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Oz Parliament Resumes and it’s back to Kindy Politics
by darcy Friday, Feb 10 2017, 10:53pm
international / prose / post

You would think Canberra pollies have learned, not least from the plummeting support from the Australian people, which are so sick and tired of major party petty, UNPRODUCTIVE, personal political attacks and being ignored that a tidal wave of disgruntled response is hurtling toward the political capital, which, when it surely strikes, would see both major parties completely devastated.


The population is verging on crisis with stagnant wages, rocketing living and real estate costs, which continuing crises would lob heads a-plenty from insular, complacent major party politicians in favour of independents that represent the PEOPLE. Nevertheless, in view of the stark reality, have Canberra pollies noticed the plight of the people, not a chance, they have resumed their PUBLIC infantile personal attacks on each other unaware that people want representation and the problems facing them, SOLVED, it is that simple for a WEALTHY nation.

So we should ask why the continuation of personal attacks and infantile slanging matches? Clearly because neither major party has real solutions, principally due to the fact that the corporate-banker media elite own and control both major parties.

If a graph were made of government income from corporate tax from the 50‘s through to the present, the population would be aghast. Those that profit most pay the least tax today, an outrage in any sense. So, with depleted coffers Canberra puppets and stooges then resort to attacking average battling Aussies and pensioners to gain income and this they do in the most heartless, callous, un-Australian and thoroughly incompetent manner. Who do they think they are kidding? It’s the PEOPLE that determine who leads them and that FACT spells devastation for both major parties, but do Canberra pollies have any viable solutions other than attacking poor and unfortunate vulnerable Aussies and working Aussie battlers, NO! So on it goes, the petty infantile politics that Canberra is now known for.

There will be hell to pay as none of them listen or are responsive to the needs of the people and nation, meanwhile the money-grubbers are cleaning up. The housing market is now the only place moneyed investors and wealthy speculators are able to gain huge percentage profit increases. Notice how banks have reduced savings and other accounts to ZERO interest, but what’s worse is that PARASITIC fees actually create a situation where average bank savings and other accounts LOSE money in private banks, outrageous! Thank Keating’s Labor and successive governments of both stripes for allowing this outrage to continue, furthermore, elitist Turnbull then gifts $50 fuckin' billion in tax and other breaks to the elite business sector while the people continue to NEEDLESSLY suffer.

Australia is in dire need of a NO FEES government infrastructure and investment bank that provides interest on savings and other accounts, reasonable mortgage rates and loans for workers. The money now sitting in private parasitic banks would rush into a SECURE government bank that focuses on building the nation and improving the life of citizens and businesses alike.

The huge amount of money this type of bank would attract would be utilised for large, NECESSARY infrastructure projects which would provide thousands of jobs and benefit the nation as a whole. Not too difficult is it, you hamstrung Canberra puppets? Many other real solutions exist as this nation is wealthy, the PROBLEM is most of the wealth has been cleverly concentrated in the fewest possible hands, which is EASILY reversed. Cease bloated non-performance based executive pays/bonuses, regulate and introduce fair wage rates for all; executives and CEOs either accept pay cuts or get taxed through the floor, simple. The people are fed up with overpaid CEO’s and executives riding high on the hog while average workers pay the highest proportion of tax, non-performing executive increases are out, any high school economics/finance student is able to juggle numbers these days, but paper shuffling, a banking and corporate specialty, is NON-PRODUCTIVE; just look at the USA, it has been gutted by offshoring multinationals and Wall St rogues, while tax avoiding transnational corporations EXPLOIT the cheap labour and markets of developing nations while of course leaving local skilled workers in the gutter. While this may appear to boost the economy on paper the REALITY is that the home nation falls apart, especially its infrastructure, workforce and small businesses -- the American model is a recipe for disaster and any witless Oz government that follows those models -- Turnbull’s Libs for instance -- is simply selling out the nation and its people to a minority, parasitic business elite -- and to think this nation once prided itself on a fair go for ALL. Treason is not too strong a word for most Canberra politicians as they are acutely aware of how the current unfair system works for the benefit of only a few. And people wonder why they struggle when they vote a former Goldman Sachs banker and elitist millionaire into office -- what did you expect? Of course Turnbull would serve the interests of the elite and ignore the plight of the people, geeesh!

Re-regulating the private banks is a GOOD start, never mind the international competition EXCUSE as value is derived from PRODUCTION not paper shuffling. Reform the tax system and tax those that benefit most from the nation. Return real wage levels to where they once were as that money has nowhere to go except back into the economy/community -- everybody EXCEPT the PARASITES win. But it’s all too hard for elite bought and owned Canberra politicians.

If Australians continue to install unrepresentative major parties into office then do not complain when you are shafted. Today's politicians all LIE and do nothing constructive for the nation and people and then retire with huge benefits or land cushy jobs provided by the elite who they served while in government.

The current political system is in DIRE NEED of REFORM and there are plenty of highly skilled, educated true-blue traditional Aussies to MAKE IT A REALITY and restore this nation to its former status and glory as the world's fairest nation, or would you prefer that the majority of national wealth remains in the hands of avaricious, heartless PIGS?

It’s YOUR call Australia, and you need not wait for the next federal election to FORCE REAL change and return this nation to shared equity and social equality.

Two of the biggest LIARS, cheats and political sell-outs ever known to Oz history
Two of the biggest LIARS, cheats and political sell-outs ever known to Oz history

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