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The Lying CFR Controlled Western Mass Media and the Consequences
by cyd Saturday, Oct 8 2016, 12:52am
international / prose / post

The lies emanating from the packaged western media have entered the realm of the absurd. We have in Syria conveniently named ‘rebels’ fighting on behalf of their sponsors, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and others. These proxy fighters have been trained by the CIA and Israel in Jordan, fact, look it up and verify for yourselves. One of these groups, Al Nusra, is the Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, now consider that reality for a moment, Al-Qaeda was considered public enemy #1 by the DUPLICITOUS USA but NOW it is supported, trained and armed by same. One could not be criticised for accusing the American population of being the most easily duped and apathetic in the entire WORLD, not even Hitler could’ve pulled that off on the propaganda-captured German population. But Americans sit back knowing that Al-Qaeda is now supported by the USA without so much as a ‘hold on, wtf!’

So it becomes plain that the USA allies itself with anyone that is willing to assist in its global hegemony plan regardless of how many crimes they have previously committed against the American people. So who in fact is it that leads this so-called democracy, as it is clear that crimes against the nation/people mean little to those unrepresentative forces that are pursuing their own agenda and allying themselves with the American peoples’ enemies.

Of course the plain truth is that the USA wishes to topple democratically ELECTED Al Assad and install a compliant puppet regime in order to further its ambitions in the region. Now, it may be helpful to review previous misadventures in this regard. The USA demonised Saddam and Gaddafi and after they had both leaders disposed of, they left these two nations in ruin and chaos. Of course another ‘success’ story is Afghanistan, which the USA has been bogged down in for over 12 years! What we actually SEE in every instance the USA has illegally intervened, usually based on overt orchestrated LIES -- now proven -- is ruin, chaos, constant bloodshed and MILLIONS of innocent people left dead and displaced. The USA has perfected the art of creating hell on earth for tens of millions of innocent people yet the home population accepts these horrendous crimes against humanity and accepts traditional enemies painted as allies -- I mean give me a break! What does it all spell for Americans and the nations the USA and its NATO allies have destroyed and plan to destroy? You tell me as it ain’t pretty no matter which way you view it.

When a nation comes to the legal assistance of a nation that has been targeted by US criminals the US screams foul, and begins to demonise that nation and its leader, I am of course referring to Russia, which has a legitimate legal presence in Syria whereas America’s every move in that nation, in which it now has ground forces, is ILLEGAL, fact under international law, but not a peep from the captured Hague and the UN!

Why has reason, reality and common sense been dispensed with in the West, a valid question today? Answer: the western mass media LIES and lies and lies. In fact, it makes Goebbels' propaganda ministry of the past look tame. I am not saying the truth is not out there, it is and it is easily found, however, modern propagandists are aware that locating truth requires a little effort, much more than plunking on the couch and pressing the TV remote control. And therein lies the sad fact. If the people couldn’t be bothered saving themselves, their nations and humanity from the most evil and heinous criminal group in recorded history, then enjoy the nuclear war US gangsters have planned for the WORLD, as nuclear weapons have a very broad lethal range and you won’t be able to use your remote control to save your apathetic duped lives.

This paper could have been pages longer citing many more nefarious examples of US duplicity and crimes, however, for the sake of limited attention spans only a few examples were cited. Nevertheless, those examples tell it all, so enjoy the future you have all invited for yourselves.

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