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Narcissistic ‘all about me’ generations fall victim to Big Brother
by cyd Thursday, Aug 23 2012, 2:25am
international / prose / post

New Oz cyber laws to be implemented by the reprehensible lackey Gillard government on behalf of US ruling elites target the desperate and socially alienated digital ‘me’ generations that have foolishly published reams of personal data on various social networking sites, most notably (trace)Facebook. The security Bill, recently passed in the Senate, was barely debated, which speaks volumes about corporate CAPTURED Australian politicians.

It seems the State can never get enough and requires everMORE intrusive surveillance powers, which have dramatically increased over the past decade – but WHY we should all ask, as the excuses and reasons offered by government do not hold water?

We have heard it all before, child porn, fraud etc, a litany of predictable and feeble excuses offered by puppet politicians that simply do not stand when subject to analysis. “The [new] laws … will specifically target suspected cyber criminals,” we are told, but how? Even the uneducated should be able to detect the vagaries and absurdities of government excuses. To use ‘specific’ an exact term with vague term, “suspected,” comes straight from the US ‘manual’ on “perception management!”

Furthermore, any real independent politician would have insisted on valid and real reasons to implement evermore draconian laws on an already locked down society. Questioning how ‘suspects’ as distinct from citizens are determined would have been appropriate and then an explanation of how ‘suspicion’ would be cast or determined, would have exposed the nefarious plan for what it really is -- it is well known in the IT industry that real cyber criminals use a wide variety of tools, devices and methods which guarantee anonymity and evade tracing by regulators – utilised offshore servers also appear and disappear at speed!

So it becomes evident that the new surveillance powers are REALLY directed at society at large NOT specialised cyber criminals who are always at least 5 steps ahead of the ‘authorities’ – that is REALITY in the digital world of cyber criminals.

It is also known that these criminals employ the services of elite hackers whose skills are far superior to those of the numb-nuts that work for mindless corrupt governments – another FACT to choke on.

Australia should NEVER FORGET the first thing Juliar Gillard, as deputy to Rudd, wished to implement for her corporate masters when the Rudd Labor government won office was to allow corporate bosses the right to legally spy on the private emails and other personal digital communications of their employees, a memory helps doesn’t it? Is a picture slowly forming now, MORONS? The ever increasing draconian SURVEILLANCE measures (now passed) and other OPPRESSIVE laws about to be rushed through parliament are primarily direct at Y-O-U, the public, you mindless, bleating sheep!

I get supreme satisfaction informing the self-involved ‘me’ generation how they have been completely fucked where you’re not meant to be fucked, unless of course you belong to the same 'club' as the sodomist former Oz Greens leader and champion of the Banker designed Carbon Tax, Bob Brown – O, is a bigger picture forming now, you talentless pea-brains; you deserve everything you get, not because you’re inept, we would have filled that gap, but because you are gutless and couldn’t save yourselves if your lives were threatened.

The evil cabals and ruling elites have you fucked completely, however, they have NEVER been able to identify or locate ANY of us!

A little history lesson may be of some benefit for those hapless morons born after the development of the Internet.

In the early days of digital communication it was standard practice to use ALIASES for everything and never to publish identifying personal information, as it was known that this information could be used by unscrupulous types, notwithstanding, that everything published on the net remains in storage somewhere forever!

Early ‘hackers,’ which wasn’t a negative term at the time, developed secure habits and passed them on to their trainees, prudent behaviour was the order of the day. As a result the lives of pioneering Internet users were rarely if ever compromised on the wire. Simply adhering to a few simple privacy rules protected everyone from exploitation. This remained the case for decades though cyber crime began to explode.

It soon became apparent that ruling elites, now completely dependent on digital technologies, lagged drastically behind buffs, hackers and the emerging cyber criminal groups. The world witnessed the laughable situation of a Rockefeller in the American Senate stating openly that the Internet should never have been invented; such was the panic in ruling elite circles!

Faced with the urgent need to control what was becoming a major threat to the elite power base, a number of options and proposals were hurriedly implemented to gain some knowledge and control of a runaway situation. Among those implementations were social networking packages developed and expanded from rudimentary chat and peer networking packages.

The CIA immediately saw an opportunity and via one of its front companies poured millions into the development of FACEBOOK. The corporates – including the mass media -- for whom the CIA actually work, began a selling campaign the likes of which had never been seen on the Internet and mass media; both mediums were flooded with glowing stories of the new social networking phenomenon and much to the amazement of authorities users of these new packages began to voluntarily publish highly personal and hitherto private data about themselves and their ‘friends’ UNDER THEIR REAL NAMES/IDENTITIES, a previously unprecedented action! Regulatory agencies and police couldn't believe their luck, they had hit the jackpot and laughed all the way to their next arrest – and they continue to LAUGH today, you numb mullets!

