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The Politics of Distraction
by nano Tuesday, Jul 2 2013, 1:26am
international / prose / post

Indeed, political distraction has become an art form today but not the usual bauble or candy tricks we play on children when we wish to shift their focus away from some troubling issue; this game is played on a national scale but the formula and methods are the same.

When our paternalistic governments wish to shift our attention away from their criminal activities of INJUSTICE, treason, attacks on freedoms and in some instances illegal wars characterised by (UK, Oz and USA coalition) mass murder, resource theft, torture, renditions, territorial appropriations, etc., they saturate the media with sensationalised irrelevant ‘issues' and distorted news; like, do 99% of the global population really give a damn about homosexual marriage or narcissists like Assange and ‘show pony’ leakers like Snowden, who to date has revealed nothing not already known, namely that the USA is a criminal, interventionist, civilian killing nation that conducts surveillance on all global communications and has done so for at least 25 years to my knowledge? [You will note that Bradley Manning is the notable exception from the media, why? His case is far too authentic and compromising to the powers -- spin merchants and propagandists are unable to use it. Manning’s example is heroic and truly inspiring so they concentrate on sensationalist 'news,’ leakers that go public for no good reason when they could have remained ANONYMOUS and been far more effective subverting the position of the criminals in power on an ongoing basis -- take note real hackers and authentic leakers!]

So why all the bells, baubles and tinsel at this time, perhaps to draw a veil over the REAL issues? Consider the heinous crimes committed while Assange occupied the front pages and your focus would be in the right direction.

SYRIA, the chemical weapons ruse, exposed by UN investigator Carla del Ponte, and Obama’s decision to illegally supply weapons to rebel al-Qaeda affiliated forces in Syria, WHICH constitutes ‘material support for terrorists,’ a heinous crime under US Law! In other words Obama faces arrest for HIS OVERT CRIMINAL ACTIONS but his masters insist that the weapons are delivered -- in the meantime the public must be distracted -- are we beginning to see how it works. Never trust the front pages at face value, especially sensationalist 'news,’ regardless of the sources -- the world is full of useful idiots and narcissists. Pause think and sit back, the shit will float to the surface as it always does!

Nevertheless, Syria is not the half of it; try and guess what the powers wish to background at ALL TIMES. Yes, the severely bungled and thoroughly EXPOSED 9/11 false flag operation, anthrax letters and, revised countless times, absurd Bin Laden assassination -- an operation conducted without a skeric of real proof to verify the elimination of public enemy No.1! As we say down under, ‘not bloody likely, mate!'

Associated with the above major crimes and deceptions is the ongoing erosion of liberties, freedoms and OUR ‘inalienable’ RIGHTS -- the introduction of new Draconian laws and acts, the creation of new oppressive government ‘bodies/authorities’ etc., ALL designed to enslave and oppress YOU, not terrorists that the U.S. directly an indirectly supports in the Balkans, Libya and now Syria -- YES,YOU are the REAL enemy, as you could rise up at any time (Boston lock Down) and demand the restoration of representative government, JUSTICE and real DEMOCRACY and hold the culpable to account!

Consider the most revealing non-action of the current lackey Attorney General, Eric Holder; he refuses to pursue the massive financial FRAUDS committed by Wall St rogues and other white collar criminals that destroyed the national economy, indeed, the GLOBAL economy, and a picture may slowly form.

The criminal powers and their political puppets are in deadly fear of Y-O-U, hence the massive amounts of money spent to ensure the pubic remains distracted at all times!

The USA remains the world's leading civilian killing, therefore TERRORIST nation, yet no-one is held to account. Puppet Obama launches Drone attacks that kill women, children and other innocent people, yet the people do not surrender him to the ICC at the Hague. This piece of dog shit for a president arrogantly brandishes a fuckin' mafia style 'kill list' and no-one is willing to challenge his flagrant criminality. Add to this list yourselves and ask WHY so much social paralysis today? Simply because the people are overloaded with useless, irrelevant information and are made to believe they are powerless.

While you are distracted the crimes continue when all that is required to remedy a multitude of problems today is to apply EXISTING LAWS to everyone, or rally around a robust cause/issue, like the Alice in Wonderland case against Bradley Manning where the criminally accused Pentagon sits in judgement of the accuser, Manning, WHAT!

Remain focused on the REAL ISSUES, demand the arrest of criminals in high office and their Wall St masters (their known crimes could fill an encyclopedia) and the world would have a chance for peace, mutual co-operation and order. The current criminal ruling elite have revealed their intentions countless times; permanent war, pollution, destruction and destabilisation of society and our environment. It’s not a difficult choice to make given what is KNOWN!

If millions assemble in Egypt to demand their leader step down, what then prohibits Americans arresting the criminal President and holding him to account?

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