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American Exceptionalism -- the Reality
by gail Friday, Dec 7 2012, 11:34pm
international / prose / post

The free world is often bemused when Americans refer to themselves as exceptional in a positive light; we have read and heard the expression countless times in the American media but what is specifically 'exceptional' about Americans, let's take a rational look?

The first stand-out characteristic of Americans in general is their internationally renowned STUPIDITY. They are without doubt the most uninformed, ignorant, gullible population in the developed world. A monumental example of their staggering stupidity is the now FULLY EXPOSED LIES American leaders promulgated regarding the existence of "WMD" in Iraq, which led to an (illegal) invasion and a CRIMINAL civilian HOLOCAUST – over ONE million innocent souls perished that would have otherwise survived had a criminal invasion not occurred!

Not ONE KNOWN American lying and clearly guilty of war crimes leader of State has ever been held to account let alone prosecuted for their heinous war crimes! Who is responsible for this failure in upholding LAW and a civil society? The 'exceptional' and cowardly American IDIOT, of course!

Another stand-out characteristic, which is also psychopathic, is the new Presidential "kill list" that the current administration boasts and jokes about, "you won't see it (hell-fire missile) coming," stated the US president in a public interview. Aside from the obvious criminal terrorist implications of this statement and the brazen illegality of having a murder/assassination list, opposition politician John McCain, when asked to respond to this new clearly criminal presidential strategy, openly said, "you've gotta ask yourself, who stands to 'benefit' from this kill list," implying it would ASSIST the then flagging approval rating of Obama -- now world, take stock of the word (and message) "BENEFIT" and confront the obvious! Any leader of State that brazenly boasts a mafia style murder list is clearly sociopathic and criminal; what the civilised world is dealing with is an exceptionally pathological culture. Something, most sane people would not brag about -- but Americans are probably too stupid to realise!

Next we have the outrageously intrusive genital groping that is conducted at air-ports by perverts working for the government, which is insisted upon if citizens reject the cancer-inducing, pornographic 'security' X-Ray scans! Any citizen that would allow such demeaning, intrusive and highly objectionable abuses to their person is indeed truly 'exceptional' but for all the wrong reasons!

Now let's take a look at something more topical, the Bradley Manning military Court-Martial that is proceeding as I write. For the MANY uninformed Americans not familiar with this case, Manning is alleged to have EXPOSED Pentagon war crimes by leaking compromising material to WikiLeaks, which included the video "Collateral Murder," which provides incontrovertible evidence of American WAR CRIMES and also reveals a very disturbing American military mindset!

The legal REALITY, as opposed to the 'Red Queen' trial now proceeding, is that Manning EXPOSED (which was/IS his moral and military DUTY) Pentagon WAR CRIMES to the world and now the accused and severely compromised US military is conducting a military court-martial against the accuser, Bradley Manning! Pfc. Manning, at great personal cost displayed uncommon valour and bravery by resisting systemic pressures to condone and accept WAR CRIMES in the military! The world is aware that today's American service personnel refer to civilian Drone casualties as "bug splat!"

One would be hard-pressed to find a greater INVERSION of LEGAL procedure anywhere in the world; the 'Hague' legal circus, notwithstanding!

Manning, who has suffered extreme psychological abuse and torture while in illegal extended detention should be lauded as a HERO, he clearly should not be subjected to a ludicrous trial by the PROVEN criminal military, doh! But let's not let REALITY or morality intrude in our inverted American dreamworld!

The Manning trial stands as the greatest legal travesty underway in the world today; but banjo-playing, bible bashing American MORONS have no idea whatsoever [but history does, I am extremely happy to state!]

The last BUT NOT LEAST incident I would mention here is the 9/11 WTC-7 anomaly; this building was not impacted, it was CLEARLY subjected to a controlled demolition -- abundant evidence exists in the public domain for your viewing assessment. The POINT here is the government 'story'/explanation does not allow for ANY controlled demolition charges, as they would compromise the ENTIRE CRIMINAL CHARADE of an EXTERNAL terrorist attack/threat -- research it for yourselves; no-one with a barely functional brain accepts the feeble government story of the collapse of Building 7.

We haven't even touched on the new ubiquitous digital surveillance of the ENTIRE American population or the new totalitarian 'indefinite detention' without trial or charge, 'law' to which the majority of American citizens have been remarkably obsequious.

Indeed, it is confirmed that Americans truly are exceptional but for all the wrong reasons; it's a sad irony that the world's most powerful nation supports the most cowering, cringing, frightened, blindly obedient, stupid, lame, slave population the world has ever seen -- but maybe that's how it works, otherwise HOW could a tiny, moneyed criminal elite continue in their OBVIOUS criminal ways?

The above are only a few examples, MANY more instances of the perverse behaviour of an extremely sick society exist; however, we should never forget that responsibility for all America's social ills falls directly on the shoulders of the 'exceptional' American population!

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