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Bannon/Trump: The Absurdity of UN-representative Leaders
by jess Saturday, Feb 4 2017, 6:27am
international / prose / post

What would we expect if we elect leaders not of our own kind? The simple answer is of course, non-representation. Sure, anyone can make empty promises to the moronic masses, politicians and demagogues specialise in this type of deception, but a far more dangerous threat lurks.

Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon

While many leaders are happy to exploit the people as an expendable, mindless, slave herd and maintain an existing status quo, others, particularly those that harbour revolutionary, extremist beliefs, plunge their nations into horrific (unnecessary) hardships and conflicts internal and external in order to smash entrenched old state institutions/apparatuses and construct a new State based on their vision, regardless of how impractical, delusory or sick that vision is -- remember the thousand year Reich, which lasted only a few years and ended with the complete ruination of Germany, nevertheless, the German people were swept along by demagogues and extremist psychopaths -- take note, the same could easily happen in the USA.

Steve Bannon, the brain of brainless Trump, is such an extremist visionary. He reminds me of Carl Rove, former dunce president Bush’s brain and Martin Bormann, Hitler’s powerful cloak and dagger closest ‘aid.’

Bannon has a non-representative elitist background as a MERCHANT BANKER and former employee of the world’s largest criminal BANK, Goldman Sachs. Now, how does that background compare with the average Joe, which 'billionaire' Trump and Bannon PRETEND to represent?

Trump/Bannon’s first few weeks at the top indicate much, furious divisive policies, which have already created social conflict, locally and internationally -- the media is saturated with Trump’s executive fiascos, including a childish reaction to a refugee deal with traditional ally Australia, I need not elaborate further, only to highlight that we are in for a very rocky, to put it mildly, ride.

Trump, Bannon and the other extremists in the administration are easily capable of triggering a NUCLEAR world war. Backgrounds of all of Trump’s administrative officials are horrendous, all are extremists of one form or another, indeed, ‘birds of the feather ....’ and the feather pattern here is intolerance, aggressive destructive lunacy, which has already manifested as provocation against Iran, which nation ‘mad dog’ Mattis views as the largest State sponsor of terrorism in the world, which is of course a LIE, Saudi Arabia has long held that dubious title, a little research confirms as much, but as we all should know, TRUTH and REALITY are anathema to pathological delusionists, particularly those with a revolutionary vision.

The current crop of psychopaths ruling America have already shown their unstable reactionary hand, though only astute analysts and the informed are able to see it all including the future, plainly. However, it should be plain to all that this administration is INCOMPETENT, Trump’s/Bannon’s ban on Muslims from particular nations, excluding partner in crime Saudi Arabia of course, has already been overruled by the Courts which has deemed such a policy as illegal and unconstitutional, so much for ‘true patriots’ Trump and Bannon! However, what is disturbing is the lack of reaction from the somnolent masses which remain mesmerised, "give them a chance, we don’t know how Trump will perform", WHAT! Of course WE DO, it couldn’t be clearer as it’s ALL in our faces, at least the faces with a brain behind them! But perhaps that is the REAL problem.

For the few thinkers interested in some background info see:





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