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The U.S. TODAY: No Standing Whatsoever in the International Community
by jack Wednesday, Jan 18 2017, 12:16am
international / prose / post

Obama has recently commuted the 35 year -- over the top -- sentence applied to fomer PFC Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning in what could only be described as a Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland trial by the US military, in which the criminally accused Pentagon, sat in judgement of the accuser, Chelsea Manning. This case will go down in international legal history, no doubt as the greatest legal travesty ever perpetrated against any LAW ABIDING soldier doing his SWORN DUTY by exposing heinous war crimes to the public after every attempt was made to draw the Pentagon’s attention to these criminal events, which of course were ignored by (criminal) military brass at the top.

Julian Assange’s public promise to surrender himself to US authorities if Manning’s sentence was commuted no doubt had a huge influence on puppet Obama’s decision, not that he makes any real decisions himself, Uncle Tom, Obama takes orders from the shadow government or Deep State, as it is now widely known, plain to see.

However, Manning’s commutation has added more manure on the already mountainous heap that is responsible for America losing what is left, very little in fact, of its international reputation and influence in the international community.

If you imagine the election of Trump and all the disgusting behaviour, from both camps, associated with that election is the principal reason that America’s reputation is in the gutter, think again, it gets worse and what’s particularly interesting is that US officials have remained insular and disconnected, to the point where they still IMAGINE that the naked ‘emperor’ is seen to have clothes.

Well, REALITY dictates otherwise, people see the ugly, decadent, corrupt USA for exactly what it is, ROTTEN TO THE CORE; nevertheless, away they go again trashing what is left of a now exposed to the WORLD, criminal State's once robust reputation.

Now consider the money the deep state pours into think tanks and consultative services, yet no-one in Washington appears to be aware that America is responsible for its own demise in the international community, not any outside influence they feebly attempt to blame.

Here are a few choice quotes from acting US politicians reacting to Manning’s sentence commutation:

From house speaker Paul (dimwit) Ryan:

“This is just outrageous,” he said.

Chelsea Manning’s treachery put American lives at risk and exposed some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets. President Obama now leaves in place a dangerous precedent that those who compromise our national security won’t be held accountable for their crimes.”

I mean really, is it now “treachery” for a soldier to do his/her sworn duty and expose war crimes? Ryan also refers to Manning exposing “our nation’s most sensitive secrets”, indeed, any criminal State would be loathe to admit (now PROVEN) war crimes, as the culpable may end up holding indictments from the respective international criminal courts -- which presents a huge dilemma for the politicised and thoroughly corrupt Hague Courts, but please prove me wrong and hold those responsible for heinous war crimes to account, you corrupt Hague lackeys.

Ryan also inadvertently explains why no American war criminal has been held to account, even after Manning’s damning evidence, which clearly compromises the PENTAGON and other agencies, as indeed almost all American war and other crimes against humanity have been INTENTIONALLY hidden from view. It now presents as a simple affair to locate the guilty, doesn’t it, (treasonous) Senator Ryan?

Now to Ryan’s last sentence, it is obviously those that hide war crimes and truth from the public that indeed “compromise” the nation, as is occurring as I write, not those that expose them. Simple logic applies here. But logic and reason have long been in absentia in the land of the great white rat, criminal America.

Of course John McCain couldn’t help himself either, though both representatives are doing more harm than they think to the nation, his comments, to be expected, are hardly worthy of a response:

“It is a sad, yet perhaps fitting commentary on President Obama’s failed national security policies that he would commute the sentence of an individual that endangered the lives of American troops, diplomats, and intelligence sources by leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to Wikileaks, a virulently anti-American organisation that was a tool of Russia’s recent interference in our elections.”

Well, as in the insane UNSUBSTANTIATED accusation of Russian hacking in the election, no proof exists that one American soul has been harmed or hurt by Manning's releases, unless of course, YOU have PROOF of your claims, Mr McCain, the world is fully cognisant of the fact that American agencies are allergic to PROOF!

Give the international community credit for having the nous to see a thoroughly corrupt, criminal State unravelling before its eyes.

The conclusion, it’s all down hill from here, America!

Furthermore, Manning should be compensated for the despicable treatment -- torture according to UN officials -- he was deliberately subjected to by the military. The fact that Manning's spirit was never broken confirms that he/she is a hero by any definition. 'Onya Chelsea, your actions will go down in noble history. You have proven to the cowardly US population that one person of unshakable determination and character is able to successfully oppose a corrupt and failing pseudo empire.

A few words on Assange's assistance. Notwithstanding the fact that Julian Assange's martyr complex hangs out like dog's balls, it was Manning's information that put Wikileaks on the map. And while we always adhere to the cardinal rule of hackers -- ANONYMITY -- which Assange recklessly transgressed, we appreciate Assange's noble gesture.

Hackers are the only REAL effective resistance against the evil that plagues the world today, and unlike Assange who fancies himself a hacker, no real hacker should ever reveal their true identity as Assange did; nevertheless, we applaud his decision to assist Manning by sacrificing himself to a clearly criminal State. Who knows, Assange may stir the masses by his example, popular revolt against the criminals that have hijacked the US government may become infectious and America may be able to restore its once democratic nation by and for the PEOPLE, as Trump has no chance, he clearly lacks what it takes.

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