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It’s All About Trump, Is It?
by faye Friday, Jan 13 2017, 12:11am
international / prose / post

Well no, it’s all about the real rulers of the world, NOT their political and other puppets/stooges, as there can never be peace, stability and the pursuit of happiness without addressing and eradicating this evil group of mega-wealthy banking families which number only a few.

Those who suffer from the 24/hour propaganda (‘news’) DISTRACTION cycle would not remember without an outside entity drawing attention to the machinations of the GLOBAL banking elite, that own and run the Reserve Banking Cartel, headquartered in New York, which is also responsible for the 9/11 ‘false flag’ and all the wars arising therefrom that have wreaked havoc on our world.

Consider first the only interest of this profoundly EVIL group, the accumulation of evermore wealth/power and then consider the fate of those that oppose it.

Money is an abstract commodity and its value is dependent on ACTIVE subscription, by that I mean participation in the global economy, from executives down to labourers; you see, money becomes worthless if not constantly utilised, so to protect this agency, those that own the means of producing and distributing same MUST ensure its CONSTANT usage/activity in order for it to maintain its abstract value -- do not forget that active subscription/participation is an IMPERATIVE above every other consideration, including the welfare of billions of human lives and the environmental harmony of the planet, the trashing of which is evidence that the shadowy global banking elite does not give two hoots for anything other than maintaining global financial supremacy in view of the fact that the planet is undergoing tremendous climate change as a result of CORPORATE air, sea and ground pollution.

Now for proof of the matter, as the masses live in a fools paradise, or rather, an intentionally fabricated world of false realities.

Wars do not happen by accident they DEVELOP according to a few rotten principles, the most notable being avarice and the pursuit of power. Now recall if you are able that sovereign Yugoslavia was illegally bombed and torn apart by the global elite because its socialist framework was not compatible with the rampant exploitation of globalist interests, which poisonous ideology only benefits the VERY FEW. Ask yourself if you have benefited from offshoring jobs, dismantling industry, exploiting cheap labour and multi-national corporations avoiding tax? A rhetorical question as it is plain the only beneficiaries of globalism are the already mega-wealthy banking and corporate elite. Or taken from a different perspective, though equally as damning, ask yourself why WAGES have NOT been globalised? Clearly, because globalised wages do not allow for EXPLOITATION. The reality is simple, globalisation was designed and implemented by those that benefit most from it while the vast majority of human beings on this planet have suffered immeasurably as a consequence of very few PARASITES pursuing evermore wealth/power.

Now a case in point, Libya and Gaddafi’s attempt to return to the gold standard, which act would have subverted the value of the worthless, paper greenback, the world’s default currency produced by the Reserve Banking Cartel.

Immediately after Gaddafi made public his intention to form an Africa Bank based on the gold standard, which of course would have been independent of the Reserve Banking Cartel, he was targeted for elimination by whom? Who else, the parties which stood to lose $trillions if he re-introduced the gold standard, which would have decreased the value of the paper greenback to the price of toilet paper, after all, paper is paper, but gold has maintained its value since the dawn of civilisation!

And as we all should know the shadowy elite then ordered its Washington political puppets to target and eliminate Gaddafi, steal his enormous wealth and the resource wealth of Libya. This action was carried out under Putin’s and China’s CORRUPT noses, neither nation came to the assistance of Libya, in fact, COWARDLY China lost hundreds of $billions as a result of the bombing pulverisation of Libya’s main cities and industry infrastructure, China had invested heavily in Libya while thoroughly corrupt Putin squeaked like a mouse about OVERT attempts by NATO to kill Gaddafi but allowed western interests, US/NATO puppets, to attack and assassinate Gaddafi nevertheless, of course while hiding behind the pretext of R2P. Once a prosperous and progressive nation, Libya was reduced to a ruined failed state, well done NATO and US puppets of the criminal corporate-banking elite. NOW you tell me whether China and Russia were not compensated by the elite for their OBVIOUS treachery, as historical accounts record they were, notwithstanding I have full recollection of the events. So much for the APPEARANCE of independent sovereign nations, though both China and Russia have since realised they were next on the list to be overtaken by this nefarious banking elite which is hell-bent on total global control.

Now recall or research the SCREAMING fact that only three weeks into the illegal bombing of Libya, while Gaddafi was alive and hiding underground, the global banking cartel established one of THEIR Reserve Banks, “with governor” in th city of Benghazi -- I mean give me a break at this obvious panicked move displaying to the world how threatened Gaddafi’s gold standard was to elite bankers, which continue to print PAPER money from thin air and then lend it out to nations at INTEREST, what a rort, as we say in Oz. Very few analysts twigged to the real reasons Libya was attacked and Gaddafi eliminated by the fledgling ISIS on the ground. Obama even bragged publicly that western interests were served without the need for US “boots on the ground,” indeed, the USA was to become addicted to the use of proxy fighters, which have since failed to accomplish anything but the killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians while failing in their primary task of illegal regime change in Syria, notwithstanding the blowout in the US treasury for the Syrian debacle.

While the comatosed public chases presented phantoms and remains fixated on irrelevant political puppets, the REAL EVIL happily remains in the shadows pulling all the strings -- western Reserve Bank in Benghazi, “with governor” only weeks into the illegal bombing of Libya, what a revealing and tragic joke.

So people, remain in delusion and be sure to continue chasing phantoms while you’re being thoroughly screwed by the very few that own all western governments on the planet, which are now mobilising to confront breakaway Russia and China.

The fact is the globalist elite are EASILY dealt with, simply research and identify the PRIVATE INTERESTS that OWN the New York Federal Reserve Bank and haul them into the courts for their many horrendous crimes against humanity. However, this simple task cannot be accomplished by somnambulists fascinated by mainstream fake news/information.

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