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To Foreign Julia Gillard Defenders and Apologists
by sal Wednesday, Jul 10 2013, 4:50am
international / prose / post

First, allow me to state emphatically that Oz has some of the most robust and protective family laws and anti-discrimination laws in the WORLD, many of which were pioneered by Aussie women -- you will note that it was one such pioneer, Germaine Greer, who referred to Gillard’s posterior as a, “big arse” while speaking disparagingly about Gillard’s awkward and poor taste in dress, on national TV. That is only ONE relevant issue the mass media chooses to sideline/omit when it seeks to sell or distract! Following are a just a few FACTUAL considerations to take into account when assessing why Gillard is loved by Washington and REVILED at home. Take note international media and I challenge all major outlets to oppose these verifiable, historical facts.

Juliar Gillard, traitor to the people, servant of the elite
Juliar Gillard, traitor to the people, servant of the elite

Oz has been depicted by the international mass media, most notably in the UK, as a backward, misogynistic nation when in fact the opposite is the case.

Here are some issues the international mass media chooses to ignore when portraying Gillard as a hapless victim of sexism:

Gillard’s true allegiances became apparent when, as deputy to Rudd, she announced a policy to allow Corporate bosses the legal right to spy on the private emails and other digital communications of their employees -- preempting by years the scandalous mass surveillance conducted by the NSA today. This brazen attack on privacy and other civil liberties was never realised but it served to flag to the evil powers (in Washington) Gillard’s true allegiances; she was later to become an obsequious servant to the internationally known criminal ruling elite and abandon her democratic commission of serving the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE that elected her to office! There are many words to describe Gillard’s behaviour over the years, a few that come immediately to mind are, TRAITOROUS, TREACHEROUS, DISHONEST, DUPLICITOUS, DECEPTIVE, FRAUDULENT, etc -- continue reading and verify all claims for yourself.

With her true allegiances now made known to minority elites, Gillard then persuaded sitting PM Kevin Rudd to drop his ETS policy, a policy upon which Rudd’s integrity hung -- at the time Rudd was unfortunately known as the ‘do nothing’ PM, so dropping the ETS was like dropping one’s armour in a fire fight on the front line. The PM was now completely exposed to attack from every quarter, but the most RUTHLESS came from within his own Party.

After Rudd ditched the ETS, and lost his credibility, Gillard took advantage of the moment and ungraciously stabbed Rudd in the back and replaced him as PM with very little condemnation from her new found friends, the CFR owned mass media, which in fact assisted her gain some popularity; however, her real character was to prove far too toxic and distasteful for any nation or media group to handle.

Gillard then faced a federal election in which her ‘iron-clad’ policy of NOT implementing a Carbon Tax was broadly publicised; ‘there will be no Carbon Tax in a government that I lead,’ promised Gillard and the Oz public believed her! No sooner had Gillard secured her position as PM of a minority government than she implemented a Carbon Tax for her Banker and Corporatist masters and so ended any hope Gillard had of maintaining support from the Australian PEOPLE, her Party’s traditional support base!

It would be accurate to state that the nation was momentarily stunned by the extremely crude and supremely treacherous manner in which Gillard stabbed them in the back -- if they grudgingly tolerated her dispatching Rudd in a similar manner, they certainly were not accepting such brazen dishonesty and treachery NOW -- made all the worse as Gillard foolishly attempted to make the incident a minor political mishap!

Gillard was now a very known, treacherous, lying, crude and inept political quantity -- her political skills were perhaps the most inept the nation had ever witnessed and her coarse manner began to irritate the badly-done-by public.

Gillard soon EARNED the ire of a nation, she became the most hated political figure in Oz history -- and that simply due to her general BEHAVIOUR/treachery/dishonesty and incompetence, NOT gender, as some misinformed commentators would like to think. Of course, the bad jokes and sexist remarks followed, but foreigners at this stage have no idea how reviled Gillard, the disingenuous, backstabbing LIAR had become.

Now to matters of national security. While on her grovelling visit to Washington, Gillard signed over an unprecedented FIVE (5) full scale, nuclear capable, U.S. military bases on Oz soil with a permanent foreign occupation force, in PEACE TIME, for fuck’s sake! And WHY was it such a hushed matter, never debated in Parliament or broadly analysed in the privately owned media? Simply due to the fact that Gillard made Australia a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET in the event of an American provoked (typical) conflict with China! How very convenient for the yanks, they launch their attack on China from Oz and other installations in the region and AVOID/minimise a nuclear response on their own soil.

This SUPREMELY TREASONOUS and traitorous act of subverting Australian national security and our prestige in the region is unprecedented -- we are no longer viewed (with respect) as an Independent Sovereign Nation by our regional neighbours, since Gillard’s astonishingly treasonous actions of kowtowing to Washington’s every whim -- we are viewed as a COLONIAL OUTPOST of the USA. Indeed, this ONE act of treason is of such magnitude and compromise to the nation that after a fair and thorough trial I would not hesitate to execute her myself.

Now realise from the above, and there is more should YOU care to research matters, that Gillard is reviled for very good reason, which has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with her GENDER. Frankly, she deserves everything she gets and I would not be surprised if she is gunned down in the street for her supremely TREASONOUS and nationally compromising actions!

Of course criminal Washington owes her a HUGE debt of gratitude for selling Oz down the DRAIN and we’ll see what Gillard’s future has in store -- one thing is certain, she is NOT safe in Oz and no amount of media revisionism/bullshit could alter the fact. What leader would be safe after such traitorous actions? And remember, an arsehole has no gender!

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