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Australians About To Learn a Bitter Lesson Regarding UN-representative Useless Governments
by stacey Thursday, Sep 1 2016, 11:48pm
international / prose / post

It’s already evident, no sooner than the 45th parliament began the conservatives blew it by not ensuring their minimal numbers were on the floor. It allowed for the opposition to make a point at the expense of the nation, bickering and adversarial tactics will only continue as the nation goes backwards at speed.

Useless, corporate-serving, narcissistic prick
Useless, corporate-serving, narcissistic prick

Neither party has solutions, they are both beholden to corporate interests local and international, especially multinationals that rape not only Australia but every nation in which they have interests. They rape, avoid tax and fail to return benefits to the nations they rob. At least the EU -- far too late -- has finally hit Apple with a $20 billion tax penalty to Ireland, but what of other nations which governments are beholden to these evil corporate interests?

Oz PM Turnbull -- now a PROVEN washout -- gave tax breaks and other benefits, we can ill-afford, to multinationals to the tune of $50 billion, notwithstanding the huge government waste of Abbott chasing phantom airliners and maintaining now hundreds of $billions in defence spending on proven failed weapons systems -- the F-35 in particular. Should we also mention $45 million to re-locate FOUR refugees to Cambodia, give Oz a break! The waste and incompetence is monumental, plain to see.

And for those that imagine Labor could save the nation, forget it; Oz governments have been steadily declining in capability since the Hawke-Keating era; today they have reached the bottom of the barrel. The Turnbull ‘government’ is no government at all, it’s a pack of vested interests and competing conservative ideologues, which non-leader Turnbull is at a loss to control, clearly HE is controlled by his fragmented, in-fighting party -- if ever there was a piss-poor useless leader Australians have found it in Turnbull.

If past statistics mean anything a graph from the 60‘s to today indicating government revenues from the corporate/banking/business sectors spells it out, but neither party would dare show such a rapidly declining graph of revenue to the people, as governments are slaves to dishonest, tax-avoiding, corporate interests. Most our current revenue problems would be cured overnight by taxing those that benefit most from the nation; as it now stands they are taxed least per income basis, while government then seeks to cut social services and other health, education benefits in order to scrape a few $billion back into now depleted coffers.

There is a simple foolproof, traditionally Australian rule, ‘those that benefit most from the nation should return most to the nation in taxes, what could be fairer than that? However, government allows profits to be removed offshore to tax havens, and then refuses to legislate and put an end to this wholesale rape and theft by banks, multinationals and other large corporations. So ask yourself, are our major parties serving the majority of Australians or wealthy minority interests, the question is rhetorical as reality -- not the distractive, elite-owned mass media -- screams the truth.

Politics in Oz has degenerated to such an extent the people now face a total reform of our system as it has clearly failed the nation/people. And of course in this democratic nation the responsibility and solution rests, as always, with the people.

Real democracy is participatory, in other words, if politicians fail to represent the MAJORITY then it is our prerogative to remove all such minority serving scum from office and replace them with REAL representatives, who would be immediately recognised by balancing the books via appropriately taxing the largest earners, transnationals and other greedy scum that together own both major parties.

Both parties share equal responsibility for the shocking state in which the nation now finds itself -- make no mistake. And it is not as if we are a poor nation, successive INCOMPETENT governments have trashed our industries and killed our skill base and if that is not remedied soon Australia will indeed be a slave nation to once third world nations. Take South Korea for example, now the world’s leading shipbuilder; Korea was nothing when our shipbuilding and other important industries were strong. How did we fall SO FAR BEHIND SO FAST? Lazy incompetent Labor/Liberal governments is the obvious answer, Australians have watched as successive PMs have dismantled and gutted our R&D and necessary industries, we now have no nuclear industry (Keating killed it) and depend on countries like ‘Argentina’ to build our nuclear facilities, outrageous!

So we must accept responsibility for allowing bought clowns and incompetent lying narcissists to lord over us and destroy the nation. Today’s political contenders only wish to become PM for its own sake, they clearly, as Turnbull amply demonstrates, have no nous or leadership ability whatsoever.

So now the nation faces a divisive $180 million wasteful plebiscite over gay marriage, the next one will be over separate transgender toilet construction, no doubt. This flea (on a dog’s tail) shaking the dog type politics must end; the majority could care less about these 'issues,' while living standards and the nation as a whole continue to go backwards at speed. If we are so easily distracted from primary, CRITICAL issues then I may, by way of demonstration, initiate a lobby group for my two-headed, three legged budgerigar and his 0.001% mates.

Fair dinkum, WAKE UP AUSTRALIA before you REALISE you’re actually living in a third world nation, the figures indicate it NOW!

Immediate necessary measures/solutions include, tax transnational rogue companies, banks and other large corporations appropriately, regain control of our currency from Wall St speculators, nationalise the criminal four large banks and embark on LARGE SCALE, much needed, infrastructure projects that stimulate industry and force employment/development, while of course bringing the nation back to speed with the rest of the developed world.

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