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Alternative Media Shoots Self in Foot
by darcy Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 1:40am
international / prose / post

The latest winger from the alternative bunch is from Alternet, before that Word Socialist Website WSWS, indeed, there is validity to both complaints of INTENTIONAL backgrounding by Google and Facebook and other major IT players able to interfere with information flows and access. However, alternative news sites have only themselves to blame as it was/is a given that the ‘man,’ would eventually contrive a plan and implement a mechanism to stifle free speech on the internet, especially those which oppose the fiction of the dominant mainstream discourse, shaped of course by the CFR.

We should all remember the feeble, unsuccessful attempts to utilise the excuse of child porn to censor, which would have created secret blacklists to stifle sites that the ‘man’ did not approve of, however, that plan clearly failed as filtering mechanisms were not sufficiently developed to accurately determine which sites were offenders, in fact medical sites, that used terms such as penis and vagina were targeted, among other numerous gross flaws in implementation/methodology, and so the plan failed miserably but the ‘man’ only learns from his failures and continues until he succeeds, something that should have been known, as it was signaled countless times that the ‘man’ was after those outlets that disagreed with and opposed mainstream views and propaganda.
Today we have “fake news” as the excuse, notwithstanding that the largest purveyor of real FAKE news is the privately owned mass media, as the Iraq war, to name the most outrageous example, proved beyond all doubt. Nevertheless, “fake news” is ambiguous enough to lend itself broadly to include any site the ‘man’ disapproves of. Of course the ‘man’ is the plutocrat-owned mass media and its governing body, the CFR, to which all western media moguls are members. So clearly, vested interests have always been involved in the suppression of truth and free speech, and the dissemination of distorted news, self-serving lies and propaganda that serve the interests of criminal shadow governments to which group media moguls belong. It is worth noting that these elites fear to death the masses awakening from their mass media induced stupor, which group would no doubt react in the same way as the masses during the bloody French revolution, in the knowledge that they have been unfairly EXPLOITED and treated as expendable slaves for labour and wars for the profit of the few -- factory and cannon fodder in other words. And so the process of stifling dissenting voices -- which accurately report events by exposing criminal wars for profit, corruption on a massive scale, state drug trafficking (CIA) and all manner of other crimes, particularly extra-judicial killing, (9/11) etc, including detailed verifiable background information to support their stories -- became an imperative for vested interests.

So if alternative media sites that once bathed in their popularity are now suffering lack of exposure it is simply because THEY like the mass media were/are self-centred, with one critical distinction, they all are at the mercy of mega-media players able to manage the flow of information, particularly search engines and sites which prominently offer news/information that THEY deem ‘appropriate’ -- what a laugh, but the biggest laugh is reserved for the foolishness and insularity of alternative sites that should have known censorship was inevitable and should have implemented safeguards against the inevitable suppression -- and there are many, almost as many as the FAILURES of conceited, self-centred, self-satisfied, alternative, ‘once popular’ websites -- you only have yourselves to blame.

So what is THE major failing of alternative news sites in their current struggle for survival? CLEARLY, LACK OF MUTUAL AID AND SUPPORT, Kropotkin is perfectly correct in this regard. The alternative ‘stream,’ now a trickle, failed to develop CONCERTED survival strategies to combat the inevitability of censorship.

Since our parent site first went online, fourteen years ago, not ONE major alternative site has reposted or linked any article that appeared on our now four sites, rather remarkable, as we had all manner of educated specialists contributing to the sites, YET due to our NECESSARY anonymity policy and stylistic freedoms, anal and ‘precious’ alt-news sites/hubs viewed our sites with disdain and not a solitary one has ever linked to our sites, notwithstanding we ALWAYS supported them with reposts and links.

Readers would note that it’s not for lack of skills or talent, it’s that we are radical to the extreme stylistically and thematically but not in the conspiracy camp of nutters, like Alex Jones and his group of numbat followers, though there is a place for everyone and he is free to say and do whatever he wants, notwithstanding that half his allegations, predictions and assessments fail the test and fail to materialise, consumer beware.

Then we have the formal anal variety of alt-news sites like Consortium News which prides itself on following clinical journalism, though it is impossible not to be partisan, so why pretend otherwise? Indeed, our sites wave all manner of banners against exploitative capitalism, failed oppressive socialism and any other -ism you care to think of, as real freedom does not lie in SUB-SCRIPTION to given, failed systems, ideologies and stultifying anal presentations, though grammatical and thematic coherence is a must, we do NOT publish gibberish; however, we do not eliminate rants if they have something credible, developed and re-searchable to say, fuck your anal journalistic conventions.

But to return to the point.

We also challenged (directly) via a very temporary email server, the NSA to thwart our intentions some fourteen years back, and received a form-letter response, which amounted to, “do you wish to do business with the NSA” -- lol -- give us a break.

So we let her rip, fully aware that we would be monitored by the agencies and suppressed by their puppets, Google, and Facebook much later, as both these companies have direct financial and ideological links to the CIA. Yet due to our policy of not receiving any external financial support, a complete ban on site advertising, not one of our current or past members/contributors has ever had encounters with regulatory or other government agencies, except our founder who is always a great source of information and has a wealth of strategic experience on how to avoid detection, his/her advice has never failed us.

You see, our policies work, including our survival strategies, which largely consist of direct information links, XML, mailouts and DIRECT dissemination via personal and underground networks, all of which are disconnected from Facebook (tracebook) and ‘do evil,’ Google. Hence our readership and read counts remain intact, in fact they have continued to increase at a steady rate over the past fourteen years, while the mainstream alternatives take a dive simply because they failed to understand their enemy and take precautions; however, their lack of mutual aid/support will truly be their undoing. Take note all of you -- no advertising on principle and no external financial support, our sites could exist if necessary on the smell of a digital rag. Exposure begs when you ask for handouts, then subsequent targeting and subversion by all the forces western intel and corporate power could muster -- YET we have and continue to survive, with the least concern for Google and other IT companies that enslave the masses with distortions and lies by manipulating available information -- and as we or at least some of us are aware, accurate INFORMATION is REALITY.

If alternative sites fail to mutually support each other at this very late stage their end would be a matter of course -- consider mass media moguls that meet regularly at the CFR and develop their strategies to suit THEIR interests; YET precious, failing alt-news sites have never learned. And worst of all, they have FAILED TO HEED THE SIGNS, and you call yourselves investigative journalists, ha! Good luck, you’ll need it.

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