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Trump - The Greatest Danger to World Peace since Adolf Hitler
by Peter Koenig via shirl - ICH Monday, Aug 14 2017, 11:36pm
international / prose / post

Save the World – Trump Must Go!

It should be noted that the deep state's mass media are fabricating 'news'/misinformation as they did with Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc -- we are already aware of the massive LIES the mass media disseminates in order to pursue the deep state agenda, which is perpetual war (neocons), overthrowing democratic governments (regime change), resource theft, etc, ALL of which actions are ILLEGAL under international law, have we got that REALITY?.

So let's start with a few FACTS rather than the overt LIES, contrivances and fabrications of the mass media. First, North Korea is not a real threat to the USA, as assessed by expert scientists, they state plainly that NK missiles are UNABLE to deliver nuclear warheads, as they have not mastered the necessary advanced rocket systems and miniaturisation technologies to do so -- this is FACT, as is widely published on the alternative media. Now consider another FACT, the US media never supplies substantive evidence to back its wild claims, it simply repeats lies endlessly until they are accepted as truth -- straight from Hitler's population management handbook!


Second is Trump himself, a completely inept political dunce who has deferred his executive prerogatives to the Pentagon and the deep state/neocon war agenda, and as we all know anyone, even bereft Trump, is able to scream WAR. Please verify facts for yourselves and then take the necessary action to prevent the deep state and puppet Trump from igniting a nuclear holocaust, the nations that Trump threatens and has already declared economic war on, China, Russia and NK, are no real threat to the USA, in fact they genuinely pursue peace with mad dog America.

Trump has threatened and inflamed Kim Jong-un who retaliates in the only way he can, with missile launches and blustering counter-threats. Clearly, what is required is diplomacy and engagement not refusal to negotiate, which Trump pursues because he is not a diplomat's arsehole and would fail to negotiate a positive outcome; so to compensate for his weaknesses and gross failures he performs in the media as that is all he knows. The man, as the entire world is aware, is an unstable, extremely dangerous pathological personality and dunce. You see, Hitler did not have nukes, Trump has his finger on the doomsday button, which threatens everyone on the planet. Now notice how this horrifying threat is downplayed by the US mass media, to be expected as the plutocrat owned mass media is integral to deep state propaganda and misinformation. Trump in fact makes Hitler look tame yet the very real threat is downplayed by the mainstream media -- do you smell yet ANOTHER propaganda, unnecessary war, rat?

Regardless, Trump has proven incontrovertibly that he is a REAL THREAT to HUMANITY and therefore MUST be eliminated one way or the other, it matters not how, one life is not worth billions of innocent lives and a habitable planet, simple.

For the last few days, the megalo-psychopath, Donald Trump, doubling as President of the United States of America, with a happy finger on the red-nuclear bottom – has been lambasting and shouting threats of “fire and fury” at North Korea, for her purely self-defensive ICBM tests, carried out under constant threats by US air and naval forces. According to the latest “fake news”, DPRK’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of bearing “miniaturized nuclear bombs”. – Most scientists call this false propaganda which is again so proper to the empire of doom. Fortunately, the mainstream presstitute’s credibility is rapidly fading, in fact is almost dead. There is an up-swell of people waking up. See also

This morning, the same almost Inhuman Being has not only doubled-up on his threats of fire and fury to the Pyongyang Government, but had the audacity to also menace Venezuela with military intervention – to save lives. He, who – along with his predecessors – have killed tens of millions of people around the world in illegal wars and conflicts, now wants to invade the hydrocarbon-rich neighbor, Venezuela; incidentally almost the only true democracy left in the Americas, and arguably on the globe.

President Trump today refused a phone call from Venezuela’s President Maduro, who probably wanted to explain what the people of Venezuela intended to achieve with this newly voted National Constituent Assembly, the ultimate step towards a true people’s democracy. He did so, perhaps in the hope, a clever man would understand.

To no avail. One of Trump’s aides told Mr. Maduro, his boss would talk to him, once he, President Maduro, reinstated democracy in Venezuela. Imagine! – That coming from the man who is reigning over the biggest, oppressive police state on this globe, using deception and falsehood to brainwash the western world into a heard of sheep; and playing world dictator slaughtering people throughout the planet, only because they want to keep their sovereignty and are not willing to be subjugated by this ridiculous, preposterous caricature of an emperor.

