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Killing by Indoctrination or Conscious Design
by mitch Wednesday, Dec 19 2012, 8:11pm
international / prose / post

which is the greater crime?

The US military has decided to seek the death penalty in the case against brainwashed idiot soldier, Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, who 'lost it' and went on a solo civilian killing spree in Afghanistan.

Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, useful moron and scapegoat
Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, useful moron and scapegoat

Bales, a useful scapegoat, is accused of killing a dozen innocent civilians and wounding several others. His victims, including women and 9 children, were all civilians sleeping in their homes.

This case of an American military moron fighting Corporate wars has been selected to restore the tarnished image of the proven criminal, civilian killing US military after the wrist-slap exoneration of the 'single' accused in the heinous Haditha massacre case.

But it's a losing campaign, the WORLD is acutely aware of the historical facts today even against the backdrop of propaganda movies based on lies and gross distortions, such as 'Zero Dark Thirty!'

Former Secretary of State Albright, is on PUBLIC record stating plainly that killing over 500,000 innocent Iraqi CHILDREN with medical and other embargos prior to the illegal invasion was, "worth it!' [Compare the crimes.]

After the now proven orchestrated and concerted LIES (WMD) promulgated by the highest officials in the US, UK and Australia (known as the coalition of willing criminals) which led to an illegal invasion that resulted in another ONE MILLION innocent civilian deaths, four million displaced citizens and a ruined State, ANY attempt by the US military to remove the indelible stain of war crimes and other crimes against humanity is FUTILE. Try as they might with media misinformation and multi-million dollar productions from Hollywood -- it's a LOSING battle, the historical record stands firm.

Staff Sargent Bales is also a tragic victim of PLUTOCRATIC, Corporate and Banking elites killing by conscious design in order to procure ever more wealth/profits at any cost to humanity and the environment.

The people indirectly responsible for these crimes are the puppet politicians and the upper echelon of State institutions such as the military -- which serve criminal Corporatists and Plutocrats today.

Military brass unsurprisingly are assured cushy jobs in the corporate world after their military service! The system had been bought and is now owned by executive criminals that never see action but profit on the misery they inflict on others!

The system is CORRUPT to the core and is as rotten as any other regime/nation-state/empire in history.

How do you hide the FIVE (5) million INDISCRIMINATE carpet bombing civilian deaths in Indo-China and the millions more innocents killed in the Middle East and Central Asia today? Answer, YOU CAN'T, but you sure as hell can try with diversions, distractions, revisionism and scapegoats like tragic moron, Bales.

The most culpable war criminals remain at large today -- Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Rice, Howard, Obama etc., though they are known to the ENTIRE WORLD.

Justice is the prerogative of the people and if they neglect their responsibility then heinous crime FLOURISHES -- and it can only GET WORSE!

Criminal Drone War President Obama
Criminal Drone War President Obama

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