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Revealing Travel Arrangements for American Leaders
by trixie Friday, Nov 16 2012, 9:18pm
international / prose / post

Recent visits to Australia, a friendly ally, by US State officials were extremely revealing, not so much for their primary purpose, which was to inspect strategic naval bases in WA and SA for US military expansion in its soft, acquiescing colony, Australia -- we should not forget that TREASONOUS Juliar Gillard in one sweep of the pen signed over an unprecedented F-I-V-E full scale military bases of occupation on Oz sovereign soil -- but for the travel arrangements now characteristic of travelling US officials and the EXTREME paranoia and FEAR Americans display to the world.

Hillary Cinton -- 'you came, we saw, YOU died!'
Hillary Cinton -- 'you came, we saw, YOU died!'

I urge everyone to read the report by Tim Clarke in the Herald Sun (below) and pay particular attention to the subtext in order to gain some appreciation of the palpable terror and fear that grips American leaders today.

Visits by reviled, mass murdering, sociopathic American leaders reveal more than anything else, FEAR -- a fear of the masses even in safe, friendly allied nations.

Some of us are able to recall visits in the not too distant past of POPULAR, LOVED, representative leaders that moved with relative ease among the people in their home nations and on visits to allied nations; however, due to the proliferation of unrepresentative leaders today, heads of State travel with batteries of security personnel whose duties even include vetting questions from the media in host nations and informing them that any deviations from the prescribed (Orwellian 1984) guidelines would incur severe reprimands and other penalties for the offending journalist/s -- that's American 'freedom' and 'democracy' in ACTION -- LOL!

Indeed, ALL puppet world leaders have much to fear these days, as the machinations of corrupt, UNREPRESENTATIVE, criminal, minority RULING elites becomes widely known.

Now consider the reason for the US visits to Oz, to survey naval bases for AMERICA'S aggressive warfare, which ONLY servers the commercial interests of MINORITY ruling elites!

Millions of innocent civilians (6m in total) have been murdered by America alone since the Vietnam war. And the simple reality of expendability has become very clear to those on the receiving end of American 'freedom and democracy' (for profit!)

The ugly Truth of unrepresentative criminal minority rule is becoming known GLOBALLY -- indeed, no unrepresentative puppet leader is safe today, but nothing has really changed for representative popular leaders with the best interests of the people at heart, they continue to move about with relative ease and enjoy the respect and affection of the people.

Herald Sun story follows:

Hillary Clinton, 'Security Talks' in Oz

SECURITY, both national and personal, was the main concern among the Australian contingent at this week's AUSMIN meetings.

For the Americans abroad, much more titillating matters back home - specifically the peccadilloes and pineapples of senior generals - were of more urgent interest.

And when the two were finally allowed to intersect at the news conference that signalled the finale of two days of entente cordiale between Australia and their special red, white and blue friends, relations became a little more frosty.

The Australia/United States Ministerial Consultations arrived in Western Australia at the behest of Defence Minister Stephen Smith, who was again happy to show off his home town to the world after the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting frivolities earlier this year.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta tend to command a fair bit of attention wherever they go.

So when they land in separate jets in the town where Rolf Harris can still stop traffic, it tends to draw a few eyes.

With the security of many nations and the best ways Australia can aid the US in the coming years high on the agenda, the security of the individuals involved in the talks was highly visible and ever present.

The odd sunglassed and suited minder can always be spotted around Australian politicians if you look closely enough.

But the Americans, as they do in sport and scandal, take things to another level.

Waves upon waves of single-breasted security soldiers were on hand as soon as Mrs Clinton landed.

Their job was to make sure no one got too close to the former first lady, and no one asked an unwanted question.

Even a polite protest by Amnesty International at Kings Park met with a phalanx of security outriders.

Officers from the Australian Federal Police and the US State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security made up the broad sweep of human barricades.

And if that were not intimidating enough, media minders were quick to remind that any question flung at the VIPs at the wrong time would result in serious consequences for the rogue reporter.

Tea was drunk, joint initiatives launched and wreaths laid, in between the serious business.

But over it all hung the question of generals caught with their pants down thousands of kilometres away.

Even as Mrs Clinton and Mr Panetta were in the air, a bushfire of salacious details burned around the complicated love quadrangle involving CIA director David Petraeus, his biographer Paula Broadwell, her arch nemesis Jill Kelley and the head of all coalition forces in Afghanistan, General John Allen.

So, as the increasingly bizarre titbits - including the fact that Mr Petraeus had a standing order for sliced pineapple to be placed by his bed as he ran the CIA - spilt at home, the tension built among the American scribes in Australia to find a story.

As the meetings drew to a close, and following two hours of security checks, the reporters pounced at the first opportunity, demanding to know what constituted the "inappropriate communication'' that had temporarily cost General Allen the plum job of NATO supreme commander in Europe.

And, as happened all week, they were kept at arm's length.

"General Allen certainly has my continued confidence to lead our forces and to continue the fight,'' was all Mr Panetta would say.

And that was that.

Mrs Clinton went to Cottesloe Beach, and Mr Panetta went once more unto the breach, flying to Thailand where he will meet President Barack Obama this weekend.

And the security there?

More than 1000 members in the security detail, 500 Thai soldiers and police - and the White House bringing its own drinking water to prevent any poisoning or contamination.

Better to be safe than sorry.

© 2012 AAP

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