Human nature being what it is it is not surprising regulatory authorities want more and more of a good thing – the next amazing and unexpected development was the acquiescence and passivity of the masses to new sweeping draconian laws, privacy intrusions and socially oppressive measures like, stop and search, airport pat-downs/genital groping etc; the likes of which had never been seen or imagined in western democracies; nevertheless, it has all come to pass without so much as a bang or whimper from the spineless oppressed masses that seem to yield to ever greater pressure.

Frankly, the gutless masses of today are not worth pissing on and all the martyrs and revolutionaries out there are wasting their very limited and precious time, of that be assured. However a VERY STRONG, expanding and extremely capable digital underground grows even as I write and is becoming a global force soon to be reckoned with by States.

Few of these new cyber warriors know the real identities of other warriors/crewz or even know the identities of their own tight-knit cyber communities, security habits and protocols have become standard practice to this new breed. Hackers today come together spontaneously on moral and ethical issues to fight the forces of oppression. We do not waste our time fighting for useless, mindless slaves and other idiots not worth their salt but we fight relentlessly toward an inevitable OUTCOME, which the Uber elite KNOW is THEIRS.

The prize or holy grail of hacking is the satellite systems of superpowers and recent gains made in these areas today are truly remarkable. The highly skilled hacker underground will eventually prevail against the evil cabals -- SKILL and TIME is on their side; the days of nefarious secret cabals wreaking havoc on the world for personal gain and profit are fast coming to a end.

So the next time your puppet governments wish to implement more laws and measures to rob you of your rights and natural share in the wealth of the nation just passively bend over and take it where Bob ‘carbon tax’ Brown, prefers it, you pathetic lamers! Have you ever heard of fighting for your rights the way your ancestors and forefathers did? Shame on you all!

In conclusion, I would ask; have any of YOU realised why minority ruling elites are fast-tracking so many draconian and oppressive social laws? It’s because they are mortally afraid of YOU, the masses, and the prospect that you may one day wake up and place the criminal cabals on trial, take what is rightfully yours and restore law, order and justice to your respective societies. Fat chance! But they believe it and live in fear of the prospect so ready yourselves for more and more oppressive/repressive measures.

Wikileaks for example has provided the WORLD with irrefutable proof of US war crimes and other crimes against humanity but the masses have been successfully distracted by the plight of the messenger (Assange) and have LOST SIGHT OF THE MESSAGE, a trick played on little children!

In no other era would these crimes remain unpunished and the culpable allowed to remain free -- and elite cabals are afraid of YOU, a bunch of pathetic, COWARDLY chicken-shits, that can't even demand that existing laws be applied to KNOWN criminals -- what a fuckin’ tragic joke!

Report from ZDNet follows:

Cybercrime Bill passes Senate, set to become law
by Michael Lee

The Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 has passed through the Australian Senate, allowing Australia to accede to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime.

The controversial Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 passed the Australian Senate today.

The Bill amends the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987, the Criminal Code Act 1995, the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 and the Telecommunications Act 1997, and allows Australia to accede to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime. The latter treaty is designed to foster cooperation and common policy between nations to deal with multi-national crimes committed on computer networks across the globe, such as online fraud or child pornography offences.

The proposed amendments have been debated rigorously, with some concerned that the legislation is a backward step, and many internet service providers are concerned over the new requirements that may be placed upon them to retain data on individuals under investigation.

The Bill passed with some amendments by the Labor Party, after taking into consideration some of the recommendations made by the Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety. These include privacy protections and how assistance is provided to foreign agencies.

The Greens' amendments were voted against. These included concerns that the information shared could result in the death penalty overseas, even though Australia does not support capital punishment, and that the Bill should be clearer to prevent this. Greens spokesperson Scott Ludlam also said in the Senate today that it was deeply concerning that countries with less strict privacy legislation than Australia could request personal information on Australians under investigation, and that the amendments had no language to refuse such a request.

"Given the medium that we now operate in, privacy protections can be absolutely rock-solid in Australia, but if we are sharing data — intimate personal details of people's lives — with law enforcement and intelligence agencies in foreign jurisdictions with lower standards of privacy protection that we have in Australia, and that material leaks, then the privacy protections that they're afforded in Australia is worthless, because that information can be back in Australia at the speed of light."

With the amendments becoming law, Australia will be able to join 34 other nations that have already acceded to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, including the US and Germany.

"This is good news for fighting crime, and will help make it easier for police to track down cybercriminals around the world," Australian Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said in a statement.

"In particular, this will help combat criminal offences relating to forgery, fraud, child pornography and infringement of copyright and intellectual property.

"The Convention promotes a coordinated approach to cybercrime, by requiring countries to criminalise these computer related offences. The Convention also establishes procedures to make investigations more efficient to improve international cooperation."

© 2012 CBS Interactive

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