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The ‘Blind, Deaf and Dead’
by baz Tuesday, Mar 7 2017, 7:37pm
international / prose / post

Christian theologians should immediately associate the title with the New Testament text, as these words referred to the masses that Jesus considered to be mindless morons, indeed the mythical Jesus was an elitist, plain to see. The references to these unflattering labels are prolific and concerning in the text, especially considering that they all emanated from the mouth of the clearly elitist Christian saviour; and so it becomes apparent that the plague that infects the masses of today was strong some two thousand years past, and beyond in ancient Egypt where an elite system of social rule first appeared in the form of ‘divine’ Pharaohs or God Kings, which facts are also recorded.

I have read the New Testament four times for academic purposes and am extremely familiar with the text, not as a divine production but a TEXT written by MEN, the elite (scribes) of the time. But that is not my focus in this piece, MORONS are, unfortunately for me due to tedium and for the masses due to their inability to see what is glaring in their stupid faces -- astute readers may have guessed I am not out to win popularity contests, primarily because I value Truth/Reality above every other consideration, therefore my approach is unaffected by what other people may think or misconstrue, I answer to no man/editor or God, all of which (Gods) are the creations of men if the truth be told, which number about ten thousand since history was first recorded -- saviours and Gods, my arse, save yourselves, you useless nose-ringed, morons.

So we are confronted by the fact that FEW since ‘time’ began are able to see or appreciate reality (time is an arbitrary invention -- the few aware know that creation is ONE CONTINUOUS PROCESS, if you do not believe then try and produce either the past or the future, you can’t, memory is chemical/electrical not objective ‘chronology,’ the real time is always NOW, the present.) But to return to the point.

Numerous elites exist today as they have in the past, their interests vary, most pursue, in their ignorance, power/wealth which compensate for the internal vacuity of this group which is plagued with meaninglessness, the pursuit of money/power returns nothing to the person but it does create crippling pathologies or mental illnesses that consume the being and so we see, if you have the 'eyes,' the world in critical chaos and descending at speed into ‘darkness/oblivion.’

The other group pursues knowledge/awareness and consider money arse-wipe, this group by nature is opposed to the materialist group and a war rages between them, one group fights with knowledge the other with material destructive weapons which now threaten to extinguish the human and many other species on this earth.

Now, you would imagine that the group that pursues awareness/knowledge, should prevail, well, in actual fact they do, but not in a material sense, however, one fact is sure, this group threatens only the ‘darker’ elites as they harm nothing/no-one, in stark contrast to the materialists that seek power/money, which leaves everything vacuous including the planet, SEE(?)

Money’s only value lies in subscription, money has no intrinsic value, it is worthless, so much coloured toilet paper. Now morons, guess who subscribes and supports a perverse system? You do, you mindless idiots, if you withdraw your stupid blind subscription/support then the world would be FORCED to deal with REAL worth, which is what? Continuing life and the harmony associated with the continuation of LIFE. Indeed, ‘the dead will bury the dead’ soon enough if they fail to wake up and tke responsibility for their LIVES.

Now a question for the morons, why do you propel those that are only interested in themselves to power? By surrendering your sovereignty you become slaves to those whose who only abuse you and everything else, even morons should be aware of that simple REALITY, which presents itself to your stupid faces every day? However, knowing but not taking remedial action, is worse than not knowing, as with knowledge comes ‘responsibility’ -- you know, the quality/characteristic the masses are allergic to!

It’s so easy to change things for the better, it only takes a small percentage of actors, but no indication of even that tiny percentage is evident today, NOTE I said ACTORS, which implies action, not passively sitting CONSUMING presented ‘realities/lies’ on the mass media!

So, where do we go from here? Hell if nothing changes immediately, or heaven on earth if you simply withdraw your support/subscription from the fake reality presented to you daily on the (evil) elite owned mass media. No single person should ever lord over the masses, unless the moronic masses beg for it, which they do today in numbers never before seen in recorded history. So when this crapulous and supremely destructive social ‘reality’ reaches its crescendo there will be no-one to blame but yourself.

I need not refer to those that have ears to hear and eyes to see as they already KNOW.

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