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Chris Hedges Reinforces Mainstream Negative Propaganda Once AGAIN
by baz Monday, Jun 10 2013, 12:28am
international / prose / post

In his latest diatribe Hedges begins by legitimising the ‘judicial’ trial of Bradley Manning, the title of his latest piece supporting the status quo is, “The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning” -- give REASON a break, there is absolutely NOTHING “JUDICIAL” about the Manning FARCICAL 'trial,’ that is OBVIOUS to anyone the least bit familiar with the LAW or possess the least amount of COMMON SENSE to claim social competence! It is patently absurd that the criminally accused places the accuser on ‘trial’ for exposing CRIMES, as is clearly encoded/OUTLINED in INTERNATIONAL and LOCAL LAW -- informing the world that the US is guilty of the most heinous immoralities and crimes against humanity is not a crime it is a SERVICE to ALL CIVILISED HUMANITY.

Bradley Manning, not abandoned or diminished
Bradley Manning, not abandoned or diminished

Manning’s case should be an INQUIRY not a trial, as the accused military is not LEGALLY ENTITLED TO LAY CHARGES; the accused military, however, is entitled to defend itself against the incontrovertible proof of war crimes that Manning released -- it is really that simple. Why Hedges would attempt to give this travesty of justice some credence by associating it -- in the positive sense -- with the term “judicial,” clearly indicates his BIAS in the matter; notwithstanding Hedges’ target audience is average Americans that haven’t got a brain between them that is able to reason or interpret simple language and common sense.

It’s the MILITARY that should be on TRIAL, NOT MANNING, it’s the MILITARY that committed the crimes and (also) created the DAMNING evidence which Manning released to the WORLD.

An INDEPENDENT INQUIRY IS CLEARLY REQUIRED and then a TRIAL for those determined by that INQUIRY to be CHARGED with WAR CRIMES and other CRIMES against humanity, TORTURE etc! There is NOTHING JUDICIAL about Manning’s trial he is being illegally detained and tortured by the criminals he has accused and exposed to the world, Mr Hedges.

It is incumbent on Manning’s legal representatives to decry and expose the farcical nature of the proceedings NOT to attempt to defend (legitimise) a farcical trial by defending a case that has been illegally created/FABRICATED.

I sincerely hope that Manning’s lawyers wake to the OBVIOUS before the criminal Pentagon is able to EVADE responsibility for the CRIMES Manning EXPOSED -- Now, Mr Hedges, or anyone else, please challenge that logic and reason!

Hedges goes on to highlight the fact that the government has been able to effectively deny Manning his most basic rights for an effective defence -- so watch out people, Hedges informs us in the subtext or secondary discourse layer that the ruling criminals can do whatever they like against anyone that challenges them and getaway with it! What Hedges fails to do HOWEVER, is INFORM his readers that DEMOCRACY ALLOWS FOR THE PEOPLE TO PURGE A GOVERNMENT that is clearly criminal and does not support the interests of the PEOPLE and values enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- so let’s hear it for all the agents pretending to be leftists or supportive of LAW, order and civilised society. Let’s dis-empower the people with more negative rhetoric and never inform them of their SUPREMELY EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POWER and their ability to re-establish Justice and see to it that ALL criminals from Wall St to the White House are placed on trial for their MANY KNOWN and RECORDED CRIMES.

The people are able to rid their nation of the unrepresentative MINORITY that has hijacked their government and commits the most heinous crimes before the community.

DEMOCRACY is not a spectator sport it is process and involves active PARTICIPATION in order to maintain its INTEGRITY. A united and OVERWHELMING show of force is required to completely eradicate the corrupt filth from Wall St and Washington, not more dis-empowering rhetoric from commentators like Hedges.

Analyse this next paragraph for yourselves:

“The draconian trial restrictions, familiar to many Muslim Americans tried in the so-called war on terror, presage a future of show trials and blind obedience. Our email and phone records, it is now confirmed, are swept up and stored in perpetuity on government computers. Those who attempt to disclose government crimes can be easily traced and prosecuted under the Espionage Act. Whistle-blowers have no privacy and no legal protection. This is why Edward Snowden—a former CIA technical assistant who worked for a defense contractor with ties to the National Security Agency and who leaked to Glenn Greenwald at The Guardian the information about the National Security Council’s top-secret program to collect Americans’ cellphone metadata, e-mail and other personal data—has fled the United States. The First Amendment is dead. There is no legal mechanism left to challenge the crimes of the power elite [Rubbish!] We are bound and shackled. And those individuals who dare to resist face the prospect, if they remain in the country, of joining Manning in prison, perhaps the last refuge for the honest and the brave.” [Emphasis added.]
ROFL -- does that appear positive and inspiring or is it strangely compatible with government rhetoric? The last two sentences are my 'favourites,’ what utter crap, we the PEOPLE, in REALITY are NOT ‘bound and shackled.’ Anytime we choose, WE are able to RESTORE the nation to civilised DEMOCRACY and hold all known criminals to account for their RECORDED innumerable crimes -- do you have issue with that democratic reality, Mr Hedges?

We are aware of the forces that are attempting to enslave us; we are also aware of the DEMOCRATIC means at our disposal to put an abrupt end to those evil forces, however, most of us choose to act in secret and prepare fertile ground for the inevitable restoration of JUSTICE Mr Hedges, and I would add that the PEOPLE have very long memories!

IT is the people that must now lay charges against puppet presidents and all manner of clearly bought and corrupt government officials that support and promote crimes as outlined in International LAW and convention -- they are NOT immune though they would like YOU to believe they act with impunity.

Understand Mr Hedges, that on every occasion you open that poisonous, LYING and DEFEATIST mouth of yours the people will shove their collective boot down your stinking traitorous throat -- you reprehensible DOG!

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