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by grace Tuesday, Jan 3 2017, 10:37pm
international / prose / post

Recently at a social gathering, which included a varied bunch of people with varied professions, the topic of world affairs was discussed by everyone until one person of average ability and intelligence burst out in sheer frustration and said “I’m sick of it all, mainly because I can’t do anything about it!” [Needless wars and social decay. However, the TRUTH is we CAN.]

Now that erroneous belief and attitude is the reason nothing ever changes for the better; of course he, one person, can’t do anything about it, ALONE. And to think it’s only a handful of psychopaths and elite criminals that have steered the world to its present chaos -- for personal gain of course.

So we must ask, as it is known that humans are a SOCIAL species which have survived against the odds by WORKING TOGETHER IN GROUPS, from where does this feeling of ineffectiveness, impotence and isolation arise? Not too difficult a question to answer, as modern culture is clearly responsible. How so?

The INVENTION of the ‘individual,’ which is opposed to the welfare of the group, clan or tribe by ‘virtue’ of self-seeking, which social idiocy is today taken for granted or as a GIVEN, is the primary social cause of social paralysis.

You see, elite rulers throughout history fear more than anything else, the masses united and working together against the avarice and despotism of the privileged very few, and so slowly but surely as society became concentrated and industrialised, extended family groups, clans and regional tribes were decimated and replaced by the ‘nuclear family,’ an isolated social unit which by its very nature, opposed the best interests of the larger group, I would refer to the fact that many traditional societies do not have personal pronouns in their language, ‘I, me, mine etc and so language which formulates culture reinforces the status quo or if altered, radically changes it.

Today, the ‘me, me, me’ generation of millennials are not worth a pinch of shit, they are so alienated in their own hedonistic, self-seeking, narcissistic, fabricated delusional world, they are as good as dead and lost as a social resource but are very useful to the elite, as they are the culmination of a perverse ideology designed to CREATE SLAVES. This tragic situation is socially reinforced by today’s ‘social’ media, which creation was interestingly supported by the CIA, which entity serves only elite interests.

So to return to the social context of this discourse, a social gathering of (alienated) people, most of which believe they are powerless, as of course alienation is the ultimate social impotence, I would continue.

Fortunately not all in attendance shared the frustrated belief that nothing could be done to change social reality for the better, myself included. After actually having the situation explained, in detail, to those that did not have the benefit of a tertiary education, and referring to history and the devolution of the human ability to survive as a group, now a divided planetary group, everyone could see the cause and effect of social paralysis and social disintegration which is occurring before our eyes today.

However, rather than a eureka moment, despondency set in, as everyone was confronted with taking responsibility for not only their own lives but those of the group, a prospect alienated individuals cannot bear; slavery, it seems, is the preferred life-choice today. So again we must ask/analyse why slaves would prefer their chains rather than real freedom and the welfare of all, notwithstanding that elite rulers today are known to be mass murdering criminal psychopaths.

The discourse became so uncomfortable, even painful for some, namely the fear of taking real responsibility for life and the world, that you could cut the air with a knife. Until of course a participant said, it’s simple; to be a ‘satisfied, honourable, decent human being there is no other sane choice and regardless of all the fears and imaginary outcomes for taking positive action, human nature (the survival instinct) would prevail,' which seems to be occurring today, but ever so slowly.

And so, faced with ultimate ruin globally, which is the current course set by the status quo, plain to see, some hope and a little freedom from despair was achieved in only one night. Now imagine if this small group continued on its positive course, until of course it tapped into natural human instincts which mutually assist and survive. There would be very little to complain about, or run from.

Our fears and phobias are learned/inculcated yet our survival and other positive instincts are inherited and carried in the DNA of the species. Given a little light, water and nourishment these PROVEN positive instincts could again save the species. You are NOT alone AND be sure, you're no-one's SLAVE unless YOU choose to be!

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