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The Profound Darkness of Ignorance
by justin Monday, Jul 25 2016, 12:20am
international / prose / post

Indeed, as has been said, ‘in darkness man lives, and how profound is that darkness?’ Today few could dispute the stupor, bordering on trance, in which the world’s population exists. Leading nations, while professing they are honourable, law-abiding and just, murder millions in the most heinous fashion. Humans are viewed as expendable by these forces, plain to see. Yet the world tolerates obvious criminality, injustice and the flouting of law by these groups that profess they are honourable -- ridiculous, but how many see the TRAGIC absurdity of the world as it is today?

It would benefit us all to wake from this INDUCED – by the mass media/culture -- stupor and turn ourselves to the Truth as it is, unhidden from wakeful, impartial eyes. However, we must first examine how it is that we have been plunged into darkness and remain in ignorance. Put succinctly, belief systems -- created by men/culture -- are responsible for our blindness; you see, a limited myopic view sees nothing outside its linear view and as we see, if we care to look closely, religion is behind most of the conflict and ruinous behaviour which is intentionally exaggerated out of all proportion by our very selective, partial media. So let’s take a sober view of one religious text, the New Testament, they are all the same, promising paradise/heaven, while they all create hell and horror on earth.

The first thing that becomes apparent is the imperative of all religions, which is, that we surrender our sovereignty, free will and good sense to another, usually priests, scholars or some other theocratic ‘authority;’ religion has always served men, not Gods – indeed, all religious writings are produced by men, God has never written a word in any language, creation or infinite existence is the creator’s ‘book,’ and how broad and sweeping is the view from infinity? Meanwhile, ignorant men submit to nefarious ignorant men and are led by the nose willingly, as the initial folly to surrender to another man, comes at huge cost, as it’s against the creator’s design of freedom. So bigger fools than you submit willingly to perversity and remain ideologically constrained by all manner of perverse rules and managed conduct.

Religion is without peer in the bloodletting stakes; if historical records mean anything, religion has spilled more blood than any other social factor, all in the name of a man-made God and the idiotic hope of paradise, into which we were all born but for the destructive effects of religion – universal creation needs no assistance from a destructive species, in fact that species dooms itself by opposing nature’s harmonising forces and real laws! The primaries of which are Love and Peace. How far have we strayed and how great is our pain and MISERY, measured by the distance from our creative source?

So let’s take a sober look at the text. The hero of the NT is one radical Jew known as Jesus. We easily see he is a product of his society and a leader of a small group of theocratic revolutionaries, fanatically dedicated to the overthrow of State corruption and the material wealth of the ruling elite of the time. It’s quite amazing how people miss the narrative of social revolution which is evident from the beginning of Luke and other Gospels. A man living in a provincial village bellows perversity and heals the afflicted (of mind) and then heads straight for the capital to overthrow the corrupt priests or ruling elite. Yet this aspect of the narrative is never taught in Churches, lest the priests are arrested for subversive activities. Religion has always served itself and the State, not its enslaved, blind followers.

And so Jesus, with a new set of radical values converts many on the way to the capital which join his revolutionary clearly failed endeavour. It is perhaps worth noting at this stage some of the radical values Jesus held, which diametrically opposed the status quo of the time. Not difficult to guess, as we know today – nothing has changed – the principal means of State and personal POWER is material wealth. Now what was Jesus’ revolutionary attitude to money? He DETESTED it and those that accrue it, this is unmistakable in the text, Jesus constantly railed against the rich and money, he probably never carried it as he always asked for it to be produced when making certain declarations about it. Yet today, as then, religious institutions overflow with money which they parasitically obtain from their ignorant, enslaved followers. In fact Jesus’ attitude is made clear early in the Gospel of Luke, which section is known as the ‘Temptation of Christ.’

What happened? Well, after performing certain traditional austerities in the desert, the ‘great adversary’ appeared before him to tempt and test his resolve and character. After failing to trick Jesus, the adversary pulled his last card and promised all the wealth and State power in the known world if Jesus would serve him. Jesus’ response was, go fuck yourself, arsehole, in as many words! Who could miss the point which is reinforced throughout the text? Yet Christians today work like slaves for the State, owned and ruled by Satan, and worship money, Satan’s excrement, by allowing it to rule their lives. Do you now see how DEVIOUS men rule other other men by contorting and twisting meaning, reality/TRUTH, which is as plain as day -- in the NT Truth is displaced by the lies and deceptions of religious teachers; yet where are the eyes to see the plain facts and blatant textual meaning? Blinded by age-old tricks of persuasion learned over the millennia, declaring that black is white (inversion) and the sky is green or polka dot -- give me a break, you religious morons!

If Christians truly followed Jesus our corrupt and clearly criminal oppressive States would not exist and concentrations of deceitfully accrued wealth would not exist, however, the reverse is the prevailing reality today, the disparity of wealth in all societies today almost exceeds that in the times of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, O man, how PATHETIC you are in REALITY, and the cause is easily traced back to YOU forfeiting your FREEDOM, sovereignty and surrendering your birth inheritance to evil men.

Furthermore, you kill, torture and oppress your fellow men for these same nefarious criminals and fraudsters; corrupt ruling elites never fight wars they create them for PROFIT but YOU do all the dying and fighting, you dumb, ignorant fucks! I WAS going to elaborate further, but frankly YOU make me sick, to hell with you all and in that endeavour, you need no help from me.

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