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Totalitarianism by any other name is still Totalitarianism
by Pepe Escobar via desdemona - Sputnik News Wednesday, Nov 30 2016, 8:26pm
international / prose / post

For those unfamiliar with history, which is 99.9% of the western population, some historical background or contextual information is required prior to reading Mr Escobar’s article.

Lenin and Trotsky were selected by, who else, the Zionist mega-wealthy global banking elite to transform Marxist theory into a practical system of centralist rule. History records that Lenin was transported by the elite in a security sealed train from Berlin to Russia to take hold of the revolution fomented by Trotsky, a Jew, who was married to a (Jewish) Rothschild, the most financially powerful family in the world.

Trump, Lenin and Steve Bannon
Trump, Lenin and Steve Bannon

Lenin, with Trotsky’s help, succeeded in transforming an impossible theory into a centralist totalitarian state ruled by servants of the elite much the same way as US presidents are installed into office today to serve elite interests. Now to the reason the elite desired to eliminate the Czar and his family from the face of the earth.

In the 19th century the reigning Czar outright rejected a deal by the Rothschilds and other elite bankers to include Russia in their parasitic banking empire, sentiments the Czar shared with Abraham Lincoln. The reigning Czar was no fool and saw how these elite financial interests had debt-enslaved all of Europe and the western world, including America. So it was fuck off you evil parasitic bastards, however, elite financial families had ruled Europe for centuries and utilised war and/or internal rebellion as a means to an end while also increasing their wealth by financing both sides in the conflicts they created -- a no lose situation for the elite. So the Czar and his family were marked for eradication in order to facilitate the financial enslavement of Russia, as had been done in Europe, the west.

As we know the evil elite succeeded in the first stages of their plan, the Czar and his family were assassinated and Russia was taken over by Lenin, Trotsky and cohorts all under the guidance and dictates of their financial, power-hungry backers, which would settle for nothing less than total global financial rule -- sound familiar? However, not really pertinent to Mr Escobar’s article but necessary to complete the picture, a shrewd Asiatic Georgian that took the name of Stalin foiled the plot by eliminating (murdering) all agents of the elite and those foolish enough to continue supporting them. Russia was lost to the elite, a situation the elite cannot live with even today. Stalin became the despotic tyrannical dictator who saved Russia from Zionist rule, he continued his assassination program until he finally succeeded in killing Trotsky, the last surviving elite lackey of the revolution. However, Stalin’s very cunning tactics also came at great cost to the Russian people which by then were firmly trapped in a totalitarian State ruled by Stalin.

Russia has maintained its independence to this day much to the chagrin of the Zionist banker elite which continue to demonise that nation, a case of very sore loser syndrome. Nevertheless, they continue to rule the western world by puppet political proxies, which they intended for Russia centuries past. I would add that China’s HUGE ($trillions) injection of funds was furnished by the same elite banker families, these funds rocketed the nation to the status it enjoys today, however, the very shrewd Chinese maintained control of their currency which allowed them to maintain sovereignty while repaying debts to the elite. However, the original design was to debt-enslave China as was done in the west and to control its last vital avenue of independence/sovereignty, the Yuan -- but again the elite didn’t think of everything. By ensuring the Yuan remained free of speculative value tampering by Zionist controlled western financial markets, China foiled elite plans again and therefore maintains its freedom as does Russia, though the later is under financial siege by the elite as I write. However, Russia and China, the last of the truly independent nations, have together cleverly engineered new economic strategies/pathways which will not only destroy the value of the toilet paper dollar but will completely overturn the economic status quo and return MAJOR trade to the EAST. It’s only a matter of time and the elite is fully aware, so do not fool yourself into thinking that the elite will not orchestrate another war, which option is completely insane today. Moreover, their installed servants, Trump included, and other political stooges remain in control of the most powerful military nation on earth, so war is INEVITABLE as the elite would never let go of centuries of rule easily and they have already failed by other means to enslave Russia and China.

I leave you now more equipped to understand Mr Escobar’s rather interesting article. But remember, the most practical means of ensuring the elite do not succeed in triggering WWIII is to do to them what they have done to countless millions of innocents throughout history, eradicate them off the face of the EARTH, or would you really prefer WWIII? Minority, unrepresentative elite shadow government/deep state rule, has CLEARLY had its day:

Lenin Comes to the White House?

Donald Trump, commenting on the passing of Fidel Castro, branded him a mere “dictator”. Whatever the long-lasting results (and mistakes) of the Cuban experiment, History has already de facto recognized Fidel as one of the great revolutionary leaders of the modern – and post-modern – era.

Trump – historical irony obliges – also has all but christened the groundswell of anger that delivered him the White House as a “revolution” – led by, and in the name of, white, non-college educated, blue collar US masses.

Yet old habits die hard. A self-appointed “leader of the free world”, true to conventional script, could never pay tribute in public to a “communist” who escaped over 600 CIA assassination cum regime change attempts – which is quite a heavy load to bear for so-called US “intel”. In the end, it was nature’s clock – not a ‘magic bullet’ (JFK) – that took Fidel away.

