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“... If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."
by jas Saturday, Jul 30 2016, 1:32am
international / prose / post

You better believe it, these words are as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago, and I am no believer in fictitious ‘Gods or Saviours’ as I know that humans only are able to save themselves as a species; nevertheless, most fictitious theological narratives contain nuggets of pure TRUTH.


So who today are the blind “guides” and who are the blind followers? Obviously, those in power are the former and YOU, the blind followers, are the latter!

Consider the ruling, power elite or shadow government of all western so-called ‘democracies’ -- notwithstanding that real democracy or MAJORITY RULE exists nowhere on this planet -- elites lead the masses via their social apparatuses, principally the mis-informative and distractive media, but to where are we being led? Have you ever jumped off the merry-go-round of crap to take a good look at the destination? Probably not as the western world would have changed course had you looked with the eyes and mind our species has developed -- the destination is catastrophe and utter planetary ruin?

So, is that a desirable destination, obviously not, but I’m not in the business of distraction I prefer reality/truth. You see, (lol) you are blind, more so than people without physical sight, as your blindness is of the captured mind and the captured mind is the mother of all illusion/delusion, which mind today is completely enslaved and guided -- and don’t give me the bunk that you do not believe the media as it is CLEAR you do, whether it affects you consciously or subliminally you are mentally affected, enslaved. So, at this stage it may prove useful to ask a few questions as answers deliver possible solutions to our current social and personal dilemmas.

For example, stand back a minute and realise/SEE that both Trump and Clinton are criminals of the first order (Clinton is also a psychopath and murderer) -- the undeniable proof is available in the public domain but that information is not being fed to the masses on a daily basis, we have to locate it though it’s an easy task. But it’s even easier to passively CONSUME, isn’t it? You pathetic, lazy, spineless, enslaved, media-addicted, shits! If you possessed the minimal courage required to open your ‘eyes’ and see -- live in reality in other words, not some fabricated and orchestrated media fantasy -- you would be able to see the world and people as they are and you would soon realise we are all headed for destruction. ‘O no,’ you would say, no-one would lead themselves to ruin so we must be safe believing those that lead -- well, you couldn’t be more wrong, or off the mark if you tried, remember the title, your guides are as blind as YOU, so what is the nature of the blindness of YOUR guides? The answer in a word is POWER as power corrupts absolutely. So it may prove useful to analyse this ‘POWER,’ that blinds both the wielder and the receiver.

Power of course is a self-evident dynamic, it is PROCESS, it must be exercised in order for it to exist -- there is no power without an object to exercise it on and in this instance that object (subject rather) is YOU, as you are the consumer or receiver of this dynamic (and reversible) process. Now, the nature of the blindness of our rulers is the corrupting influence of power and what are the means of that power today? MONEY, the “filthy lucre” of the same text from which the title was extracted, and please do not assume that I am a bloody religionist but as I said, truths are contained therein, one must separate the “wheat from the chaff” -- lol -- are you able to see yet, I’m having a ball playing with meaning and context, morons! Our elite rulers do not possess the copyright on tricks and manipulating the mind, how do you feel now, like it’s uncomfortable, so the weaker among you, please fuck off now, as clearly you are unable to pursue truth, and TRUTH is as uncomfortable for delusionists as can be, though of course, “the TRUTH shall so yet FREE!” O, this is too much, I can barely contain myself!

Okay, let’s ‘SEE,’ money is the corrupting source of power today and it is utilised to also enslave you by minimising your ability to accrue it -- do you imagine that circumstance is accidental or is it contrived? The default currency of the world is the greenback, which is printed by our rulers at the press of a button, it is not pegged to a precious metal or any other tangible valued commodity, it intrinsically is only worthless, coloured paper, it’s ‘value’ is derived from subscription, in other words you have been convinced it’s valuable though that is a lie as it is only coloured paper, however, while you subscribe via unquestioned belief, to its ‘value’ it then becomes invested -- by you -- with value, you fuckin dimwits -- as the money YOU have invested with value is produced from thin air and then distributed to institutions banks etc which are owned by the same interests that print it -- that money is then lent out to you at interest and YOU must repay that outrageous debt, with real value products like your active labour and TIME. And yet you fail to SEE that the money that you earn is minimal just under the cost to survive so you must then further indebt/shackle yourself to survive -- what a grand con, in fact, the greatest con ever perpetrated on once free humanity, BUT YOU continue to suck it up rather than eliminate the enslaving problem and therefore by consequence, denude our wealthy rulers of THEIR money/POWER. And so you have made your bed by passively consuming lies and fictions, plain to SEE, and now you are ‘sleeping’ in it and I do not use that word lightly.

Need I continue? NO, it is now YOUR prerogative to finish this narrative/story and either consciously CHOOSE to remain a blind slave or BECOME a sovereign FREE, AWARE being, which you were born to be!

And by the way, there is no God but MAN, you/we are able to free ourselves at WILL!


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