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America’s Detested Foreign Policy
by darcy Sunday, Dec 4 2016, 2:33am
international / prose / post

Most civilised nations engage in a series of complicated negotiations with other nations, usually focused on mutual benefit and trade, the last thing most nations need or desire is WAR. However, one nation stands alone in its attitude to foreign policy, the USA, which deliberately pursues WAR to steal what it requires from other nations.

For instance if a nation openly kowtows to Washington and the special interests that own the government, then that nation assumes vassal status, it becomes a knee-walking subservient ‘ally’ to the USA, which suits America fine. However, if on the other hand a neutral independent nation decides its interests are better served by not kowtowing to a bully, it is then portrayed as an enemy and targeted by America for ILLEGAL ‘regime change’ (the CIA coup against Gough Whitlam for example). Either the targeted nation complies with Washington or it is attacked, one way or the other dependent on its ability to defend itself on numerous fronts.

There are no mysteries or complications to American foreign policy, relent or be covertly subverted or invaded and reduced to chaos; take note of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and of course Syria, all of which nations refused to bend a knee to the hegemonic interests of American oligarchs and plutocrats that own/control the once democratic Republic of America.

Now let’s take a look at compliant nations, only one need be cited as an example as they all follow and toe a similar line.

AUSTRALIA, has capitulated to the criminal interests of the USA, which constitutes an undisguised SHAMEFUL reality; Australian subservient puppet governments of whatever stripe have allowed the USA to use its SOVEREIGN land, air and seas as a military convenience. Australia today is permanently occupied by the US military, a disgrace from any perspective, various treasonous governments over the years have made such a pathetic international show of themselves knee-walking to Washington and complying to all of its grossly illegal wars that the nation has become the laughing stock of the free world -- Australia is considered to be an infantile nation that has never grown up since British colonial times, it constantly seeks apron-strings to clutch to and defers its integrity and SOVEREIGNTY to foreign imperial powers, which today have earned the dubious reputation of being the world’s leading civilian killing, criminal states, well done gutless Oz politicians!

Furthermore, Australia was never a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET until it allowed itself to be used as a convenient military platform by America to attack China, the most important trade partner to Australia. Such is the gross incompetence of Oz governments of all stripes that none have succeeded in exploiting Australia’s critical geo-political/strategic advantage.

The fact is that Oz has the US by the balls as America has so many surveillance, spy and other critical installations on our soil that it can ill-afford to offend Oz sensibilities and traditions but that REALITY seems to be lost on servile Canberra politicians that cannot imagine a sovereign, free independent, SELF-DETERMINED NATION SHREWDLY CHARTING ITS OWN COURSE. In fact our spineless, servile politicians compete with each to see who has the largest callouses on their knees and biggest cauliflower ears, if you get my meaning?

All major parties in Oz take for granted their servility and compliance to Washington, when in fact Oz has the strategic ADVANTAGE, you gutless, POLITICALLY INCOMPETENT, dunces. However, I am happy to state that these personality and character flaws only plague our gutless Anglo politicians and of course gutless Greek and Italian senators, culturally known for their cowardice -- give me a break, I am of European background myself, and I only know how to fight for TRUTH and JUSTICE, Americans were far from the first to cry, FREEDOM OR DEATH in battle -- take note you pathetic Canberra shits.

Clearly what is required is another REAL STATESMAN/WOMAN as PM/leader, not another pathetic little infant Anglo-lackey like COWARD Howard or ilk that kowtows unquestionably to a criminal foreign power AND COMPROMISES OUR SECURITY and future while doing so.

I would advise all lackey Canberra politicians to study the astute political methods of Marshall Tito who so deftly played the superpowers off, he maintained independence after WWII, when superpowers effectively divided the WORLD between them.

If a nation is located in a strategically and politically critical location it is almost child’s play to exploit this advantage to the benefit of the population. However, infantile Australia, which has proven it is yet to learn to walk, let alone run, remains CRAWLING on it KNEES -- and I defy anyone in Oz to dispute that FACT; even the British monarch herself has stated openly that it was about time that Australia gew up and stood on ‘its own two feet’ (inferred) -- to paraphrase.

Take a good look Australia at your current USELESS PM, Malcolm Turnbull, and primary school opposition leader Bill Shorten, now compare those two useless dunces to REAL leaders around the globe, which, I should add, are deliberating and planning as I write, for the new GEO-POLITICAL ECONOMIC REALITY. See if you can work it out, Canberra!

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