A new threat hangs over Venezuela. US Military invasion. The country is already invaded by US / CIA trained, funded, fed and armed proxy fighters, that regularly help disturbing peace, stirring up chaos and causing death in the streets of Caracas – death, that the Anglo-Zionist controlled press is ascribing to the Maduro Government – an outright lie. The west largely believes it, as the lie is hammered in throughout the globe. The West is losing its marbles for licking Trump’s blood-stained casino boots.

This madman occupant of the White House pulls along his close entourage, foremost his Minister of War, “Mad-Dog”, General James Mattis, and his oil-magnate Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, plus certainly a number of Pentagon and Congress hawks. – But, do they follow him because of conviction or fear? – Fear cannot be excluded, as the little common sense they may still have left tells them what their unpredictable psychopath-in-chief may be capable of doing. Fortunately, some reasonable generals in the Pentagon and representatives of Congress are aware of the real danger in leaving the ultimate responsibility for triggering a pre-emptive nuclear war with Trump. They quietly distance themselves – and in Congress there is an initiative under way to curb Trumps power as Commander-in-Chief of pushing the red bottom. Will they succeed — before it is too late?

This madman has to go to save humanity and the planet.

There are already talks – and well-founded talks – that after the DPRK will be Iran. Never mind the Nuclear Agreements reached with Iran after years of negotiations on 14 July 2015 in Vienna, the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States – plus German, and the European Union, under which all sanctions would be lifted on Iran, so that this country rich in resources, history and science, a nation that has never done any harm to her neighbors, may become integrated again in the chorus of world societies.

Trump and his Mad-Dog warrior simply and without any substance pretend Iran does not adhere to the deal and therefore must be punished – new economic sanctions, of course, which by now are almost useless, since Iran applies a strict regime of Resistance Economy, largely moving away from the western dollar-hegemony and towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) into an alternative economic system. Better even than ‘sanctions’, giving the sick killer-duo’s thought process, would be a few preventive surgical nuclear strikes aiming at Iran’s atomic energy facilities.

They would certainly please Israel’s Master Zionist and the Trump family’s close buddy, Bibi Netanyahu, now under a cloud of serious corruption charges. The common saying goes – the chicken are coming home to roost – and roost they may, rather sooner than later, also in The Donald’s backyard.

Is there any diplomatic peaceful way to stop this megalomaniac from annihilating Mother Earth, and life as we know it?

How about for once a true UN Security Council Resolution, true and factual in the sense that it is introduced on behalf of the world community and for the security of the globe. To save species, to save the environment, to save life as we know it. Not some fake ‘security’ serving only the purpose of enlarging Washington’s grandeur.

How about China and Russia taking such an initiative, calling upon the entire United Nations to stop the Empire of Horror, the United States of America, as it were, from her ever-increasing killing spree around the globe, from her masterminding mass murder, oppression, human exploitation, abrogation and violation of human rights and invasions, infringements on peoples’ and their nations sovereignty – a UNSC Resolution that would wake up the world and have the192 members stop and dismantle the one empire of fear and destruction that risks to devastate human lives and livelihoods?

That should be possible. – Russia and China have nothing to fear. They are way above equal powers with the self-styled hegemon. Acting fast, before it is too late is of the order. The madman has his finger on the trigger. Whether he is bluffing or not, we can’t say. And there is no room to gamble.

The League of Nations, today’s United Nations, has nothing to fear. The tides are turning. Russia, China and the SCO alliance are offering a new perspective, a new economic paradigm, one of peace and equality, instead of the fraudulent dollar-hegemony. The tide is rapidly turning away from the enslavement of hydrocarbons dominated and monopolized by the bogus dollar economy. The tide is turning towards alternative energy sources. The tide is gradually turning its back to the fake, worthless fiat money that has no backing other than the hypocritical freemasonry slogan “In God We Trust”. – What God, for heaven’s sake? It’s their god of money. Their god of usury, their god of the stranglehold by debt. The tide is turning – and turning fast.

People of this planet, the only one we have and know, wake up, lift your courage upon your shoulders and step out of the blue pill-managed matrix into a new world offered by a legally steadfast UN Resolution – your Resolution, Resolution 101, the only one to freedom; dear People,192 nations united against an atrocious, vicious, INSANE despot.

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