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Here we are AGAIN as Miserable as can Be
by sybil Friday, Nov 4 2016, 12:07pm
international / prose / post

Have YOU begun to wonder how we arrived at this point in modern history when we had everything going for us? In the USA there is a farcical race for the presidency between two of the most loathsome candidates of all time. So take your pick of the lesser evil, which is now routine for all western ‘democracies.’ Is the game rigged, well of course it is, even media-lobotomised Americans can see. I could go on in endless descriptive examples of a ruined humanity. Have you pre-empted the answer yet? It’s OBVIOUS. The entire world is as it is simply because WE, all humanity, allowed it to be so.

There’s no running from this simple truth. We have allowed a tiny percentage of humanity to lord over the entire world’s population. These poison, sick individuals are more loathsome than the puppets they install as ‘world leaders.’ Have you noticed they (politicians) all sing in the same choir of corruption, greed, filth and DESTRUCTION in the form of acquisitive wars, pollution and above all, DISUNITY, their favourite ‘crowd management’ weapon. Keep the herd divided and in conflict while ‘we’ clean up.

Are you now able to see clearly? See what? Some of you may ask, others look outside themselves and play the blame game; however, all avoid the issue, which is look at the source of the problem, YES, look in the mirror if you would truly assign RESPONSIBILITY!

The herded masses remain the most powerful social force on the planet BUT ONLY if UNITED against the malevolent shadow players that control ALL nations.

As a very young adult I was perplexed by the folly of humankind, madness would be a more accurate term, so I asked questions of the leaders of various state institutions. I recall one occasion on a public bus. A seat was available next to a cleric of the Christian faith, so I sat next to him. Feeling a little apprehensive I engaged the cleric in conversation and then popped the question, I inquired of the cleric whether he was a man of God, his frank answer shocked me, “I don’t know about a man of God, I am a Catholic priest,” imagine that! We are trained to believe clerics are authorities on God as representatives of their faith, so I was fortunate enough to have met a honest priest. So I asked about the obvious injustice in the world in reference to a just God, and used the example of my situation having been born in a wealthy advanced nation where abundance and opportunity abounded while some other poor soul was born in a deprived nation only to die of starvation in weeks, while others laboured till their veins protruded from their foreheads to eventually die of hardship and deprivation at a relatively young age. Where’s the justice in that I asked? The priest thought for a moment and admitted that Christianity had no rational answer to that question, “it’s God’s will,” is NOT an answer it’s an admission of a failed God/religion, as they all are today.

Yet I knew deep down there was an answer to my question so I studied hard and read volumes on social political theories, theology, philosophy and cosmology. Surely somewhere in these disciplines I would find an answer. Well, to avoid writing a novel, I did, the answer was inferred, mostly hidden, in all religions and profound philosophical writings, though other disciplines left me with more questions not answers; politics is circular and hasn’t really changed since the time of the Pharaohs, it offers no real solutions only repeat movies of slavery regardless of the new duco ('democracy') on a failed social paradigm.

Now, today, I am older and wiser, I am aware of a simple truth; that we are indeed our brothers’ keeper, and that the human race is ONE family -- we all should know it. So why do WE allow a tiny MINORITY of malevolent, mass murdering, avaricious, lying CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATHS to divide and exploit us for their own personal gain? Human frailty perhaps, but it avoids the real truth which is, we suffer from supreme COWARDICE, APATHY and FEAR, which then breeds violence as all violence is fear based, we fear the loss of something real or imagined and lash out in order to protect, not our brothers and sisters but ourselves. However, all life on earth faces challenges and surely we must meet the challenge to BE our brothers’ keeper and to live in peace and security without the need of politicians or ‘leaders’ to divide us and lead us to ruin and destruction while they pursue their sick, violent, avaricious agendas.

There’s more of course, including perfection, but what is the point of elucidation if we cannot master living together in peace as one? The very first social challenge is unity and mutual co-operation, not division, conflict and exploitation.

So keep an eye on America, it has a chance, probably its last, to reject the sickest two candidates in its short history as a nation. Choosing between a vomit and a turd is insanity when a banquet is always on offer.

Do Americans have what it takes? They surely think they do, but we shall see. TOGETHER they are EASILY able to restore their lives and nation, which opportunity/fact also applies to ALL humanity.

[I would also add that we must learn to be our brothers' keeper if we are to survive, as in fact we ARE our brother! Time and space/place are only illusions in the modulations of infinity but few are able to apprehend the totality of existence. What was once the top becomes the bottom, and on it goes. OUR actions and non-actions determine our evolution, fate and circumstances until we either learn or die resisting the obvious truth and simple social reality.]

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