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Oz Mass Media Deflects from Culpability of NSW Police Chief over Lindt Cafe Siege LIES
by justin Monday, Aug 22 2016, 11:01pm
international / prose / post

Here we go again, it’s called “perception management” today, or ‘crowd control’ as it was once called, developed to perfection by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbles.

Premier Mike Baird, how this man has avoided the heat of public scutiny to date is incomprehensible
Premier Mike Baird, how this man has avoided the heat of public scutiny to date is incomprehensible

The NSW coroner’s inquest has revealed that police had not entered into negotiations with offender and ‘useful idiot’ -- it will be suggested -- Man Haron Monis, though police had stated to the inquest/public that negotiations were underway when they were not. I would emphasise at this stage that it is imperative that direct negotiations with siege perpetrators are swiftly undertaken by police as most such siege cases are carried out by attention-seeking, psychologically unstable individuals; the success rate of direct negotiations is high because offenders achieve a type of infamy, which satisfies their pathological need for attention, this is true whether they carry out their threats or not; however, why did NSW police officials overtly lie about it, that is the question?

Please note that Monis had been simultaneously taken off constant monitor/watch by the NSW police, the AFP and ASIO shortly before the siege, COINCIDENCE? Hardly, as will become apparent. Please also note that Monis after not being contacted by police negotiators forced hostages to ring media outlets and police in an obvious but futile attempt to gain attention/notoriety, which failure of course forced his hand, and so it becomes apparent that the upper echelons of the NSW police and other agencies share responsibility for the tragic outcome.

Both the NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione, and his female deputy Catherine Burn -- corruption is gender equal -- LIED, though they both were aware of the reality. So it would suggest there is something to hide, or perhaps the obvious escapades and machinations of our police go unnoticed by an easily distracted, 24-hour ‘news’ cycle-memory-wiped population. Good investigative journalism PERSISTS when it smells an obvious rat, but apparently not with today’s job-anxious troop of LAME, lackey, mainstream journalists that simply broadcast packaged ‘news,’ which in reality is feeble propaganda designed to shape perceptions or completely distract from State compromising events among other things, like leading populations into illegal wars based on LIES, Mr former PM, John Howard!

The USA leads the world in this dastardly media art-form, and what is the USA today, a POLICE STATE, where the State engages in a multitude of crimes daily -- including extra-judicial murders, indefinite detention, torture, illegal (resource theft) wars, supporting jihadist proxy fighters, mass murder and a host of other nefarious, anti-democratic, CRIMINAL, totalitarian activities -- WITH IMPUNITY!

Needless to say, none of these STATE criminal actions would be possible if populations were not locked down, socially and psychologically, by a real or fabricated ‘constant threat’ -- terrorism -- the chosen favourite bogey man in the west. So we have a very questionable situation on our hands in Australia, with the revelations the NSW coroner has brought to LIGHT, over an alleged, ‘lone wolf terrorist siege,’ in which most of our security agencies seemed to be inexplicably involved in facilitating; please note that after most 'intelligence' and regulatory agencies took Monis off their watch lists/monitoring, members of the public directly contacted agencies and police to inform them of an obvious threat, which was published on offender Monis’ website, for pete's sake -- which threats, REVEALINGLY, were ignored by all State and national authorities, which, as previously stated, had ceased to watch over well known public mental leper, but ‘useful idiot,’ Man Haron Monis!

The so-called ‘terrorist threat,’ is used in the western world politically, principally to erode our democratic freedoms and liberties in order to facilitate a police state, complete with illegal pan-surveillance capabilities, but to what end? Perhaps to create a locked down public so certain powerful interests are able to ply their nefarious trade without undue interference from a FREE, AWARE PUBLIC. So freedom and critical thinking, must be subverted by the elite-owned mass media and intrusive pan-surveillance implemented ‘to keep us safe,’ (my arse).

However, various populations in the western world are not as gullible and fearful as banjo-playing (moron) yanks, which continue to cower in fear whenever a mouse with a beard is accused of stealing cheese. The USA today, with its orchestrated, pre-determined election outcomes and international criminal enterprises is a very sorry State indeed, and the blame falls directly on the shoulders of its moronic, uninformed, easily distracted fearful population, which run whenever a weather balloon falls from the sky rather than uphold their Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Traditionally the premier of each Australian State has specific authority over State police and that Premier at the time of the siege in NSW was, and continues to be, Mike Baird, known as the 'smiling assassin,' who will no doubt go down in NSW political history as perhaps the most deceitful premier NSW has ever had; for instance, eliminating dog racing in the entire State over animal cruelty allegations allows dog tracks to be swallowed up by real estate developers, well known for their influence over NSW governments; these interests would no doubt have a field day with acres of land now situated in highly valuable areas. What a gift to vested interests and a con for the public, notwithstanding the injection to Baird’s secret offshore accounts. Animal cruelty, though it clearly exists, is merely the political excuse to facilitate hundreds of billions of dollars in real estate development; Baird has already handed the government Housing Department over to the private sector and how many hundreds of billions of dollars is that worth?

Baird, who is a very good friend of pathologically lying former dunce PM Abbott, should be investigated not only for his obvious business scams BUT, during the siege, as head of the NSW police, he appeared on national television feebly attempting to sell the ‘terrorist threat’ to a not so easily duped Australian public. After his rehearsed performance he handed over the microphone to the NSW police chief, who with his back to most cameras, winked at Baird, who RESPONDED WITH A SMIRK DIRECTLY IN VIEW OF THE CAMERAS, though he quickly retracted, but really? This compromising footage should still be on record and I urge the coroner to ask for an explanation directly from the Premier. Now, WE must ask in the grave circumstances of threatened innocent AUSTRALIAN lives, is a smirk the appropriate behaviour of a Premier in those circumstances, or is it a tell-tale behaviour slip of an orchestrated political event? Clearly, there are more than police LIES and the loss of innocent lives that must be investigated.

In the meantime, the public is being fed ‘news’ of sexual harassment within the Australian Federal Police, clearly to distract by association, the public's attention away from the most important issue that faces the State of NSW and the nation.

So, get back to work bought, disgraceful mass media journos and maintain focus on the most important issue that faces our not easily duped nation, and remember how that orchestrated siege ended with the, “I’ll ride with you,” support campaign of an Aussie woman assisting a terrified Muslim woman riding on a train dressed in a hijab. THE NOT SO EASILY INTIMIDATED AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHARACTER WON THE DAY, not a bunch of sleazy, lying, deceitful and potentially criminal police and politicians.

Let’s see some REAL AUSTRALIAN journalism from our media outlets for a change, pursue this case or forever be condemned as bought, useless lamers that broadcast CFR designed lies and misinformation for media plutocrats and other criminal elite interests.

The Coroner's Report will be published as soon as it is released.





Proven LIARS, Deputy NSW Police Commissioner, Catherine Burn and Commissioner Andrew Scipione, face serious charges
Proven LIARS, Deputy NSW Police Commissioner, Catherine Burn and Commissioner Andrew Scipione, face serious charges

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