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Scipione and Baird -- Supreme Cowards
by justin Thursday, Feb 2 2017, 9:19am
international / prose / post

It follows that Andrew Scipione would also bail from his position as NSW police chief after his partner in CRIME and boss, NSW premier, ‘smiling assassin’ Mike Baird, cut and ran when the shit was about to hit the fan, the shit here being the consequences of Baird’s un-Australian policies which amount to privatising every government asset he could, including government housing, worth $billions to developers, and the trashing of greyhound racing, in order for large dog tracks, now located in prime real estate areas, to be handed over to private developers. Under instruction, Baird also attempted to castrate (via amalgamation) local councils that could frustrate large development projects based on legitimate community concerns -- in other words, clearly CORRUPT Mike Baird was/is in the pocket of developers and the private sector, so much for representation of the PEOPLE of NSW.

Andrew Scipione and his deputy sitting before a government Inquiry
Andrew Scipione and his deputy sitting before a government Inquiry

The un-observant may wonder about the use of the word “CRIME,” you’d better believe it! Scipione and Baird were directly complicit in STAGING the Martin Place siege, a BUNGLED ‘black operation,’ similar to the Hilton bombing, which resulted in a number of needless citizen deaths. Allow me to elaborate.

The perpetrator and ‘useful idiot,’ Man Monis, was an unhinged radical Muslim who had been on permanent watch (‘monitoring’) by a number of security and regulatory agencies, particularly the NSW police. Two weeks prior to the STAGED siege, staged in order to instill fear in the community and implement an American style repressive police state, ‘to keep us safe,’ Monis was mysteriously taken off constant watch by all relevant agencies even AFTER citizens directly alerted agencies and police that Monis was about to commit a crime, which intention was also published on Monis’ web site, for Christ’s sake! WHY was Monis mysteriously taken off permanent watch at this critical time? No GOOD reason was offered by agencies as none existed, but that doesn’t mean a reason did not exist, as we now KNOW more about the sordid and treasonous machinations of conservative governments, federal and state.

Australian conservative politicians imitate, monkey see monkey do style, failed and failing American models; we see this in the privatisation of government assets, un-prosecuted corporate tax avoidance and the manic push for the now trashed TPP, which would have allowed un-elected and unrepresentative corporate executives of multinational corporations to subvert the legal sovereignty of signatory nations by establishing an outside authority/'corporate court’ to sue nations over alleged and ‘projected’ future financial loss if for instance a nation decided that a corporate venture was not in the national interest, not that corporations give a damn for anything but THEIR PROFIT, real and imaginary (projected).

Only conservative politicians would allow and PURSUE these clearly subversive of democracy and local law, policies. However, the TPP has been trashed by remarkably ignorant, non-politician, Trump; good riddance to the TPP, but that does not exonerate Australian servants and lackeys of the business elite. Australian conservatives AND the so-called ‘left’ Labor Party, which also has a dubious history of serving elite business interests, isn’t that right, Mr Paul ‘deregulation’ Keating, will not soon live their treachery down.

Partners in crime, Scipione and Baird should not for one second imagine that they will not be pursued and brought to justice over their treachery and heinous crimes against the people of NSW and nation.

Baird pooped his pants and ran like a rabbit after the first hint of the KNOWN STAGING of a ‘terrorist’ event was published, both Baird and Scipione were caught on camera INAPPROPRIATELY smiling and winking at a press conference immediately after Monis began ‘his’ siege and well before innocent citizens were murdered by the thorough incompetence of the highest NSW officials. I would inform both servile cowards that formulas that work in the USA do not gain traction here -- the cultural consciousness of America and Australia couldn’t be farther apart. The ‘I’ll ride with you’ campaign, begun by an Australian woman that noticed a terrified Muslim woman dressed in a hijab riding on a public train, approached her and reassured her by saying, do not be afraid, “I’ll ride with you” during the siege, which typically Australian gesture boldly advertised to the world the TRUE character of this NATION; now try to imagine Americans doing same, not a chance, especially during the heat of a siege.

Corrupt Australian officials that attempt to undermine the national character are in for a very nasty surprise, take note, or alternatively fuck off to America, the land of the great white rat.

Furthermore, traitorous Australian politicians should never forget that all government departments are populated with true blue Australians that reject sordid and simplistic American style trickery, which incompetent Baird and Scipione attempted on the AUSTRALIAN people. You two and former conservative PM, Tony Abbott, who condoned the failed ‘black operation,’ will be held to account and subsequently be eternally disgraced in Australian history, be ASSURED. Who are you pathetic, incompetent, lackey clowns trying to kid? The Australian national character will trounce you every time you try any transparent, simplistic American stunt, especially if it ends in the loss of innocent Australian lives. Mike Baird, Andrew Scipione and ‘others,’ are marked men.

Follow link below for more details:

Mike Baird with current useless PM Malcolm Turnbull
Mike Baird with current useless PM Malcolm Turnbull

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