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Australia may be forced to finally Stand on its Own Two Feet as a Sovereign Nation
by darcy Friday, Jan 20 2017, 10:12pm
international / prose / post

Trump’s “America First” Isolationism

Well, true blue Aussies greet this news with excitement, for far too long kindy Australia has hung onto the apron strings of Empire and its obsequious politicians have reflected this infantile PATHOLOGY. But as we all should know, LIFE forces everything to grow up either voluntarily or via circumstance and Trump may be the catalyst for Australia finally achieving adult nationhood.

Some extracts from Trump’s inauguration speech follow and we can be sure he means what he says as his attitude in this respect has been consistent throughout his entire campaign.

"We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital and in every hall of power ...

From this day forward a new vision will govern our land.

From this day forward it is only going to be America first.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families."
Well said, president Trump, as it is of course the duty of EVERY national leader to put the interests of its people and nation first -- are you reading this, snotty-nosed, infantile, obsequious, Canberra politicians, it’s time to grow up, you pathetic little children?

Indeed, almost ALL Australians are sick and tired of America making Oz’s foreign policy decisions, which have resulted in Australia becoming a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET, which it wasn’t before Gillard allowed the USA to utilise Australia as a CONVENIENT platform to attack China -- the woman should be put on trial for TREASON, pure and simple. Notwithstanding Menzies who had his head so far up Royal Britannia's arse the Queen could barely shit, which pathetic SERVILITY was re-enacted by that miserable conservative COWARD, John Howard, who was willing to LIE to the nation and follow America into ILLEGAL military adventures which resulted in millions of slaughtered innocent civilians and a host of RUINED nations, all for the sake of American corporations pursuing PROFIT and illegal acquisitions at any cost to humanity. Well, let’s hope Trump’s actions follow through on his words and at this stage it appears they will.

However, REALITY is not as simple as the simplistic ravings of a neo-fascist leader; Australia is currently used as a convenient bit of real estate by the yanks, which now permanently occupy this nation in peace time, OUTRAGEOUS! The critical US communications and surveillance bases on Australian soil are almost indispensable to the yanks and our military know it, so America is actually beholden to this nation not the other way around. The installations on the North West Shelf and Pine Gap have been used extensively in America’s illegal wars, space and satellite communications, global ‘wire-tapping’ and other critical surveillance activities since they were established for exactly those purposes, widely known. So it won’t be a one-sided affair, America can ill-afford to lose these bases and must, if sanity prevails in Washington, treat Australia with the respect deserved of a strategically important, sovereign, allied nation.

Many Aussies sincerely hope this nation’s shameful days of knee-walking to ANY FOREIGN NATION are over, a real Aussie STATESMAN is now required to LEAD this SOVEREIGN nation and there are many in the background, not necessarily political background, ready for the challenge, as the Canberra brigade are clearly washouts.

Now, anyone today that believes anything that issues from the clearly partial mass media or western propaganda industry is a goose, so we shall see how it all pans out as the American ruling elite will not give up on their Status Quo and plans for world hegemony, which have been in force since globalist puppet, Bill Clinton illegally bombed and destroyed, with puppet Germany’s assistance, Yugoslavia.

It all reminds me of a famous Chinese curse, which now applies to Australia, “may you live in interesting times,” interesting indeed!

Nevertheless, Australia’s critical geographic location and other major considerations offer a REAL AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL LEADER huge opportunities and a scope that would be envied by any other nation in the WORLD.

If Oz does not welcome and SEIZE this opportunity then it would have blown it big time. Australia, has the depth of character, skills and ingenuity to meet any challenge thrown its way, moreover, we have too many real assets in every sphere of influence and trade to allow spineless puppet Canberra politicians to squander.

Remember, nature always forces everything to grow up and meet the challenges of Life. Is Oz up for the challenge willingly, we shall see what the future brings. But a warning to Canberra kindy politicians, your days of obsequious pandering ARE OVER, grow up or face the consequences, Aussies are sick to death of you ALL.

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