega- corporations and Banks. Rudd’s latest politically suicidal Banker theft proposal just PRIOR to an election PROVES his puppet status!

The reason for the failed national political situation is simple; the last three prime ministers Oz had to endure are ALL characterised by their COWARDICE, LACK of VISION and INABILITY to MANAGE this very lucky nation! Shooting treasonous politicians for serving foreign interests would prevent the wholesale rape of our nation by Bankers and Transnational companies and act as a deterrent for future Oz politicians contemplating 'selling out and serving foreign interests!' Oz must be led by competent, independent patriotic leaders that ensure that the nation’s wealth and future and not compromised by rapacious Transnational Corporations and thieving Banks .

Criminal Bankers at Work

This is what happens when you deregulate a sector that requires very stringent government regulation. If the people fail to act and RESTORE representative democracy to their nations then expect more brazen theft by the scum that currently own our politicians; isn't that right Kevin, you TRAITOROUS, custard-faced, knee-walking, piece of SERVILE dog shit? The PEOPLE will have their day, of that historical fact be completely assured!

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