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The Australian Apron-String Dilemma
by baz Tuesday, Mar 14 2017, 11:18pm
international / prose / post

Recently, useless Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull, who is DIRECTLY responsible for ALL his party’s DRAMATIC losses in various State elections, lauded the delivery of perhaps the most badly designed, disfunctional, outrageously costly US combat jet fighter ever produced -- the F-35 strike ‘lemon.’ Previous jet fighter models like the F-16 are easily able to blow it out of the sky, notwithstanding that Russian built Sukhois, at a fraction of the cost of the F-35 and (unfortunately) purchased by Australia’s regional neighbours, make mince out of the F-35 in combat.


So the question which no-one is asking begs to be asked, wherefore the logic in surrendering our former air supremacy in the region to our SE Asian neighbours at HUGE expence both strategically and financially? Readers would note that not one person in the gutless, compliant press gallery questioned Turnbull about the well known appalling failures of this aircraft, a very revealing and unfortunate reality for Australian citizens, which now face the loss of air supremacy (security) in the region, even developing Vietnam has wisely purchased the Sukhois!

Turnbull known for his mindless mental meanderings and oral irrelevancies, claimed that the F-35 would greatly improve Australia’s technological abilities, well, interestingly, Turnbull is right for a change. The F-35 is so plagued with electronic and aeronautical problems it would test the most advanced nation in those skills. Now consider that Australian conservatives decided not pursue rocket and computer developments in the formative years of those leading technologies, instead LAZY, LYING incompetent conservatives favoured the ‘sheep’s back’ and a hole-in-the-ground economy; we now see where conservative ‘genius’ has got us today, trailing even some of the least able nations in digital fields, some of which struggling nations are easily able to launch their own communication satellites into orbit, saving them $billions and advancing the quality of life for their populations.

Now take a look at the entire Canberra political establishment of all political stripes, the best single word to describe them TODAY in a highly competitive world, is PATHETIC, every man-jack and woman in federal parliament. Not one of them is able to stand their ground as a real STATESPERSON on the international stage, the reason is SIMPLE, for decades Oz politicians have been knee-walking to Washington and returning with custard on their faces, which reveals this nations infantile pathology as a culture. Howard was without peer in his ability to ram his head so far up the US president’s arse, Bush had to take a high colonic in order to extract Howard and dictate terms about entering into a criminal coalition to illegally invade Iraq, which misadventure resulted in millions of innocent civilian deaths and a ruined nation plagued by constant terrorist activity today, but has any self-respecting Australian even mentioned holding Howard to account for his OBVIOUS WAR crimes? Not a chance, and so goes Oz INTEGRITY with its self-respect, down the drain.

Australian foreign ministers now compete with each other as to which of them is better able to knee-walk and gargle custard. The current FM, Ms ‘lackey’ Bishop, is so compliant her words could be first read in Washington’s political pages before she regurgitates them here. It is CLEAR that ALL our politicians are lackeys and political infants, none of which is able to meet the real challenges that face this nation in the region today.

Now that Trump has declared that US allies should make their own way and take responsibility for their own nations Canberra politicians resort to denial, ‘nah, he doesn’t really mean it,’ well doesn’t he? Trump couldn’t give a flyer about Australia as he doesn’t need us. Delusionists in Canberra imagine that US installations on our soil and affording America the use of all our ports and airstrips would somehow keep daddy America from forcing its infantile son/daughter to grow up and STAND on its OWN TWO FEET. But evidence/behaviour from Canberra would suggest that denial is easier than facing reality, and so goes Australia into dreamland, which of course comes at great REAL cost, I refer to the price tag, in the hundreds of $billions (no exaggeration) for a flying lemon that no nation wishes to purchase much to Lockheed Martin’s panic.

But of course which knee-walking compliant nation would take this failed aircraft off Lockheed’s hands and put itself into outrageous hock for doing so? Australia of course, which is so desperate not to lose its big daddy it would rather target its youth (education), aged (pensions) and vulnerable (cut social services) to retrieve funds wasted on this disastrous purchase.

So Mr conservative Turnbull, the latest in a long line of conservative dunce and treasonous PMs, are you really sure of your facts regarding the F-35 strike ‘lemon,’ a boon for every potential enemy air force in the world? You have surrendered, assisted by spineless incompetents in the RAAF, our air supremacy to our regional neighbours and if you imagine that America cares, well you’re right for the wrong reasons, corporate controlled America was extremely pleased to be able to dump its unwanted expensive junk in our laps.

The link below points to the most detailed and accurate information on the F-35 in existence. Read it Aussies and your collective jaws would drop; the next time you hear the conservative government whinging about debt as justification to destroy our social services and quality of life, think LACKEY LIARS; the conservatives clearly have no solutions for any problem facing the people, particularly home ownership and housing. Turnbull will lead his USELESS party into political oblivion, a very well deserved outcome; and as for you Shorten, you’re no better.

Australia today requires real Statesmen to lead this nation which has everything going for it except competent leadership.

FM Julie Bishop, now that's a good parrot
FM Julie Bishop, now that's a good parrot

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