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Russia and China “.. to jointly deal with maritime security threats” in South China Sea
by mitch Sunday, Jul 31 2016, 12:14am
international / prose / post

It has already been postulated that the South China Sea may be the most likely flash point for WWIII. The stakes are high as outlined in that article and idiotic, obsequious Australia will learn that kowtowing to America is NOT WORTH becoming a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET -- neutrality is without doubt the only option for Australia but tell that to our clearly SPINELESS, knee-walking politicians.

Few Aussies realise that former Labor PM Julia Gillard, by allowing Australia to be permanently occupied by a foreign power and granting all privileges to that power, America, to use ALL our coastal ports and airfields, comes at a HUGE cost, non-survival! Both Liberal and Labor governments have proven they knee-walk to the ‘perpetual war’ neocon doctrinal stance of the USA. Well, CHOKE on REALITY Australia, as kowtowing to any superpower NOW threatens Australia to the EXTREME -- I would add that an ICBM contains up to 14 nuclear warheads, and how many capital cities do we have here? SIX, therefore each major city would likely receive two major nuclear strikes wiping out the majority of the population and all functionality while leaving our precious resources untouched for the victor -- 'brilliant' strategy, INCOMPETENT, COWARDLY Canberra politicians, you disgraceful chicken-shits!

Australia is located in one of the world’s most strategic geopolitical locations, which reality could easily be exploited to the IMMENSE benefit of the nation and people, taking (suicidal) sides in a superpower struggle defies reason. Oz is perfectly situated to become the ‘Switzerland’ of the South Pacific, a nation where co-operative, EAST-WEST relations between superpowers could be developed, taking sides is clearly INSANE given our strategic location, notwithstanding the USA has PROVEN TIME AND AGAIN that it flouts international law and conventions at will, and also wages unnecessary wars to suit its OWN corporate, financial INTERESTS; if any deluded Australian politician imagines otherwise they should be roundly condemned and unceremoniously chucked out of parliament -- are you reading this INDEPENDENTS, Australia is waiting for positive, constructive ACTION, not kowtowing to anybody.

This is a CRITICAL issue for OUR nation and the two major parties have proven by their historical actions that they would rather risk the lives of all Aussies than act in the nation’s BEST INTERESTS -- of course, an astute real STATESMAN is required to lead the nation, and looking at our current options is cause for very great concern, we only see two pathetic pimples as ‘leaders.’ So, it is clearly the task of the people to support a NEW ERA of Australian politics and national direction, one that requires dynamic and clever political leadership -- no-one in Canberra at present makes the grade, plain to see -- the Oz parliament is populated by insignificant servile fleas, the laughing stock of the international community, much to the delight of the brutish, war mongering USA, which views Australia as a military CONVENIENCE, not an ally -- in fact, the USA was ready to permanently install nuclear B1 bombers -- targeting China -- in OUR Northern Territory airfields, ‘ows zat’ for inviting a REAL nuclear threat that would annihilate ALL our capital cities.

Of course the elite owned mass media AND the ABC never mentions Reality and the REAL threats facing our nation -- to be expected, as they are party to the problem and clearly do not serve the best interests of the people/nation, as they once did; so we must all communicate but all means available, and raise the ALARM, as the very REAL situation our USELESS, custard-faced politicians have placed us in is reaching CRITICAL MASS.

Informative report follows:

Russia-China Naval Exercise Likely To Raise Tensions In The South China Sea?
by Edwin Vargas

Another Russia-China exercise is in the offing, a show of joint naval powers over the contested waters of the South China Sea in September this year.

Codenamed by Chinese military officials as “Joint Sea-2016,” this year’s Russia-China exercise has been made public via Xinhua, a state-controlled news agency in mainland China.

Quoted by Xinhua was Chinese defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun, who held a regular monthly press conference Thursday in Beijing.
“The drill will consolidate and develop the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, deepen pragmatic and friendly cooperation between the two militaries, and enhance the capabilities of the two navies to jointly deal with maritime security threats.”
Russia and China have been noted for holding joint military exercises before, the most recent of which was in the Sea of Japan last year, which, as expected, had proved to have irked Japan, the United States, and their allies.

The announcement about the upcoming Russia-China exercise came two weeks after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines, who filed a case against China in 2013 to question the communist state’s aggressive takeover of some of the disputed territories in the South China Sea.

Chinese officials rejected the ruling, just as it consistently ignored the case when it was still being heard in the court.

Not a participant in the disputes, Russia has reiterated that it will maintain its neutral stance on the ruling, according to The Moscow Times.

“We consider that attempts by non-regional powers to interfere in territorial disputes in the South China Sea are unproductive,” said Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, as quoted by The Moscow Times.

As Shannon Tiezzi said in The Diplomat, Russia’s preference to remain neutral on the South China Sea issue has irritated China, noting that the Russia-China exercise is also a bit more awkward for Moscow, given its “close defense ties to Hanoi, which [along with the Philippines] is another of China’s rival claimants in the South China Sea.”

“Russia is currently in the process of delivering two frigates and six submarines to Vietnam – which will undoubtedly be used in part to patrol Vietnam’s claimed territory in the South China Sea,” said Tiezzi who was an associate at the U.S.-China Policy Foundation where she hosted the weekly TV show China Forum.

While the United States has been known for insisting the principle of freedom of navigation in the South China Sea as a gesture of support for its allies in the region, White House spokesman Josh Earnest betrays a rather toned down response to this year’s Russia-China exercise in the South China Sea. He maintained however that it still remains “a sensitive diplomatic topic right now,” Reuters reported.
“I don’t know what exercises they are planning, but in the same way the United States and China have a military-to-military relationship, I’m not surprised that Russia and China are seeking to build upon their military-to-military relationship as well.”
Recalling China’s recent participation in the U.S.-led multinational naval exercises in the Pacific, Earnest dismissed the fears that this year’s Russia-China drill will likely impact the U.S. naval operations in the South China Sea.

“We’re not concerned about the safety of U.S. vessels in the region as long as interactions with the Chinese remain safe and professional, which has been the case in most cases,” the White House spokesman added, as reported by Reuters.

Claiming their respective territories in the mineral rich South China Sea are Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, and Vietnam, all of whom must have been deeply concerned with this year’s Russia-China naval exercise.

Reportedly passing through the troubled waters are more than $5 trillion worth of trade each year
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