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The MYTH of Legal TORTURE and other American Myths
by jude Friday, Dec 28 2012, 10:57pm
international / prose / post

There is probably no greater crime against humanity than the deliberate TORTURE of another human being, YET the United States falsely believes it has legalised this most heinous crime against all humanity!

Torture remains OVERWHELMINGLY ILLEGAL in every legitimate international jurisdiction on the planet; no international LAWS or Conventions allow it under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, yet in the INVERTED USA where WAR is PEACE and the LAW is a crime and CRIME is legal, the psychopathic criminal ruling executive and the Corporate forces behind it engage in this practice routinely.

America has endeavoured in vain to disinfect and desensitise this ghastly practice with euphemisms, like 'enhanced interrogation,’ but torture cannot be dismissed so easily; so the executive commissioned legal stooges in the form of one John Yoo, professor of (American, as distinct from REAL LAW) to legalise TORTURE -- Yoo then TORTURED every existing American law relating to torture and submitted his ‘legal’ version to the Bush administration, which they were extremely happy to run with. And away the CIA and Pentagon went, torturing anyone THEY deemed to be non-compliant. The water torturing of one individual accused of complicity in the false flag 9/11 operation is recorded to have been carried out 183 times in just over a month -- this 'procedure' was conducted in a DESPERATE attempt to force the individual to confess to a crime that was planned and executed by the American criminal executive and its Mossad allies; this is well known in intelligence circles around the globe. But the above crime is only one instance of thousands the USA is directly or indirectly (renditions) RESPONSIBLE for!

The point is simple though it's easy to digress in the current context -- THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LEGAL TORTURE! Have we got that, America; you stand GUILTY of the most heinous crime known to humankind and there is NO AVOIDING that REALITY?

Your treatment of accused whistleblower, Bradley Manning, is a thorough disgrace and CLEARLY identifies the criminal party as the PENTAGON! The military commission 'trial' is akin to something in Lewis Carroll's Wonderland but that is to be expected when a nation INVERTS morality, the LAW and CIVILIZED CONVENTION to suit the criminal agenda of a minority ruling elite. [We should NOT look to the local population for any remedy or solution at this stage -- any population that allows its CITIZENS to be genitally groped at airports by perverted government workers is LOST, pure and simple; there is nothing more personally invasive or indicative of complete subservience than such a display.]

The US criminal elite may have the local population completed vanquished by not so the GLOBAL POPULATION, which views American crimes and sociological inversions with disbelief and wonder -- how could any population be so servile and obsequious, it simply defies the FREE imagination, but then we're NOT American, thank fuckin' Christ!

All the WARS that rage today are, according to the USA, 'humanitarian interventions,' they are definitely 'not' territorial or resource/oil thefts, or so we are LED to believe. 'Regime change' or interference in any sovereign nation's affairs, with the view to replacing or toppling its leadership is simply an illegal act of OFFENSIVE warfare, that simple -- or would you care to locate the statute or convention that specifically allows 'regime change!'

The first attack is always on language that is why illegal, civilian killing Drone strikes remain a war crime though the President himself boasts a 'kill list' -- if a measure of American criminal perversity is required it is found in this president's actions and scripted comments. 'Collateral damage' or the military expression, 'bug splat,' does not disinfect the criminal ACT of killing INNOCENT CIVILIANS and there is no defence in any uncorrupted court on this planet -- are you reading this, selected puppet judges and prosecutors at the ICC?

Regime change is simply offensive warfare, as is now occurring in Syria, yet regime change has been accepted in the US lexicon as natural and normal today though it remains illegal invasion directly or by proxy, "we came, we saw, he died!"

Get out of the FEAR 'box' of created nightmares and view it from the OUTSIDE – a short summary may assist: TORTURE is a CRIME and REMAINS so regardless of all America's futile attempts to make it acceptable! Civilian killing Drone warfare is a war crime, pure and simple. Reporting Pentagon war crimes is not a crime but a service to humanity and justice -- free Bradley Manning and prosecute the culpable military that Manning exposed!

Now a word on the fear campaign the US wages against its own citizens -- which the ruling minority considers enemies that require constant monitoring and surveillance -- the bought Senate recently voted to continue warrantless digital eavesdropping on the ENTIRE nation, goodbye David Petraeus!

If only average Americans knew that DIGITAL technology is incredibly STUPID/DUMB – computers are INCAPABLE of creative abstract thought or interpreting the simplest nursery rhyme or metaphor; it is an inescapably LITERAL technology and therein lies its fall; a child could EASILY circumvent its intrusions.

Digital technology is extremely vulnerable by nature, as it works according to strict programmable routines which are coded by fallible mortals, the point here is whatever one man codes another man can de-code or subvert. However, even failing expert intervention, communicating in simple abstractions and symbolism that any child could understand completely DEFIES digital SURVEILLANCE, which governments pay billions of dollars to install. The joke is on the population for not communicating in simple intimate words that only close associates understand -- too easy.

As for facial recognition, simple understanding of the crucial points of reference easily allow people to use their hair, hats, everyday apparel, glasses and/or facial hair to confuse the best facial recognition packages available -- the ears, eyes, nose and chin, remain the primary points of reference -- it's ALL a money making scam and FEAR campaign created to intimidate and paralyse social resistance to an EXTREMELY VULNERABLE and frightened MINORITY CRIMINAL ELITE.

As for Drones they are EASILY knocked out of the sky by even a rudimentary air force, notwithstanding hacker successes from third party digital hackers, SEE? Drones can only be successfully used with the permission of corrupt and complicit governments or on nations that have no air force or advanced technologies, that simple!

The message is GET OUT OF THE bullshit propaganda BOX and take a clean objective look at the REAL WORLD from the OUTSIDE or better still, BECOME A PERMANENT OUTSIDER, your induced/CREATED fears will disappear overnight and you may even discover that you have REAL options OUTSIDE the feeble 'control' of totalitarian governments. It's very easy and simple if you replace the habit of passive mental consumption with objective creative thinking!

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