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Core Issues Confronting Human Survival Remain in Background
by jess Monday, Nov 14 2016, 10:43pm
international / prose / post

But do not despair, there’s plenty of packaged ‘news/media distractions’ on the American elections, which continues to fascinate the mindless. It must be admitted, corporate media moguls know their stuff, never have I seen such effective mass mesmerism. But isn’t the American presidency a critical matter? Well, yes, if it mattered at all, BUT it DOESN’T for the simple reason, stated by a previous contributor, the White House is simply the servants quarters of the REAL rulers of America and the Western world, fact. American presidents have been taking ORDERS since JFK. Presidents do NOT lead anymore they serve minority interests which of course completely subverts democracy, or majority rule by representation. It is almost immaterial which puppet is installed in the White House as the Status Quo never misses a beat. So wake up nose-ringed masses, your well being and lives are at stake.

Perhaps it would be easier to apprehend by way of example and direct questions. What are the real crucial issues that face the entire population of the world? At number one is runaway climate change, which effects promise to cause the largest destructive upheaval known to ALL history. Famine, water shortages, massively destructive super-storms, uncontrollable wild fires, rising sea levels, and new maritime deserts, to name only a few catastrophic realities we can all look forward to. Now note, these predictions are not conjecture, they are OCCURRING as I write and continue to rapidly accelerate. But where is the necessary coverage in the corporate owned media alerting humanity to the danger? You’ll find brief mentions only, no cause for concern because 80% of coverage is focused on other ‘important’ issues, like which president would make the better servant to elite minority interests, or which Hollywood star is fucking another, etc,.

At number two, the global economy, which remains on QE life support, an untenable situation. Real wages are going backwards for average workers while the elite are raking it in, so much for trickle down bullshit. A former Goldman Sachs banker, now the Australian PM, stated publicly that every dollar invested in the corporate sector produces four dollars in growth; however, he conveniently forgot to mention “growth” for whom? This clown’s party has been in office for years and the result is massive job losses and the closing down of more job-supplying manufacturing industries, an ironical outcome when Aussies consider that he promised ‘jobs and growth,’ a slogan repeated endlessly during the last election campaign.

Now tell me straight Mr PM Turnbull, how MASSIVE job losses and stagnant wages translate as ‘jobs and growth?’ But you would NOW note people, that this slogan is unqualified as all slogans are, what this mindless slogan really means, now supported by REALITY, is jobs LOSSES and growth for minority corporate/banker elites -- plain to see, as this lying ‘leader’ immediately gifted the banker/corporate sector $50 billion in tax cuts and breaks and left the masses to struggle. The same applies in America and all other western 'developed' nations.

What did Aussies expect installing a shameless elitist into office? Of course he would lie, deceive and serve his elite mates -- and most Aussies think Americans are dumb, if the shoe fits ..., morons.

Instead of gifting the rich and mega-rich, the population should have been given real wage increases, which would only have dented the bottom lines of the corporate sector. Consider this economic reality. When the masses have money to spend they spend it which increases production, business and jobs, but the prevailing ‘logic’ in elite circles is deprive the masses, exploit and plunder everything, if costs are too high then offshore jobs to undeveloped easily exploitable nations -- this process is euphemistically called 'GLOBALISATION.'

So perhaps we should take a closer look at this term. You would immediately notice how ‘globalisation’ applies only to corporate exploitation. Indeed, elite minority corporate interests have been globalised BUT global wages HAVE NOT BEEN STANDARDISED, in other words the same work wherever it is performed should have similar wages if REAL globalisation had been implemented; instead we have one-sided globalisation which reduces to parasitic exploitation and massive job losses at home. Clearly, what is required is to either ENFORCE globalised wages or heavily TAX/regulate multinationals to recover losses at home. EASY, but there’s no will if there’s no awareness. So keep your eye on Kardashian’s arse and tits and ignore the real core issues affecting the entire globe, you deserve everything coming your way people. But most importantly, be sure to turn on your TV sets and get 'real' news and information!

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