With the Cuban revolution now history, the focus switches to the current American “revolution” – which might turn out to be quite the regime change special the CIA dreams of (for others). If Fidel was The Prince as well as Machiavelli rolled into one, in gringoland the storyline may be largely about Steve Bannon, the blue collar-meets-Goldman Sachs Machiavelli to Prince Trump.

White House chief strategist Bannon has been vilified, over the top, all across the spectrum, as neo-fascist, white nationalist, racist, sexist and anti-Semite. So far, this has been the most detailed explanation of the Bannon agenda – in his own words. One underestimates him at one’s own peril.

State and revolution

Bannon in the past billed himself as a Leninist. What a shame Fidel was not paying attention.

In his highly complex and immensely engaging Apres Nous, Le Deluge (French translation recently published by Payot), master German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk explores how Lenin, in a few months in a cabin in Finland, laid out the theoretical premises of what should happen after the revolution; how the former State, under Marxist analysis, was just an instrument allowing economic exploitation and the misleading resolution of “irreconcilable” oppositions between classes (sounds quite like the current Washington set up).

For the revolutionary apparatus, it was not enough to take over the apparatus of the Ancien Regime – as social democrats would have it. That would have to be totally smashed, the ruins reassembled in new combinations until the long-term communist goal – the agony of the State – would be achieved.

Now imagine Leninist Bannon trying to package this agenda to viscerally indoctrinated “communists eat babies for breakfast” US public opinion. So he resorted to pop culture – stressing the inspirational models as Darth Vader, his incarnation Dick Cheney, and the dark side as a whole.

Smashing the State (or the establishment) was rephrased as “drain the swamp”. And to polish it all up, when talking to the establishment, Bannon added the indispensable English credibility touch as his top role model; Thomas Cromwell, the dark side behind Henry VIII, instead of Lenin. No wonder the deep state is totally freaking out.

Lenin, in trying to accomplish his revolution, as Sloterdijk observes, relied on “a double psycho-political strategy”; massive intimidation of the non-convinced (something Bannon obviously cannot deploy in contemporary America), as well as mobilization of the impoverished and enthusiastic masses attracted by the promises of the new power (Trump’s overwhelming twitter machine and Breitbart News will be in charge of this department).

In Lenin’s revolution, the faculty of political judgment was exercised by an elite that Lenin conceived as the proletariat; they became the elite via the dictatorship of the Party. All other strata, especially the rural categories, were no more than a reactionary plebe – to become useful only long term via revolutionary education.

One century after Lenin, Bannon’s proletariat “elite” will be supplied by blue collar alienation spread out across Virginia, Florida, Ohio, the Rust Belt. A special place is reserved for Reagan Democrats and Reagan Democrats 2.0 (working class minorities) as well as for all and sundry rejectionists of that good ol’ Marxist bogeyman – rigged-to-the-hilt “bourgeois democracy”.

Bannon’s early incarnation of his ideal Leninist Prince was obnoxious Mamma Grizly Sarah Palin. She could see Russia from her house – but that was about it. Trump, on the other hand, is the perfect vessel; billionaire builder/doer; a product of reality TV; the “New York New York” factor; vetted by the Masters of the Universe; no need to court donors; and a natural foe of an uppity East Coast establishment which does despise his glitter and his brashness.

Fascism and global war

To describe Trump’s “deplorables” (their definition by the establishment, via Hillary) as a fascist army, as US corporate media shills insist, totally misses the point. Marxist theory, during the 1920s and 1930s, turned fascism upside down, conceptualizing how fascism essentially crystallizes the power of finance capital (that’s something Bannon can easily sell at home). Fascism also terrorizes the working class as well as the revolutionary peasantry – thus the popular appeal of “drain the swamp”.

Mussolini defined fascism as “the horror inspired by a comfortable life”, thus leading Sloterdijk to characterize fascism as a militant-ism of street politics; total mobilization. Let’s rewind to a century ago; after 1917 and 1918, to the Left as well as to the Right, the zeitgeist dictated there was no “post-war”; in fact, the sentiment was that a global war was going on, and that had been so since times immemorial (today, under neoliberalism, global war is even more radicalized, pitting the 0.0001% against the rest.)

Under Lenin in Russia a century ago, the conflict took the form of civil war of an active minority against an impotent majority. Under the Leninist White House, the conflict may take the form of war by a very active minority (those roughly 25% of the US electorate who voted Trump) against another, infinitesimal – but very powerful – minority (the East Coast establishment, the incarnation of the Ancien Regime), with the whole saga watched ringside by a transfixed, passive majority.

“America First”; but for whom? The key question is who will end up defining America’s real national interest; true nationalists embedded in Team Trump, plus the proletariat “elite”, or the usual – globalist – suspects able to infect and corrupt any notion of nationalism.

Goodbye Fidel Castro, welcome Prince Trump (with Leninist Machiavelli attached). Brace for impact. Politics is war – what else? And “revolution” is still the biggest show in town.
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