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Where’s Your Mythical Dream Today, America?
by claire Saturday, Apr 29 2017, 11:20pm
international / prose / post

Heartland America has been gutted and its people left on the scrapheap, the country’s infrastructure is approaching that of a third world nation. Why? simply because maintaining the American dream produces less profits for the offshoring mega-corporations, big banks and financial institutions -- does anyone not know it?

Of course numerous puppet presidents have allowed nefarious interests free reign and look at the result. So what do mindless Americans do TODAY? Install another elite billionaire into power to serve corporations by slashing the little they currently pay in tax, relatively speaking, 15% for christ’s sake, unheard of. Now do YOU suppose these SINGULARLY DRIVEN (profit) entities are about to give one cent away to the nations that have made them mega-wealthy? If you do you are deluded as plain historical fact and current behaviour, begs to differ.

Let’s now compare the American dream to current REALITY. The dream offers wild promises that anyone could become super rich of their own accord, reality on the of hand clearly indicates that mega-money in America is dynastic, the rich keep it for themselves/families, the few that APPEAR to make it on their own are buoyed by these interests which invest in, via their now controlled state apparatuses, projects that serve their interests.

Take facebook for instance, ruling elites, aware of the power of digital technologies, required a means whereby they could monitor the masses and learn of their personal preferences to, of course make a profit, and also to maintain a surveillance eye. The same could be said of all the mega-profitable IT corporations. Readers would note that these companies work hand in glove with government regulatory institutions, particularly the CIA, which invested billions via their private child companies in these tech companies. In fact most mega-tech companies wouldn’t exist without the early investments of these nefarious (controlled by mega-money) state apparatuses, and the tech CEOs are acutely aware of the fact and immediately defer to these interests on demand.

The latest dictate from the ruling elite, is censorship and filtering information that is considered to be ‘fake news’ and the ‘propornot’ absurd website that lists 200 internet news sites as Russian propaganda sites -- an utter absurdity though these sites are more often than not opposed to mainstream lies/fake news and false information such as WMD, false flag gas attacks, Bin Laden, who was in fact a CIA operative/agent commissioned to create a global ‘terror’ organisation in order to justify America’s perpetual wars of conquest and resource theft -- which he failed to accomplish before his real death of renal failure many years back; however, the second attempt, with lessons learned from the first failed attempt, al-Qaeda, succeeded, ISIL/ISIS was created by the CIA in direct partnership with its Gulf State allies which supplied the finance, weapons, fleets of Toyota trucks and other necessities for ISIS, which sprang into existence jack-in-box style fully trained and equipped, which organisation was to be utilised to remove any government in the Middle East and North Africa that didn’t toe deep state Washington’s line. Readers would note it was first used to remove Gaddafi and destroy his nation in order for western and banking interests to outright thieve his huge personal wealth and gold assets, and of course, his nation’s OIL. And as Saudi prince Bandar once openly stated, the ‘terrorists’ are ours, we turn them on and off like a light switch and will dispense with them when the time comes!”

That foolishly honest and REVEALING threat, was spouted in Putin’s cowardly face by Saudi prince Bandar prior to the Russian hosted winter Olympics. But I am veering off topic, it’s very difficult not to when one sees the inter-relationships between various criminal oppressive states and the mega-wealthy interests that rule them.

So, to return to the now pathetic joke of an American dream, which today is the American nightmare, as America’s population has steadily been reduced to abject poverty/slavery and has had its hard-won social liberties and rights stolen by the ruling elites because they posed a great hurdle to establishing a compliant, slave, factory fodder population, and that subsistence level for the ‘lucky’ ones.

FACE REALITY, AMERICA! The entire nation today serves the interests of the very few, plain to see. Democracy in America has been reduced to a circus event, the PEOPLE have CLEARLY LOST their nation. So who owns it? Take a guess, you spineless American morons, most of you allowed various puppet governments to incrementally erode your rights and liberties and grant unprecedented powers to financial and corporate interests. Well, enjoy your FAILURES to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which were written for the PEOPLE not the mega-wealthy, manically avaricious few.

Americans, you have made your grotesque bed but what’s worse is you lack the spine to do anything about it, though you are ALL supported by the founding documents of the nation -- ‘tragic’ is too inadequate a word, what's more is YOU deserve everything you get, you have no-one to blame but yourselves!

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