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A Realistic Nuclear Scenario -- Wake up People YOU are Expendable!
by max Tuesday, Apr 4 2017, 10:35pm
international / prose / post

Try not to dismiss this highly likely scenario out of hand as it could save your and your loved one’s lives.

Understand that the global corporate/mega-wealthy banker elites have already demonstrated that they could care less for the lives of average citizens -- you don’t believe? Then have a good look at the recorded, underestimated stats.

Since the Vietnam war, for the benefit weapons manufacturer’s profits -- Ho Chi Minh had appealed to the USA first to negotiate independence but was ignored -- which killed millions (3-5, more likely the later figure) of innocent peasants and civilians in numerous nations in South East Asia, and the orchestrated ‘terror’ and ‘regime change’ wars that rage today, which have resulted in millions more innocent deaths -- approx. 4 million since the staged 9/11 and US military supplied anthrax attacks on US citizens, which wars, pre-planned by the elites, continue around the globe today as I write.

Of course the corporate profit motive is again responsible though with the added neocon megalomaniacal insanity of global hegemony -- the point is elites couldn’t give a fuck about YOU, they view the masses as a mindless herd to be managed (by their media and Big Pharma) and exploited like expendable sheep, as is PLAIN TO SEE if you abandon your addictions to digital technologies, all mind altering pacifying drugs and the fake news/propaganda mass media apparatus, you too, if you take responsibility for your own lives, could easily see REALITY as it is and where it is going.

Your death, misery and hardship mean nothing to the elites, they supply, for profit again, the chemical means to pacify you and maintain you in a compliant state of semi-permanent anesthesia, greatly assisted by their digital and other mass media, which effects are plain to see -- only two generations past the American and world population would not tolerate needless wars based on lies and the need for corporate profit, they hit the streets worldwide in their millions and made demands and were successful in realising many, which btw have all been forfeited today by mesmerised digital media slaves that resort to all sorts of dope to cope. However, the few informed and aware SEE clearly behind the feeble transparent lies and machinations of the elite, which mass murdering clowns have never been held to account for their known war crimes -- that fact alone should be enough to wake you from your somnambulism, recorded substantial evidence of heinous war crimes exists in the public domain, nonetheless, KNOWN war criminals are allowed by YOU to remain free and un-prosecuted -- ask yourself why you lack the wherewithall to meet the challenges faced by previous generations that would not accept searing injustices massive LIES and the erosion of their rights and freedoms, most of which have also been forfeited today.

But this piece is not about your current pathetic state of non-being, it's about future elite plans, which remain un-challenged cos you people can barely feed yourselves and cope, woe is YOU!

The elite intend to trigger a nuclear war as their perceived enemies are rapidly overtaking western elite dominance; Russia, China, Iran and a host of Eurasian, African and Latin American nations are all on board for a shift from western elite control, which they have suffered for decades without the means to overcome. However, today these combined nations present the greatest threat to US/western elite interests, plain to see, the western criminal alliance has been in rapid economic and military decline for almost two decades and shows no real sign of recovery -- the shit/propaganda you see (hard reality is always avoided) on TV is word/jargon subterfuges, or more accurately, ‘semantic flower arranging’ -- listen intelligently to talking head crap and it is as vacuous as a fart, no substance whatsoever, corporates today survive on paper/digital 'shuffling' and ‘torturing the books,' there's no real VALUE/money anymore, and their spokes persons survive on the most transparent, illogical, unsubstantiated bullshit you have ever heard, but like all jargon and absurd maritime metaphors, ask yourself what an economic or market ‘headwind’ really is, though it may sound convincing at the time. However, you would soon realise it’s all double-talk, DEMAND DETAILS from these BS con-artists and they would soon choke on their own crap and feeble attempts at obfuscation if really pressed to explain themselves. You would be shocked about the REAL state of the nation, it is hanging by a spider's thread.

The west has fucked itself to put it bluntly, capitalism has exhausted itself once again and now seeks an old solution, world WAR. But today war between superpowers is the height of insanity YET such is the desperation of western elites, they are willing -- or have convinced themselves -- that such a war could be ‘won,’ which insanity immediately confronts us ALL with a very harsh REALITY.

You see elites have five star nuclear shelters superbly fitted with the means to survive a nuclear holocaust for at least 7 years if not longer, BUT YOU are NOT invited, because you're not worth a pinch of shit, you are less than slaves and are totally expendable, elites also consider the world to be overpopulated but that’s another important story. The point is YOU FACE annihilation while lunatics imagine they could survive such a war, well maybe, for a little time but when they emerge, on irradiated, sterile, poison landscapes/seas they would soon realise they were WRONG, but it would be too late!

Now wouldn’t YOU think there’s a multitude of other solutions, there are so many peaceful cooperative solutions available I can’t list them here. BUT if you continue to self-medicate and be dulled by fake news, lies and the most overt violent propaganda, then expect the shock of your pathetic, gutless, comatosed lives and realise you deserved everything you got.

Now watch puppet Trump escalate international tensions and plunge the WORLD into WAR. Also realise that Trump wouldn’t be president unless the elites allowed it, he has backflipped on so many issues/promises it’s a joke, he is now completely captured and it’s neocon full steam ahead to annihilation.

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