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NDAA provision -- old plan to silence dissidents now realised
by trudy Friday, Feb 8 2013, 9:30am
international / prose / post

When puppet Obama dutifully signed the NDAA into law for his masters -- the global Banking and Corporate elite -- on ‘new year’s eve,’ few people realised that targeting citizens for indefinite detention had been planned almost a decade earlier. The evidence surfaced in American vassal State, Australia, in 2005.

A little background on Oz’s role is warranted:

Since the CIA destroyed the last truly representative Oz (Whitlam) government in the early 70’s, successive Oz governments have kow-towed to the US; Washington and Arlington (CIA headquarters) have spoken!

The global ruling elite considered it expedient to invest the federally controlled military with sweeping police powers as various State police lacked a uniform approach and were not centrally controlled -- it is not a matter of “trust,” Mr Hedges, it is and was, a matter of pure expediency.

Today’s Oz politicians are dunces and cowards that can always be relied upon to somehow slip up; plans and orders were issued via the usual channels in Washington to all vassal States and were, in Australia’s case, encoded in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) training manual -- how convenient.

The offending section on ‘killing dissidents’ and covering up the crime, was immediately seized upon by minor political parties and questions were raised in the Oz Senate by now convert to one world government, Bob ‘poop pusher’ Brown -- you can never trust a fag!

The offending section makes the NDAA provision look tame, as there is no disguising what the global ruling elite have in store for the morons that continue to deny a global ruling elite exists. Western militaries would be invested with ‘shoot to kill powers’ against citizens and then allowed to disguise their crimes! Read the disgusting piece of elitist filth and then tell me we shouldn’t shoot treasonous politicians and hang Wall St Bankers and Transnational/Corporate CEOs:

S543 of the Manual says in part -- thanks go to activist Lawyer, Dale Mills:

“Dead and wounded dissidents, if identifiable, must be removed immediately by the police ... When being reported, dissident and own casualties are categorised merely as dead or wounded. To inhibit propaganda exploitation by the dissidents the cause of the casualties (for example, ‘shot’) is not reported. A follow-up operation should be carried out to maintain the momentum of the dispersing crowd.”
Feast your democratic delusions on the above piece of totalitarian trash and then wonder why you continue to deny the existence of a criminal ruling elite and refuse to deal with them according to law -- these sociopaths are responsible for all the major wars and human holocausts of the new century.

I expected more from informed and educated American journos, but have been sorely disappointed as the idiots continue to imagine that shameless lackey slave Obama is responsible -- wake up clowns, especially you, Hedges! All western ‘democracies’ have been thoroughly corrupted by elitist interests and all major political parties have been bought. I am not referring to a conspiracy theory, I cite with ample evidence, the reality of a real criminal conspiracy or have you somehow missed all the unnecessary wars, mass murders, resource thefts and territorial acquisitions over the past decade?

The case is lost Hedges, wherefore do you think otherwise when all semiotic indicators point to a loss?

The legal system is a State apparatus, remember? You forget history and how judiciaries in every totalitarian State from the USSR, Nazi Germany, through Stasi East Germany to the USA are either intimidated, bulldozed or manipulated into making decisions in favour of the State and its objectives.

For fuck’s sake man, America has legalised torture and presidential ‘kill lists’ and yet you imagine you will win! The State has too much at stake to lose your case, Hedges? I dunno what you're smoking but it clearly beats our local variety.

I recently attended a case in Australia where the State had targeted an activist on charges brought by a State authority (of course) -- which could have been brought against any activist anytime. The case was a travesty from start to end, the outcome favoured the State. During proceedings the magistrate allowed the most gross example of leading a witness I have ever seen; when challenged by defence lawyers the magistrate asserted ‘his’ authority over ‘his’ court -- so brazen was his partiality you could hear groans from the gallery.

An unprecedented fine of nearly $200K was issued for trivial offences, it was clearly designed to induce non-payment which would have allowed for stronger charges at a later date, however, a benefactor and community fund raisers covered all costs and the activist continues his work against the State today.

The USA is already lost to a criminal plutocracy, Hedges, and you won’t reverse the situation with traditional passive approaches. You will note that former totalitarian regimes were all overthrown, usually violently, though in the case of the Soviet Union it was bled economically via the Afghan war.

The American population is a dead loss and anyone able to effect external change is either too frightened or has too much to lose; nevertheless, the system is under constant attack by invisible untraceable warriors that know exactly how to bring it down. An Eastern saying may direct your efforts to a viable alternative strategy -- “rise by that by which one falls!” Reversing that very wise ‘Asian view’ points directly to attacking the digital central nervous system of the beast. Digital technology is at the core of its power, Hedges, the system is entirely dependent; be aware of the current reality before making erroneous assertions that corporate forces have staged a winning coup -- it’s just a minor skirmish in the new cyber war. All data is liable to attack, in fact the surveillance corporate State has created a digital goldmine for skilled digital warriors. If you are not able to positively contribute to the fight then at least cease your negative, defeatist, Christian martyr crap, for Christ’s fuckin’ sake! In other words shut the fuck up if you are unable to inspire innovative and successful revolt.

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