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Oz PM Gillard under Siege from ALL quarters
by sal Wednesday, Jun 26 2013, 12:38am
international / prose / post

An explosive day in Parliament today has led to more activity within Gillard's Party to remove her from the leadership. And Gillard's response to these major assaults on her leadership is falling back on the same tired, tattered and meaningless line, "I'm getting on with the job!" Well, let's have a close look at the main characteristics of 'her' job.

Insular Gillard selfishly destroying her Party
Insular Gillard selfishly destroying her Party

Gillard constantly relies on unqualified meaningless expressions, a style that is pathetically American, but does not cut it in Oz; we all recall the overuse of the meaningless expression, "the way forward," by members of the Bush regime, which utilised it while committing heinous crimes against humanity or anytime members were challenged about the LIES they told to the American public/world.

It is known that Gillard is an avowed US lackey and arse-licker, to the extent that her lack of vision and integrity forces her to rely on worn American style lies and failed social management techniques.


1.) While deputy to Rudd, Gillard proposed that corporate bosses be allowed to spy on the PRIVATE emails and other digital communications of their employees -- a preemption of today's illegal surveillance State conducted by the American NSA.

Gillard by this action flagged her very clear allegiance to the Corporate end of town -- it couldn't be missed by any commentator and has proven to be accurate today.

2.) Gillard then TREACHEROUSLY dispatched Rudd, her leader, by lying to him -- convincing him to drop the ETS -- and then stabbing him in back and replacing him.

3.) She then LIED to the entire Oz ELECTORATE about not introducing a Carbon Tax, a policy designed by Bankers and Corporatists, and then stabbed the electorate in the back in exactly the same manner she dispatched Rudd.

4.) After gaining office and then visiting her masters in Washington during which time she delivered the most servile, obsequious speech to the US Congress in political history; it made most Aussies that listened to it want to vomit.

5.) While in Washington she then officially signed for FIVE (5) full scale (nuclear armed) US military bases (of occupation) and a foreign troop presence on Australian soil in PEACE TIME -- an extra-ordinary action which in effect makes Oz a primary nuclear target in the event of a US provoked conflict with China and Russia. This action is the height of treason as it clearly subverts Australian sovereignty and undermines national security.

6.) Gillard then failed to return to the nation and its PEOPLE, a reasonable SHARE of the trillion-dollar profits major miners and Corporations were extracting (raping) from the nation. The amount of our 'common-wealth' that has been taken offshore is staggering and Gillard had a very good opportunity to remedy the situation, but failed, as she has failed with every major policy undertaken in the interests of the people -- but when those policies (Carbon Tax) serve foreign interests Gillard forces them on the people, which defies her democratic commission.

7.) When confronted by her colleagues and others with the clear problems she has created she ignores the will of the people and the good advice of her senior colleagues that have now resigned and/or abandoned her. In the prevailing circumstances her pathological INSULARITY is stunning.

8.) Facing a certain slaughter in the upcoming polls she refuses to step aside and save her Party and colleagues from political annihilation. Instead she embarks upon divisive gender issues.

The above points easily flowed off the top of my head, had I deliberated I would be writing about Gillard's failings for days.

No doubt people have their own list of complaints against Gillard, the most treasonous, treacherous, dishonest, incompetent and insular politician that has ever taken high office. This woman is not universally reviled by the people because of her gender or the 'colour' of her hair, she is reviled for the above reasons and many more which the population would inform you of should you care to ask!

Julia Gillard has been replaced, 57 votes to 45, by Kevin Rudd in a leadership spill held this evening; however, Rudd must seek the approval of the Queen's representative to assume the role of PM by proving he is able to form a minority government with the independents. Failure to do so may force an early Federal Election -- something the opposition leader, Tony Abbott craves.

Rudd who has proven he is a pathological personality with little managerial skills or the ability to run a nation, has one talent only, he is able to woo the electorate and save some Labor seats. But it's a sorry day in Oz politics, when choice is reduced to Abbott or Rudd.

It is now more critical than ever to vote REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office and restore Democracy to Australia.

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