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Syria - Rancorous Lies All Of It
by reg Friday, Apr 14 2017, 11:06pm
international / prose / post

With a minimum of effort (researching the public domain) anyone is able to arrive at the truth, especially concerning Syria, primarily due to the FACT that Washington war mongers have not changed tactics since the illegal (now proven) intervention in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and a host of other nations now suffering illegal interventionist wars.

We would note from historical evidence that the USA allied itself with criminal organisations in Kosovo, particularly the KLA, once listed internationally as an overt terrorist organisation.

Richard Holbrooke representing the civilian killing, therefore criminal, USA, preferred deals with known criminal terrorist organisations (birds of the feather ..) rather than civilised others in Kosovo pursuing autonomy, NOT independence, as they were well aware that Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia. However that FACT did not suit American deep state interests hell bent on eliminating the last socialist government in Europe -- its leader Slobodan Milosevic, was posthumously acquitted of all war crimes but that ‘minor’ FACT hardly made the western press, as the dirty deed was done -- though as previously stated the truth, from Hague court records is easily located in the public domain.

Readers would also note that the largest US military base in Europe ‘Bondsteel’ is located in stolen province, Kosovo -- are you able to see, or would you rather continue to consume the undiluted sewage that issues from the CFR directed western mass media?

The same applies to Iraq, where all the orchestrated and concerted lies regarding mobile chemical labs and WMD were exposed after the illegal US invasion to steal that nation’s vast oil reserves. Next was once prosperous Libya, where its leader was falsely accused of mass murdering his own people, notwithstanding the ‘minor’ FACT that Gaddafi created the most prosperous nation in North Africa with the most socially beneficial policies known to the entire world, for example, any citizen that wished to study overseas was given massive government assistance, medical dental services were free, young married couples were GIVEN (that means FOC) HOUSES in the cities in which to live -- are you reading this Oz government? Libya’s infrastructure was the most advanced in Africa, ensuring a constant clean water supply -- which was bombed to smithereens as was the civilian capital cities by US/NATO criminal forces. The result of western intervention is that Libya today is a living hell, torn apart by tribal and sectarian extremist groups, all courtesy of criminal America. Libya, once a prosperous, stable nation has been plunged into anarchic chaos -- good job NATO/US!

Readers would note that a ‘no-fly zone was established by the UN in concert with NATO and the US, and what happened? NATO immediately breached the ‘no-fly’ zone by launching 26,000 bombing sorties over Libya, that’s exactly what a no-fly zone really means, criminal western interests do all the flying/bombing unopposed, as history bears witness. Much of the same applies to Afghanistan and other nations interfered with by of course the world’s leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist State, AMERICA!

America specialises in the use of ‘false flags, that is, launching or fabricating an attack and blaming the government the US wishes to overthrow, remember the ‘Gulf of Tonkin?' Also recall the staged civilian deaths in former Yugoslavia, later proven to be dead terrorist fighters dressed in civilian clothes, or the mortar bombing of a civilian market proven to have been perpetrated, under the guidance of the USA, by extremist Croatian fascist groups -- but it's all, including the Ukraine, history now. However, HISTORY IS REPEATING ITSELF, the duped American public is wearing the most overt and transparent 'false flag' and subsequent violent interventions by a new completely inept and mentally unequipped president in America’s history, and that’s saying something if we recall puppet moron ‘dubya’ Bush, who was always kept on a leash by his deep state handlers.

So to conclude, you too are easily able to arrive at the truth (if you wish) about the recent Syrian ‘false flag’ gas attack and subsequent illegal bombing ordered, without proper governmental approval, by vacuum-head Trump, who is now ready to provoke, of all people, the paranoid leader of North Korea.

Trump is not only totally incompetent but extremely dangerous, as is plain to see. But you are a ‘true believer,’ always ready to consume the most feeble, outrageous lies and transparent excuses in order for a very few to PROFIT from the misery of tens of millions of innocent people; now add the very real possibility of a nuclear holocaust to your gullibility, complacence and PASSIVITY, you mindless, SPINELESS, MORONS! Only the American people can restore their government, and from what the world sees today, fat chance -- so say hello to WWIII and America being reduced to ashes -- absolutely guaranteed -- because YOU deserve it!

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