“Knowledge is Power,” and that is Precisely Why the FCC is Attempting to Choke/Censor the Internet
by justin Friday, Dec 15 2017, 7:06pm
international /
prose /
Any attempt by a government self-styled ‘authority’ to interfere with the free flow of information on any medium is an enemy of the people, a self-evident Truth. It is the duty of every freedom loving, responsible citizen to oppose all such attempts to stifle free speech and opposing views no matter how bizarre, people are intelligent enough to filter codswallop and crap for themselves, and yes, even whackos like Alex Jones and 'lizards rule the world,' David Ike, should be allowed to have their demented say. Real knowledge is power indeed, not the crap/propaganda that is disseminated by the lying, CFR directed, mass media, owned by vested interests. Under deep state puppet Trump, we have a tax plan that favours the rich and burdens the poor, now we have Trump allowing for the last free speech medium to be throttled in favour of big telcos and media moguls. Extremely popular alternative news sites have already taken a huge blow with the fake ‘fake news’ created hysteria in order to facilitate CENSORSHIP of dissenting views, the criminal ruling elites fear and loath these sources of information due to their strong background research and reputable reporting of VERIFIABLE facts, these sites have gained favour among the masses as credible information sources that forever expose the LIES and machinations of the criminal deep state, and its current pathologically LYING puppet president, its agencies and their nefarious associates.
Anyone that reads these alt-news articles is struck by their sober reporting based on verifiable evidence, embedded research links and copious reference notes in many cases. Many of the authors are experts in their field, Professors, academics and other specialists -- compare to the illiterate talking heads on Fox and other mass media news outlets, whose job it is to read from scripts supplied by elites to whip up fervor, divide and appeal to the baser emotional instincts of the herd, not to disseminate TRUTH, simply because if they did, the deep state would not exist, the neocons would be in jail with many other unrepresentative treasonous operators in Washington. UN-representative puppet presidents would be a thing of the past and REAL representative democracy would be restored. Does it now become obvious why these elite forces detest the freedom the internet offers, they fear for their stinking criminal hides, that simple?
The only people that fear freedom and TRUTH are those with something to hide, and as has been said of old, "the TRUTH shall set you FREE." Now which DARK forces fear TRUTH? The answer is in your faces on a daily basis.
The internet must remain free from all attempts to throttle, distort and favour, as quite simply without the free flow of information society is LOST to the nefarious forces that fear truth.
Be vigilant and Fight for YOUR inalienable RIGHTS to your last breath; ongoing FREEDOM and JUSTICE would then be your prize. If you can't stand then crawl, if you can't crawl then scream but NEVER ever relinquish your God given FREEDOMS to anyone.
Share this call with everyone you know and stop Big Brother in his tracks.
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